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- This topic has 295 replies, 20 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 7 months ago by
Morbid Monaro.
November 18, 2003 at 12:55 am #11905
I have a few micro planes an managed to influence a few of my friends into buying some as well. A good day down the park looks
like a micro airport and the circket pitch serves as a good runway
once the fools in the white clothes go away.These are some of the planes we fly..
Most of the planes flying are the ones from Dick Smith.DSE Firebird: a simple plane anybody can fly, needs a little bit of knowledge to make it fly well (bit of blu tac in the nose to stop it swooping).
DSE Dragonfly: A good intermediate plane. It has good stability and will thermal fly easily. Needs a bit of knowledge to set it up correctly too. Adjusting the tailplane screws to set it correctly.
DSE Yellow Bee: An excellent thermaling plane. It is a bit more unstable than other thrusters so most novice fliers crash these within a few minutes. Changing the angle on V tailplane improves stability.
Kitty Hawk: Similar to the yellow bee, but has a standard tailplane.
It is an easy plane to fly out of the box, even for a novice.
It thermals well and looks better than the DSE planes.Falcon: A Big electric thruster. I was supprised how big it is.
It has lots of power, is very stable, very easy to fly even in the same space as the smaller plans like the kittyhawk. It thermals very well and there is enough room for cameras and extra batteries etc.A-40 Bombadeir: This is the little red plane in my gallery. It is an excellent flyer. It is designed to fly indoors, but I fly it outdoors with the bigger planes and it looks fantastic. It doesn t really thermal, but the turbulence helps perform spectacular aerobatics. It s an easy plane to fly with a bit of experience.
We have a few other planes that are currently being built or in the post that we are keen to get flying soon.
B2, B29, Mirage, ATR72, DC3.I m interested in hearing what planes other people have, how well they fly, value for money and where you fly them ?
November 18, 2003 at 2:13 am #47982
hey trash i got one r/c plane.
its a B2 stealth plane. its RTF beginner plane which i like alot. it has two motors and uses them to steer. there are no control surfaces on the plane. it uses thrust to move.
it can only be flown in light winds 5-10km/h. it has to be hand launched but its fun and easy to fly. its made out of EPP foam and is really strong (ive crashed it a fair few times and all its needed is a little bit of glue).
to land is simple glide it in or just dont use the motors and let it land itself.
its not that fast and it can be taken by the wind real easy but thats all the fun of it.
plus they are cheap! got mine off ebay for $65 american that was including shipping.
November 18, 2003 at 11:26 pm #47993
Excellent Talldude !!
I actually have one on order from Hong Kong,
my friend ordered it, it isn’t mine. I’m saving a couple of dollars and might order a GWS ducted fan B2 in the next shipment. They look very cool,except for their clunky landing gear 🙂
Have you tried any aerobatics or thermal soaring with your B2 ? Where do you live, and where do you fly it ?
November 19, 2003 at 12:12 am #47994
the B2 i have is a very simple plane. i can manage a turns without stalling and do some dives and climbs. it is lacking in power to do any major acrobatics.
havent mastered any acrobatics yet, maybe with my next plane looking at a Aerobird from hobbyco, its 3 channel. should be fun.
i saw those GWS b2’s they look alsome but the money factor plus the fact that when (and i will) crash it would make me 🙁 hahahahaha
i fly it around my area which is sydney south near the airport. but being next to the beach i get alot of wind whichs makes flying my B2 a challenge!
Edited by – TallduDe on 18 November 2003 19:17:08
November 19, 2003 at 2:18 am #47995
Ah, sounds like you live down Cronulla way.
Parramatta and Penrith parks are a bit calmer,
and more thermals availble.You might be supprised, I think your B2 might be able to manage some chantels and wingovers with a bit of practise. Even loops if you set it up.
Though coastal air is not very helpful.I’ll let you know how much the GWS cost when the price for them comes in. You might be supprised.
How often do you crash and what is the cause ?
November 19, 2003 at 6:36 am #47998
nar i live further north of that area in brighton.
i crash cause i forget to think :clown:.
i just turn the wrong way or turn for toooo long causing a stall.
its still fun using this plane. ill have to wake up early one morning and try it again!!!!!!!!
i wouldnt mind the gws b2 actually the idea of a fan jet plane is cool. have to join a flying club if there is such a thing. sounds like you got one going anyway.(lucky).
let us know the price and you get one i will have to see it in flight!!!!!!!!!
but do these things dog fight or they simply a park flyer capable of stunts?
November 19, 2003 at 9:03 pm #48011
well i got another plane.
its like the A-40 dash you are talking about.
took it out today along with the B2. me and my mate flew it great. the thing is sooo easy to fly but the wind picked up while flying it.
it did some mad stunts we did totattly not on purpose some barrel rolls and some loops. it crashed a whole heap of times even landing on someones roof 150metres away from where we were!!!
but in the end it was alittle toooooo windy! as my mate launched it the wing had a stress fracture in it and it snapped under fulll power.
we tried the b2 aswell but it was toooo windy and it also crashed the wind just took it, no control watsoever.
so in the end of the day one plane(which i just got) is dead. the b2 will fly another day but with a whole heap of glue needed and i am currently looking for another plane, me and my mate are hooked.
we still reckon the A-40 can fly another day but with alot of work, i crashed that bad boy good and proper.
what planes do you suggest i get which can handle winds and are strong/easy to fly?
November 19, 2003 at 10:45 pm #48016
Do you have a pic of the A-40 style plane you have.
They are easy to repair and I can get any spare parts for them you need dirt cheap.
I’m really not sure which planes crash the best, I’ve seen them all come unstuck at one point in time or another. The A-40 is the one that has done best out of my planes. Though all my planes last longer than friends because I fly safer, and I reinforce them before I fly them. I’ve deliberately flown my A-40 into a tree to prove it could survive. (it flew out the bottom after bouncing off several branches). -
November 19, 2003 at 11:54 pm #48017
i couldnt get a pic of the plane (no digi cam) but i found the item on ebay
i emailed the person saying could i get parts but they said they couldnt.
i would really like to get a new wing. but if its going to be expensive i might just get a new plane. this thing flew great was so easy to fly and it did take a whole lot of abuse before it did break.
i dont want a plane that crashes just a plane that can fly in winds without being carried away unlike my B2.
the a-40 plane i got will fly another day have to solder the switch on it again. i broke it after i taped up the wing but it was too heavy and it stalled straight into the ground from 15metres up.
was a cool crash. but i would rather land it then crash it.
