Reply To: Spider Turbo Installation

Avatar photoFelix2010
  • Posts: 34

I just logged on for the first time in a couple of months, and I saw:


I LOVE THIS! That’s awesome to hear the homegrown scene is still alive and kicking. (:

I am definitely interested in a SPIDER, and any info on availability would be great! The days of running WoahNelly FET boards and Spider FET boards are not totally gone.. I hope to have an old WoahNelly installed on a Mini-Z AWD MA010 soon, I just don’t have the micro-soldering skills.. So I’m hopefully getting a electronics pro here in the USA to do a little work for me (:

Hope to hear more about the Sider v4 production, could you please post or PM me if/when they are ready? Thanks so much!

Viva BRUSHED MOTORS and External STACKED-MOSFET boards!!!