Re: Bit Char-G in latest Kmart catalog

  • Posts: 5952

my girlfriend reports that the motor colour she saw was white…. this is weird.. i guess the Australian motor speeds correspond to different colours than the Bit Char-g’s. I guess a comparison will have to be done if there is no documentation…

oh.. and just like the AmericanHobbico Microsizers, there are only two frequencies: 27Mhz and 40Mhz. (the top corner of the box says TOMY then under it: Microsizers.. no mention of Hobbico)… the american hobbico microsizers are in the 27Mhz and 49Mhz frequencies..i guess now that means we have a total of 6 frequencies in the “official” bit range..

27Mhz, 35Mhz, 40Mhz, 45Mhz, 49Mhz and57Mhz.

6 in a race? whoohoo!