November 20, 2003 at 3:48 am #48025
That plane is the same plane. I’m supprised you managed to break the wing. They are though as nails. You might care to invest in fibre tape.
It makes any plane almost indestructable.
Though some of my friends can push that limit.How does $10 aus sound for a new wing with motors ? Plus postage. I combine all my stuff into one shipment to save costs as shipping is the biggest cost. Something tiny like a wing would be only something like $2 in a big shipment.
I’d buy the wreckage, but I think you may want to fix it now 🙂 Feel like you might be able to afford a ducted B2 now ?
I’ll let you know when I order stuff again.
It takes about 7 days to get here.I love my little A-40, it broke the same switch wire on mine on sunday. Soldered it on site.
I was flying it in the RAAF drop zone when 3 hercs flying in formation flew over the zone.
Looked very cool to see flying at 100ft with the hercs behind it at 1500ft. Wish I had the camera with me. -
November 20, 2003 at 4:00 am #48028
i got a giant scale p51d mustang “no electronics no eng ect.” its gonna be a while b4 i can fly it and buy the rest of my parts for it but for now its a static display.
i got a nexus 60 heli that i love just took off the tranning gear and its still in 1 peace.
and my firebird xl 100+ crashes and still flying like new only mayjor things broke are the window for the batt. fixed with a wing hinge. and my wings got coped up from crashing.
November 20, 2003 at 7:56 am #48039
hey trash where can i get fibre tape??
i am intrested in getting the wing for that price.
the B2 if its good i will buy it. im an impluse buyer if i see something real cool ill buy it and worry about the fact i have no money later.
i taped up the wing and fixed up the A-40 i reckon it can fly another day.
man that wing took some major damage today. i flew it onto a construction site hit a brick wall, i also hit a power cable and it landed on someones roof before it went all bent. lots of fun i have to admit.
so the firebird is a good plane i gather? strong and easy to fly???
November 20, 2003 at 11:07 pm #48049
I have been looking for the nice wide stuff, but I can only find tape that is 15mm wide. I get it from bunnings. I think they call it binding tape ?
When you get the new wing (or any new plane), run one strip along the underside of the wing. If your
prone to flying into things, then you might like to consider doing the leading edge, but you have to be VERY carefull. The leading edge is one of the most important parts of the plane, if you have any lumps or bumps on it, you can seriously effect flight. Same goes for anywhere on the top of the wing… placing tape or anything on the top surface of the wing is just a big no.No probs on the new wing, I’ll let you know when I place the next order for some stuff. I can get other spare parts for these planes too. How much did you pay for your A40 and where’d you get it from ?
I have some mirage planes coming too. These are smaller than the A40. I’m keen to fly one.
The firebird that dick smith sells is a good plane for a novice pilot who’s never flown before.
They fly well, though I don’t like them, they look too klunky for me. They are pretty stable
and seem to survive crashes well. I notice that all my friends FB’s have propeller cut marks on the under side of their wings.I received a pic of a new flying machine today that looks cool. It’s a styro UFO. No big deal there, seen that before, but this one only has a single propeller. The fuselage has vents in it to duct the air through, but the struts are actually blades too. The torque that normally requires a tail rotor for is used to spin the chassis and produce lift. It’s $40 aus plus shipping.
Got to have me one of these 🙂I’ll try and find a picture of it on the net somewhere and link it in.
A construction site ? Oh you really need a bigger park !
November 21, 2003 at 9:55 am #48057
well i got my plane off ebay for $15 us plus the postage was another $30. not bad all up had lots of fun flying it.
i think i know why my plane reacted so badly after i taped it up, i put tape on top and on the leading edge(im kicking myself now i did some basic aerodynmic in cadets i should of know better!). ahwell learne from your mistakes i guess.
i like this other plane on ebay its firebird outlaw only one motor and looks like rudder controls. still 2channel but it seems to be talked about positivly on the net.
i saw the B2 your talking about with the ducted fan’s. i dunno maybe the a-10 ducted fan looks better handling wish.
show us a pic of your new ufo!
and the construction site well i hit that when i was 150metres away! i really do need a bigger park!
November 21, 2003 at 10:10 pm #48069
yeah, they sting you for the shipping when you get a cheap one. Doh !
You were in the Air Traing Corps as well huh ?
It’s been a long time since I was involved with them, in the bad old days when they still had the grumpy old boys club running it. I’m sure there is a new old boys club now.You can put tape on the leading edge and top side, but you have to make 100% sure it’s as smooth as you can get it. I never thought much of it when I was in the cadets either. But when I flew my hang glider one day and it had a few rain drops on the wing… the stall speed went up big time and I had to make a run for the landing beach. You learn quite when it’s your own bum on the line.
The outlaws look ok, yep, they’re rudder control.
I was flying my kittyhawk at manilla and I thermaled it out of range.. it flew away. I drove down the road about 3km and waited for it to glide back into transmitter range and landed it beside the car. Classic !
The UFO, I can’t find one on ebay that is exactly the same.. this looks the same, except it is IR, not RC. -
November 22, 2003 at 11:50 pm #48112
well i glued my A-40 back up, looks like it can fly again (fingers crossed), but i really would like that wing if you could get it man. (PM me if you can get it soonish)
i was looking at dick smiths today and saw the plane they have there. they all look ugly but seem like they can fly pretty easily. you have them all right or have flown them all?
which one is the best one out of the lot in your opion?
i wasnt in air training core. i was in australian air league, i did it because they were cooler then scouts (by a little bit hahahahaha) and i got to fly a real plane out of it, best time of my life doing that.
i have to find another plane to get as i said before im hooked. cant decided between the firebird outlaw (single engine one off ebay) or a DSE plane. might have to flip a coin soon.
November 23, 2003 at 2:28 am #48115
Well, All the DSE planes are great for people who haven’t flown before. But if you can fly and A40, then you can fly all of the DSE planes no probs.
Yes, I think they are ugly too.The outlaw if for absolute beginners, the dragon fly is a good all rounder and the yellow bee is
the best, but can be difficult to keep in control sometimes. I’ve flown all three. I own a dragonfly.
If I had a choice of which I would buy if I was just a dude off the street.
None, I’d go get a falcon from penrith.
(barclay’s hobbies) or even a kittyhawk.
