Here’s my second Bit Char-G project in progress, a three-axle, 4WD, 2WS, dual-motor, articulated 1/100th scale semi truck.
Mods & features include, but are not limited to:
Real carbon fiber flexible lower chassis plate
Semi-independent articulation at every wheel
Two 1.0 motors with low gear sets (one per drive axle)
Bit Racer treaded tires
Choro-Q body
This is most definitely a work in progress. I will be adding more batteries, not in series for speed, but in parallel for runtime and weight. I also obviously have quite a bit of body work to do, to make it look professional.
Currently, this truck can climb a 30-40% incline, stop, back up a bit, and start again (no running start!).
Full details of this ongoing project can be found here: