Re: Bits vs. I-Racers

  • Posts: 5952

I also spent a great deal of time building a track.

I also bought Iracers first.

I also was extreemly frustrated.

I bought char-g cars and they are *MUCH* better.

Throw/sell those iracer’s away. Get a Char-g (Tomy/Tomica).

With a track build; Make it wide (Ppl say 8″ but try to keep it no less that 4″ if you can). Also, as you have a great surface, make sure the ‘walls’ of the track can be ‘rubbed’ by the car and it can still travel (Scalextric Armco would do this, but even card in strips is good). This will allow ‘less skilled’ racers still continue even though they are bouncing around and be able to keep going round tricky turns.

Have a look at the track I done:

(It’s the ‘swiss alps/moutain rally looking one with the river)