They are pretty much the same price and fly better. He also sells yellow bees and stocks spares at excellent prices. Well worth a train trip to penrith.I can get you the new wing for the A40 no probs at all and other parts, you just have to give me a few weeks. I have about 10 people wanting A40’s now… people just love to see them fly.
If you want another one, just let me know. They cost $35 and the shipping is about $20 … this varies, because the bigger the shipment, the cheaper each item gets. I can then get all the good stuff like rechargable batteries for the transmitter, spare batts for the plane, and of course enough spares to build another plane (even a new txer board). The NiCads for the txer are great, because you never have to buy batteries ever again.I’m waiting for the current box to come in. Once I have it, then I’ll place the next order. It’s my insurance that the current shipment doesn’t go missing.
Basically any plane you see on ebay I should be able to get hold of. They’re all made in china.
November 23, 2003 at 7:52 am #48122
well ill hold off buying a new plane ill stick to the A-40. its great i was just wanting another plane because i thought spares were hard to get for this item. but if you can get the spares and a whole new plane for that price. put me down for some man. but the only condition is the other A-40 has to be a different frequency then 49.860.
if you can get some in put me on the list!!!!!!!!! please :D.
November 23, 2003 at 3:53 pm #48124
ah, that’s the exact same frequency as mine.
There are 27Mhz ones availble too. I’m not sure if they are different channels on each band.
I’ll find that out in a few days. -
November 23, 2003 at 9:34 pm #48128
Yep, I can get a whole new plane for you too, and any other planes you’d like to get hold of like the mirage etc.
They also come in 27Mhz, but I’m not sure if there are different channels in each band.The next batch will probably be in about 3 weeks.
Just depends on when the current one comes in. -
November 23, 2003 at 10:42 pm #48130
how many planes are importing into the country?
im definatly intrested in the wing replacement, might get two just to be safe.
just a quick question are you getting the B2 stealth RTF as well??
because i want to modify the motors on them and was thinking that the motors from the A-40 seem to be more powerful then the B2. i wonder if i could change them??
i was doing some research and my next plane would be from following:
the kittyhawk
the firebird XL
or the Vortexcould you get any of these?
no hassles, but i will hassle you for the wings for the A-40 :D.let us know when the wings are avaiable and ill pay for them right away.
November 23, 2003 at 11:22 pm #48132
I should be able to get all of those.
The B2 is for my friend, he ordered it. Apparently the shop didn’t have any B2’s left, so has sent a B4 (whatever that is) instead. It’s supposed to be a better version.
I ordered the B29. Both cost about $40 to ship.
They’re a lot bigger than the A40, and I’m looking at other ways to send them to make them cheaper. Maybe surface, but it takes a few weeks.I my friends usually just pay me once I have placed the order. There should be no problems in getting anything you want, and I do mean anything. Think of anything RC related and some things that aren’t. Including micro wireless cameras etc.
November 24, 2003 at 12:47 am #48135
Do u have any links to A40? And how much are they?
November 24, 2003 at 3:28 am #48140
Try this. This is the one I currently have.
A strange tail draging version.
November 25, 2003 at 4:50 am #48183
It’s pretty good. But i already have a Skywolf now so i don’t need one for the while. THe skywolf is actully pretty good. Easy to control and stuff…
November 25, 2003 at 8:54 pm #48199
Do you have a pic of the skywolf ?
November 26, 2003 at 3:27 am #48209
how does the skywolf fly?
does it have a rudder control thing or is it variable motors?
November 26, 2003 at 3:42 am #48210
My B29 came in today. It looks good. (not as good as the A40’s) but still looks like a real plane.
Windy today and lots of rain, yuck. Will probably get time to fly it on the weekend.
I’m going to need a control tower and tacan soon.
🙂 -
November 26, 2003 at 4:10 am #48212
hey Trash how big is that thing? ive heared its big but how big is big?
November 26, 2003 at 4:23 am #48214
The wing span is 1 metre, the length is 70cm.
It’s not as big as the falcon thruster. They are about 1.2m wingspan. Big beginners plane.
My 737 has an even bigger wing, about 1.5m. -
November 26, 2003 at 4:39 am #48217
1 metre is that all.
but it has four engines should have a bit of power to climb.
do you reckon it could some stunts at all or just be a slow park flyer?
November 26, 2003 at 5:06 am #48218
I’m thinking it is a slow park flyer.
It’s wingspan is a bit too big to be manouverable for stunts. Will just have to wait till it gets into the air. -
November 27, 2003 at 3:16 am #48248
Got a another new plane today. Mirage.
This plane is tiny.. 30cm wingspan and it weighs about 70 grams. I flew it today, it’s fast and very touchy even in really light wind.
I hope to have some pics on my webshots later on. -
November 28, 2003 at 1:18 am #48264
The coin is a 20 cent piece.
Edited by – trash on 27 November 2003 20:20:18
November 28, 2003 at 5:26 am #48275Quote:how does the skywolf fly?
does it have a rudder control thing or is it variable motors?
Try this link for pics and a little info: The Skywolf use Flaps in the back like real planes.
November 28, 2003 at 10:21 pm #48283
That one looks cool … you mean “elevators”.
The ‘Elevators’ make the plane ‘Pitch’ nose up and down.
The ‘Rudder’ makes a plane ‘Yaw’ left and right
The ‘Ailerons’ on the wings control the ‘Roll’
They are the basics of planes…
the added control surfaces are..‘Flaps’ on the trailing edge of the inner wing
provide a lower stall speed at the expense of more drag.‘Slats’ on the leading edge also add to this.
‘Air Brakes’ are a wall on the top surface of the wing that disturb laminar airflow. They provide drag and reduce lift.
The tiny little surfaces are called trims. They
help fine tune the main controls. -
November 29, 2003 at 2:45 pm #48287
Trash it actually uses ‘elevons’.
They function the same as elevators for up and down, but go ‘one up / one down’ to turn, like ailerons.
These fly quite well.
:)uA -
November 30, 2003 at 1:42 am #48292
Ah, thanks that helps clear it up.
I wonder if they are like ruddevators, or flapervons ? 🙂
November 30, 2003 at 6:03 am #48299
whatever u call them, they make the plane easy to control.(unless it’s windy)
November 30, 2003 at 6:31 pm #48305
Took the B29 for a fly yesterday.
Looks very good and sounds awesome. Four engines humming away. Handles a bit sluggish though. -
November 30, 2003 at 9:00 pm #48306
hey traSh..
about the a40’s..
