Adelaide CharG club!?

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    • #9259
      • Posts: 5952

      yo. anyone from adelaide, australia? gimme a holla. we need to start having Grand Prix tournaments in SA. maybe we could also start a CharG club??

      also does anyone know of any public mini rc tracks in adelaide???

    • #15328
      • Posts: 5952

      hey cashmo33, count me in :smiley1:

      what suburb? I don’t think they are any tracks in adelaide yet, but I was thinking of making one, seeing the other projects people have done.

      a trip to bunnings could get all the necessary materials for one I reckon

    • #15384
      • Posts: 5952

      Hi, I live in Pooraka and would love to have a dedicacted mini/micro track…anyone know if theres tracks for Micro RS4’s as well? Right now a pool table is all I got. Lemme know if anything comes up =) Or a project for a local community thing wouldn’t be too much trouble I guess…I think we’ll just need more people =)

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