$35 + $20 shipping.. is that AUD or USD?
Also, i live only 10 mins from penrith n ive been to barclays a few times.. so what would be good for sum1 startin out..
kitty hawk , yellow bee.. or the a40? . im looking at approx 100 dollar price mark…
or i might jus go with 1/10 on road car 🙂 tamiya tl-01..
December 1, 2003 at 1:45 am #48308
That’s aus dollars. I can also get you a nicd battery pack for them for about $20 +pp (about $25) but you can get them at DSE for $30 so I sort of think the extra $5 doesn’t really matter.
I’m ordering another 5 as we speak plus the parts.
They are ready to go, I just have to pay for them. pay day is weds, so they are likely to go in the post thurs. 2 of them are accounted for, the others are still open to first come first served. If you want one then, just say so and when it arrives, I’ll let you know. Most of my friends fly at jamison park at penrith. Usually weekends about 5pm after the cricket has finished. -
December 1, 2003 at 10:15 am #48315
so the B-29 flew like a bomber then???
was considering getting one then opted for the A-40.
if you got any spare spare parts(i think that made sense) give us a yell and i will buy some man.
need to get my A-40 up and flying again. the B-2 is not cutting it!
BTW did your friend get the B-4? was it any good?
December 1, 2003 at 11:50 am #48316
well i couldnt sleep so i took my A-40 for a fly, i thought it couldnt fly again but a whole heap of expony resin and a small amount of putty latter it flew!!!
well not as great as the first time i did it but it flew well.
conidtions were great no wind at all so the plane flew well. only problem is that the the plane flys a slow banking turn to the left all the time. i think the right engine is more powerful then the left. it must of taken more of a beating then i thought :sad:.
but it flew which goes to prove even more that these planes are real tuff and fly great!!!!!!
Trash i really need that extra wing dude and maybe a whole new plane as well. PM or reply if that is possible man i really like this plane now!
December 1, 2003 at 4:34 pm #48318
Your name is the top of the list dude. They’ll be on their way soon. A few planes I have have one motor faster than the other. I was going to look at the circuit for my mirage microplane, it’s difference is cronic. I’ve notice all the A40’s have a very slight difference. It’s easiest to fix with a little bit of fibre (of gaffer) tape.
Use a small strip and place it on the under side of the wing. (not the top). The extra weight on the wing will help it fly straight. -
December 1, 2003 at 9:35 pm #48322
cheers man.
well this post is just to say that the B2 i flew for a while is now dead :sad:.
i expoy reseined the bastard so much that it has lost its ability to climb. the angle of the nose is all wrong compared to the rest of the wing/plane. also the motors dont seem that power no more all this has resulted in a plane that can not create lift.
it just does not climb!!!!!
i will retire the plane and maybe if i could be bothered strip the electronics into another foam model plane.
now im looking for another plane ohwell
Edited by – TallduDe on 01 December 2003 16:38:00
December 2, 2003 at 1:25 am #48324
Send me the B2 wreckage !
I’m extremely good with reviving dead planes, even ones which have gone to hell 🙂
In any case, I’m looking for some radio gear for
a new prototype plane I’m building.
If you’re looking for a plane to replace the B2, then just lok on ebay, let me know what you find and I’ll see if I can get it from hong kong on the cheap for you. -
December 3, 2003 at 8:42 am #48361
trash how do you charge the batt in your A-40? off the controller or with a wall charger?
i ask coz the controller charger thing is broken off mine, a part overheated and melted off!!!!!!!! damn cheap shite.
is it possible to use a batt pack with a higher voltage reading through the plane? the current one is 6v could it take more? and is it easy to make your batt packs, i was considering using 6 200mha 1.3v bit char g batts?
December 3, 2003 at 11:14 pm #48374
I’ve blown up two batteries on planes now.
I always hold them in my hands while charging.
I get distracted by something and put them down.
Last one was my mirage plane. I had a cct breaker
blow and it blacked out the house. I put the charging battery down and came back 5 minutes later to find it was toast 🙁 DOH !!I did actually try that myself. The BCG batteries work well given their size. Their flight time is less but they still have enough grunt to power the plane.
I can get spare batteries, spare transmitters, spare everything. The A-40 planes are really well supported. They’re not completely indestructable as you’ve found out, but because they are so easy to get parts for, it makes them an ideal for people learning to fly and they look great and are perfect even for advanced pilots. My boss flew his today for the first time today. Even with limited space he did ok. He only fly it into a tree once. 🙂
The B29, yep, flys and sounds like a bomber.
You got to have a lot of room for it. I still haven’t had a good flight with it yet. I did a few more training circuits with it. I need more room to fly it. -
December 4, 2003 at 3:47 pm #48388
this place has some decent planes including the a40 for sale… might have parts too 🙂
its where i am getting my sub from 🙂
December 4, 2003 at 9:44 pm #48391
i went to my local hobby store and they were selling the B-29 for $170!!
now that is a bit high for the item. it looks cool though but for that price a bit tooo much. they were selling an aerobird clone for 220 and thats a 3channel plane which can do stunts!
December 4, 2003 at 11:00 pm #48393
Yes, sounds like wings and things.
Dragonboy has some good prices there. Make sure you check the postage. It’s a killer. If you do order something, ask around to see if somebody else wants something. It’ll save on the cost of postage, that’s what I do. 🙂
December 8, 2003 at 6:33 am #48462
if i order the B2 stealth from hong kong (rcmart) it comes with that 110v charger were coud i buy a 240v one for australian AC wall thingys thanks -
December 8, 2003 at 3:04 pm #48464
The charger isn’t 110V it’s 220V, and it’s quite ok to use on australian power. Most plug packs are switchmode and can handle both 110-240V.
The plug pins are the same as the USA, just ask the company sending them to you to include a plug adaptor for Australian sockets. They cost $1 in HK, so they should basically give you one for free. Just tell them it’s the one with diagonal pins, because they often think we use UK plugs.I got a B2 in for a friend and it cost him $100
for the plane and p&p. I haven’t got a review from him because he hasn’t had much chance to fly it with the wind lately. Talldude might be able to tell you how well they fly. -
December 9, 2003 at 12:05 am #48468
yeah as trash said i own a B2 plane. they are fun little things. not much hassles and easy to fly.
when i first got it the plane would move to the right never staying in a straight line. this was due to the fact that the antenna was tape to the underneath of the right wing. all i did was remove the tape and let the antenna hang down the middle.
BUT be careful never fly in winds higher then 10kph due to the fact that these planes are light and have low power motors they will get taken over by the wind.
also when i bought my plane the seller provided a adaptor for the charger and it works fine. i use it to charge my other planes batt’s as well.
December 9, 2003 at 2:51 am #48470
yea thanks guys ill talk to rcmart
December 9, 2003 at 3:22 am #48473
so is the B2 allowed to be flown around with out a licence, like in the park and street and stuff
December 9, 2003 at 4:01 am #48475
A licence ? No, no licences for radio control planes. They are subject to the same rules as qantas jets. You’re styro plane should be kept below 300ft and not within 7km of an airport or near other operational aircraft (like hang gliders).
Basically your free to fly just about anywhere.
Some councils have signs up saying not RC planes,
but it was more a case of noisey petrol planes.
Electrics don’t have that problem, so it’s only a matter of not flying near people.
Occasionally the rangers come along in parramatta park where I sometimes fly. Some of them don’t bother me and others just like to know you’re being careful. Some are just downright “fun nazi’s”, and I often say aloud..
“Fun police are here boys, anybody having fun will be asked to leave the park”.
I also fly in my local school oval after the kids have gone home. Cops came once, and I just handed them the controls and flew another spare plane. The school security guard doesn’t bother ringing anymore. 🙂 -
December 9, 2003 at 4:20 am #48476
lol…yea authorities can be so annoying, i got a larg crcket pitch 2 fotty fields next together like 1 mins walk so i got a good spot for flying, thanks for ur help trash, wat about those hobbyzone plains, the aerohawk i think wat r they like ne good…
December 9, 2003 at 4:26 am #48478
sounds like jamison park at penrith.
where are you ?got any URL’s to those planes ?
December 9, 2003 at 4:51 am #48482
nah im in queensland Brisbane
December 9, 2003 at 5:12 am #48483
The outlaw is the same as the DSE planes. They are fine for a beginner. The others look ok, they might require a little more time to master properly. It’s hard to tell what sort of pilot people are until they crash their plane.
My girlfriend has poor association skills. The plane reacts to air currents and she wonders why it is turning when she isn’t turning it. The brain is too confused to move the fingers to control the plane. 🙂
Another friend has poor depth judgment. He’ll fly right into a tree because it looked like it was much futher away. Either that or he has poor spatial thinking.
My boss has good flying skills, he reacts quickly and can keep the plane level even on his first flight. He instead has poor commitment skills.
He decided to turn left, the plane didn’t respond quick enough for his liking, so he changed his mind to turn right. By the time he’d realised his mistake and tried to turn left again he was already in the tree. He’s now learned that you decide to make a turn, commit to it and
control the plane, don’t let it control you.The good news is that all of these can be unlearned, and anybody can fly a thruster with 5 minutes of simple practice.
Don’t try and fly until your wings are dry !:approve:
December 9, 2003 at 5:37 am #48484
damn i didnt know i was breaking the law!
i fly like 3-4km from the airport. i really hope they dont catch me. but everytime i fly my planes a council worker comes up to me to ask a few questions. they do this cause they are interested mostly, one guy even took pic’s with his digital camera and watched me flying them for an hour! i didnt ask him if he was suppose to be working in fear that i might offend the guy. 😀
i also want the firebird fighterbird just looks cool i suppose, plus they got two modes beginner and advanced. sounds interesting.
i had poor reaction time when i started )still do) flying i use to turn left or right for toooo long and wonder why the hell it would stall and spin into the ground. but im learnt to not do that these.
December 9, 2003 at 8:05 am #48486
well heres a chatroom that is dedicated to the B2
it has whole heap of reviews and mods for it
hope this helps a bit
December 9, 2003 at 3:56 pm #48495
yea thanks guys, i think i have the basics in flying i have flown my frineds .40 Piper cub and landed it succesfully so…
i seen also in this topic that you’s were talking about the A-40 would this be the one you were talking about if so i think i might place my order they look good, do have ne extra info that might help, i will probly order some spare batterys as well… thanksEdited by – peedee on 09 December 2003 11:41:10
December 9, 2003 at 4:53 pm #48499
yeah thats the plane, they are cool little things takes a hell of alot of abuse and keeps on flying.
from previous experience i would highly recomend getting a spare wing plus batt so you have extra flying time. just put in the spare bat after the first one has died and keep on flying.
also a wall mounted charger would be a good idea this would save you heaps of AA batts.
ask trash if has any A-40 planes spare he ordered a few in, maybe he has one spare. you save heaps on shipping if he does have one.
December 9, 2003 at 5:01 pm #48500
ok thanks how many charges would u get off of 8 aa batts off the transmitter
December 10, 2003 at 12:14 am #48521
I still have a few spare coming in. I didn’t order the 8aa nicd packs for the txer, but you can get them a DSE for $30.
The A40’s cost me about $55 to get in, and I have just been selling them to friends for that. The cost depends on how big the box is and how many other planes come in with them. One costs like $60, and five is just under $55 each. My friends are saying that I should be selling them for like $75 since they are better than the DSE planes which cost $130. I don’t really need the money and I’d only waste it on more little planes. 🙂
I can get the Nicd batteries in for the txer, they cost about $23.5 and I just sell them for $25
which covers any currency exchange fees I cop.
I can get the batteries by themselves for less, but I’d say just buy them from DSE.I can get plenty of spare parts for these critters
and thankfully the shipping on them is almost nothing. So you can crash them without too much guilt. I know how to reinforce them so they are almost indestructable and they are very easy to repair even when they do break.The only thing that I have noticed is that the pilots of other thrusters like the outlaw, dragonfly, kittyhawk etc. tend to be slow to respond to the A40’s jumpy flight.
December 10, 2003 at 4:40 am #48526
i saw on ebay a-40’s for $25US + $20US for shipping from Hong kong..
This comes with 220V AC charger and batt so its ready to fly..
heres a link:
Would this be completely ready to fly nothing else needed? Cos it says it has batt pack and charger included..I emailed the guy and he sed he could get it for that price anytime.. so :smiley16:.. hehe
Anyways, i therefore think keep ur prices cheap trash 😉 hehehe 🙂
Edited by – icebreaka on 09 December 2003 23:45:13
Edited by – icebreaka on 10 December 2003 18:30:07
December 10, 2003 at 7:07 am #48530
hey trash any word when those planes are landing???
kinda need to fly soon :D:D:D
still interested in my B2 dude? ask and you shall receive.
December 10, 2003 at 11:55 pm #48550
damn that plane comes with a Ni-Cd 1000mAh 9.6V RECHARGEABLE BATTERY INCLUDED !!! is that for the plane itself?? or the controller??
i know this guy whos selling this plane he has some damn cheap planes for sale on ebay. i just bought a mirage plane off him for 9.99 US$ plus $18 shipping with the ozzie dollar so strong thats not a bad price at all.
he also has a Falcon rc plane for $20 US is that a good price and is it a good plane?
December 11, 2003 at 12:29 am #48551
That’s a good price. I got a mirage and it cost me $45 aud to get it here. Doh !
Let me know how it flys for you. They are really touchy (you think the A40 jumps about).
Mine flys like an angry bee, you got to have fast reflexs.Yep, rule #1 about buying stuff overseas, there is always somebody cheaper further down the road.
I’ll probably order A40’s from that guy next time I get more in. Does he have other flying stuff ?
If he can do them for that price, ask him what he can do for five.
I’d love to find the factory that makes them, they probably sell 100 for $5 each. Wouldn’t that be nice ! -
December 11, 2003 at 7:02 am #48567
yeh he can go cheaper for 5 a-40 planes:
“I can offer you at the price $41 each if you buy 5.
Total = 5 x 41 = $205. US
Shipping via air is included.”
So this price already includes shipping, and it comes with the transmitter battery and charger.
So i think that’s pretty cheap? hehe
December 11, 2003 at 9:06 pm #48588
US dollars ??
41/0.73=$56.15 aud.
Which is what I get them for. But I don’t get the txer battery and charger. doh ! 🙂
They actually cost even less than that. I bought my first one in the market in HK for $20aud.
It was 3cm too long to carry on in hand luggage and the silly woman at the security checkin wanted to make me put it in with the other luggage.
No way was I going to go back and stand in that HUGE queue, so I took the lid off and karate chopped the end off the styrofoam in front of her.
“THERE … now it fits !”“Ok sir, please go thru”
December 11, 2003 at 9:57 pm #48590
lol.. hahahahaha..
wow $20 aud for a remote control plane!!? wow who ever thought they would go this cheap..
About flying planes, what is the minimum amount of space you need for say flying an A-40?
December 11, 2003 at 9:59 pm #48591
i had that problem with a beer stein! it wouldnt fit in my small bag so i had to throw out all my cloths when i came back from Europe.
just as a matter of intrest is it better to fly in really humid conditions?
cause today was really humid but no wind? does humidity create thermal updrafts or whatever they are?
December 12, 2003 at 12:17 am #48598
The single channel RC helicopters were selling for $10 last time I was in HK. RC stuff is very cheap there. BCG clones sell for about $5 and the tomys for about $15.
I was flying on the hockey oval at my local school today. I guess I’ll blow my own trumpet and say that I’m an advanced pilot for A40’s
and flying in that amount of space is easy for me.I would recomend a cricket pitch size space to fly in for a begginer. It gives you lots of room for error.
A few of my friends have broken the wings on their planes already because they were too keen to fly and couldn’t wait for a calm day. Or learn to “fly the plane” instead they power on and the plane is in the air doing it’s own thing !
Flying in Humid conditions… straight to the most complex subject in aeronaughtics ! 10 points for that question.
Humid air tends to be hotter than surrounding air, (not always) and it is usually more bouyant.
(ligther) and thinner. (lower pressure).You’re probably familiar with hot air rising in bubbles as thermals. As the sun gets low on the horizon and it no longer heats the ground, things like trees which release a lot of water into the air create high humidity in that area. As the air cools around the trees, a thermal of humid air can pop off from the trees. But this is only useful to pilots of small aircraft like paragliders and RC planes looking for lift.
For everybody else, higher humidity (and lower air pressure and higher temp) cause the plane not to lift as well. There are some airports like Mexico City that have 12000ft runways.
Planes feel like they are driving to their destination. As they scream down the runway the plane barely lifts of the ground as they try to climb and they’ll collect some leaves from the trees in the park on their way out.
Compared to somewhere like Moscow in winter where the air is cold and dry, a fully loaded An-124 will takeoff like the space shuttle 🙂But for your little RC plane, you probably won’t notice the difference. Just stay away from those trees !!!! 🙂
December 12, 2003 at 1:10 am #48599
cool thanks for the info
i noticed when i was flyin my A-40 in the moring that even flyin over a little mound (hill mole hill whatever) i got some upward lift. i have noticed that near trees my plane is hard to control, that would explain it! i blame nature not my flyin abilities :smiley16:.
when i was in Jordan near the dead sea my mate who is a pilot said something that due to area being lower then sea level that it would be a great area to fly in due to lift being so easy. why is that i forgot his explnation and im tryin to rack my brain to remember.
anyway im really bored due to uni break and usin my brain for no good reasons here due to fact that my planes are grounded and i want to make sure that i can fly em prpoerly next time!
December 12, 2003 at 3:32 am #48600
I don’t know the dead sea area, but I think that his idea of cool is to fly 100m below sea level.
My idea of cool is to fly on a morning glory. 🙂yep, I have a small change in level between two ovals at the school. If the wind is from the right dirrection it provides lift. IF the wind is from the other way, then it creates sink.
Wind blowing through trees causes BIG turbulence.
Often called ‘rotor’. Downwind of anything will cause it and that’s what makes you plane go ape sh1t.
If you’re on the upwind side of the trees they will provide lift just above and in front of them.
Unfortunately, my friends think that this means they can fly anywhere in front of a tree.
They get caught in the wind gradient and it lifts the wing closest to them and into the tree they go !!!I’ve got plenty of tips for new guys learning to fly. The most important is don’t be too eager to get in the air, else you’ll be more eager to get back down ! 🙂
December 12, 2003 at 5:51 pm #48609
yes humidity adds to air density and creates more drag… interesting read there 🙂
December 12, 2003 at 7:32 pm #48613
Actually, I think it was the other way around.
More humid air is less dense. I know that doesn’t sound right. Gases have the same number of molecules in them at the same pressure. (Something I can’t remember from HSC chemistry)
Water being two hydrogens and one oxygen weighs
less than air, which is two nitrogens or two oxygen atoms, in a ratio of approx 75/25.
So air that has water in it just weighs less, so humid air will rise and float on dry air !Sh1t, I didn’t know that myself. As a hang/paraglider pilot, I just know that humid air rises and dry air sinks.
To make matters more interesting, as the water condenses out of the air, it cools the air down.
Now both the water and the cold air head for the ground with some serious force ! It’s called a microburst, but the TV news don’t know sh1t about weather and like to called it a ‘mini cyclone’
(A really dopey name for such an event.) -
December 12, 2003 at 10:51 pm #48616
hey trash would this battery pack from dick smiths fit in the a-40 controller?
Edited by – TallduDe on 12 December 2003 17:51:55
December 13, 2003 at 12:17 am #48618
That’s the one. I’m using it in my A40 now.
It’s exactly the same as the ones I got from HK. -
December 13, 2003 at 3:08 am #48619
trash.. interested in giving me an a40 for $20? then i’ll pay the rest in installments? lols 🙁 im broke…. but i want the plane!!!!
December 13, 2003 at 4:49 pm #48635
Hmm… let me think about it. Start saving 🙂
December 14, 2003 at 4:53 am #48646
lol.. i keep askin my dad.. but i dont see too much hope.. hehe 🙂 i wanna get it as cheap as possible.. and with the charger + batt for transmitter already.. could u find that for me trash? hehe
also, are you sure a cricket oval is enough.. i have one up the road, a small picket fenced cricket oval probably the same size as the one next to panthers stadium.. That big enough? Cos there are houses right next to it and i dont wanna lose my plane there..
Edited by – icebreaka on 13 December 2003 23:58:07
December 15, 2003 at 10:20 pm #48705
I know how you feel dude, my old man was/is an accountant. If the numbers ain’t black, he’ll be back !
Treat your old man as if he were a bank, they love to say no, but they really want to loan you the money. The planes are $55. You can use normal carbon batteries etc until you can get the NiCd’s from DSE.
So tell the old boy you’ve thought it thru and that you realise you don’t get anything in life
unless you work for it. (By this time he’ll either be listening or he will have seen through you plan).
The old days everybody used to layby stuff or save for it. I still do, very rarely do I use credit, unless I have to. In this case, you’ve decided, you have to ! hehehehe.
(consider it like selling your soul to the devil,
you want to avoid it, because it will always cost you more in the end.)The road to hell is paved with good intentions and you have to show that to the one you intend on extracting the cash from. Offer him security,
something like your bicycle. He will take it if you miss a repayment. Sounds bad, it should be.. it’s your punishment for defaulting.Now you have to work out what he’s to gain.
Education in economics is your gain, his will be interest. Again, this is going to hurt.
Lets treat your interest at something absolutely
absurb. 100%pa !! that means interest payment of
about $5 per month.
So th first month it costs you $60 (55+5)
you pay $20 and you have $40 left to pay.
Next month the interest is $5 again 40+5=$45,
payment $20, $45-20=$25
$15-20=-$5 … and you’re back in the black !!!If you miss a payment, then you dad owns your bike, which he can then sell to pay off the remaining debt. + the interest he would have got (fixed interest loan) $75. If there is any extra money left after selling the bike,you get that back.
Think it through, I think you’re dad will loan you the money if you can prove that you understand how debt works and how he will gain from your willingness to learn.
[my god, I’ve created an accountant !!!]
Mahahahahahahahahahahah 👿If the worst comes to it, they are very easy to get hold of, and can get them anytime for you.
December 15, 2003 at 10:24 pm #48706
The A40’s arrived today kiddies, PM me if you want one
December 15, 2003 at 10:30 pm #48707
We fly near the gridiron (american footbal field)
at Jamison park. We use the cricket oval in front of the three trees beside the gridiron. I was flying there again this morning. If you have UHF CB, calling on ch22 will get somebody’s attention
who flys there. -
December 16, 2003 at 3:30 am #48717
how many a40’s you got trasH?
December 16, 2003 at 4:30 am #48718
yes and how much are they
December 16, 2003 at 4:43 am #48719
yes.. and throw in some batteries 😉
December 16, 2003 at 4:45 am #48720
yes and shiping
Off Topic: icebeaka did u end up getting a 1:10th
December 16, 2003 at 4:58 am #48722
i have dibs on 1 so back off guys 😀
ive been waitin for these for agesssssssssss!!!
December 16, 2003 at 5:03 am #48723
i gotta c how much they are first b4 i put ma name down, hole in ma pocket blew 40 bux on rc mags this week,
December 16, 2003 at 5:13 am #48724
dude just do it u live once if your james bond twice so play hard 😀
thats my excuse for being broke two days before payday every week.
December 16, 2003 at 5:20 am #48725
lol tru, i can neva save, not with the world of rc
but heres another motto: if lifes not perfect…there is sumone to be sued
December 16, 2003 at 10:55 pm #48738
give us the price of the plane!
Did you order batt’s for the transmitter as well? 🙂
Off topic to peedee: Nah .. i was sposed to get it, cept i already told my sis to get me an xmod while she’s in america, and she’s usin my dad’s money so he sed i can’t get the tl-01 anymore 🙁 .. damn.. maybe in april when i go to america i’ll get a betta 1/10 than the tl-01 😉 maybe a tc3 or somethin :smiley16:
Edited by – icebreaka on 16 December 2003 17:57:18
December 16, 2003 at 11:10 pm #48740
:icebreaka…lol ok…tc3’s are better
trash how much for the a40’s
December 17, 2003 at 1:30 am #48743
They cost $55. If you’re interstate you might care to order them from HK direct yourself to save on the cost of postage. I’m in Sydney (parramatta) and can arrange to meet up at some point in time around most places.
If your saving up for one, don’t feel that your going to miss out, I can get more in at anytime and they take about 7 days to arrive. When five people ask me for them, I just order them and if somebody changes their mind, there is always somebody else that will take it.I have the NiCd batteries for the txer, they cost $25. I think that price isn’t very good
because most of the cost is postage. The DSE batteries are exactly the same and cost $30.
I think the DSE batteries are better and well worth the extra $5.I’ve got several other planes that I’ve been test flying myself, or that friends have. So I can pretty much tell you how most of them handle and fly, and where you can get them cheap yourself or
get them sent in with one of my boxes if you don’t have access to a credit card etc. -
December 21, 2003 at 5:45 am #48858
wat are some other 2ch planes u got
December 21, 2003 at 3:36 pm #48864
At the moment I have …
Kitty Hawk – thruster similar to yellowbee
Dragonfly – DSE plane
Dash A40 –
Dash 8 – haven’t flown it much yet
Mirage – tiny plane 20cm wingspan
B29 – 4 enginesMy friends also have
Falcon – Big heavy thruster – very easy to fly.
Yellowbee – DSE good thermaler, hard to fly
Outlaw – Easy to fly
B2/B4 – I haven’t flown one yet. Ask talldude. They look cool flying.I also have a 3ch, 737 .. I’m still working on it.
December 21, 2003 at 5:17 pm #48868
is the dragonfly basically a firebird outlaw?? and is that b29 any good looks like it would be hard to turn, i have my bronze wings so it should be ok
December 21, 2003 at 6:11 pm #48872
The dragonfly is made by the same company as the outlaw. If you mean do they fly the same ? Yes,
there are some subtle differences. The dragonfly flys faster and has a better glide slope.
Whereas your outlaw basically just hovers in for a landing, the dragonfly you have to start the landing aproach a lot further back and it will come in faster. In thermals the outlaw struggles to stay up without power, the dragonfly can fly in them with just touching the turning motor controls.The B29 isn’t as hard to turn as you might think.
It needs room but I can get it around in a cricket oval with plenty of room to spare.Bronze wings ? 🙂
December 21, 2003 at 6:21 pm #48873
ok thanks
: here in brisbane we have to have a licence to fly nitro airoplanes and u get rated by bronze silver and gold, the better ur wings the less the insurance the more powerful and bigger plane u fly and also more respect, buut the club is very closs nit
December 23, 2003 at 11:16 am #48935
trash man, what’d it cost for an A-40 and a Mirage, including postage to Melbourne?
December 23, 2003 at 3:30 pm #48938
you want a mirage … have you seen them fly ?
The postage to vic is probably about $12, don’t quote me on that… but it will be close.
Talldude got a good deal on one from usa.
Cheaper than I can get them for, you might like to ask him ? -
December 23, 2003 at 4:29 pm #48940
hey trash, have u managed to get a vid of u and the a40 🙂
December 23, 2003 at 9:01 pm #48945
Nah i haven’t seen tham fly, but i work in the back dock of a large retail store, and my dad owns a big-ass workshop… I got plenty of indoor places for it. Is $80 for one including postage good?… seems kinda steep to me.
December 23, 2003 at 9:01 pm #48946
took my a40 out early this morning, great fun it was.
was able to do some controlled left and right turns without crashing. even got to do a barrle roll which was coool.
i forgot to ask earlier but trash how high have you had these things up to?
with that mirage plane i bought i kinda want to sell it so if anyone is interested make me an offer and we’ll ‘talk about it’.
soon i will be able to do more stunts with the a40, maybe you should a tut on stunt flyin aswell trash.
December 23, 2003 at 9:04 pm #48947
I call dibs on it!!!
Edited by – Pork_Hunt on 23 December 2003 16:10:00
December 23, 2003 at 9:16 pm #48948
yeah, I have a really short clip of it, and a few blury short videos. The problem is uploading them to somewhere. If I had my linux box online I’d have heaps. This shitty dialup account doesn’t help either.
December 24, 2003 at 5:54 am #48975
Is Mirage really bad flyer or something?
And what is the wingspan for A40?
Does A40 come with spare props? -
December 24, 2003 at 6:48 am #48979
trash host videos
December 24, 2003 at 6:18 pm #48996
The mirage is ok to fly, but it is small light and very agile. They fly fast for their size so you need lightening fast reflexes.
I like the version Talldude has better than mine.
His has a standard controller and mine has a joystick with a tophat, and that makes them much harder to control.OK, here’s the specs for the A40.
The A40’s specs are ….
Wingspan: 49cm
Length : 40cm
Height : 14cm (tail) 9cm (wing)
Weight :~85grams
Stall :~15kph
Duration:~5 minutes (at full throttle)
Range : 300mThe A40 does come with spare props, but they are going to be the last thing you break. I finally broke my first one after flying into a netball post.
I find the order in which things break are…
The nose, a little bit of tape or epoxy protects it well. It’s going to get crumpled if you fly into the ground a lot. It doesn’t effect the flight of the aircraft much. Just keep the weight of extra glue to a minimum.
The screws in the top of the wing often pop out and you loose them too. A piece of tape along the top of the plane will save them.
Nose Wheel. The metal support can get fatigue and snap after a few hard landings. A paper clip is a cheap alternative or some spring steel from the hobby shop.
Wings. You’re going to break one sooner or later.
You can re-inforce them with fibre or sticky tape. The leading edge and top side of the wing should be perfectly smooth. If they do break, 5 minute epoxy again fixes them quickly. I have several fractures now and the wing is mostly epoxy. It’s starting to get heavy and plane looks a bit more sluggish. About time for a new one for me. They cost about $12-15 for a new one, and that includes the motors and props.The horizontal tailplane also breaks if you’re good at cartwheel landings. Again with the epoxy
to fix it quickly.Finally after lots of hard impacts the fuselage will probably start to show fractures. They are also cheap to replace.
I have a really short pic of one flying at …
December 25, 2003 at 5:55 am #49024
Thanks for the info trash.
Can u please post the info for the mirage? And the price for it too. THanks -
December 25, 2003 at 5:58 am #49025
Man that video is pretty rad. Could you do a breakdown of some of the other common planes, DSE ones etc… (the Mirage perhaps)
Edited by – Pork_Hunt on 25 December 2003 01:07:31
December 25, 2003 at 7:19 am #49028
Yeah…please do post a video on the Mirage.
January 2, 2004 at 9:17 pm #49123
hey all well i found a video of a A-40 in action its off some dudes ebay auction, i dont know the guy nor am i tryin to sell his product all i am pointing out is that he has a video of the A-40 flying. it has weird background music the type you listen to if you want to get to sleep, very relaxing anyway heres the link.
btw the video link in under the title video
January 2, 2004 at 10:19 pm #49127
Looks like I’ll spring for an A-40 then, looks like a very neat plane for the price 😉
I just bought a GWS A10 Warthog, though…
January 3, 2004 at 11:44 pm #49138
Mmmmmm GWS A10.
let us know how you go with it, how it flys etc.I’m looking at the GWS B2 with ducted fans.
January 4, 2004 at 12:19 am #49139
hey trash how high does your A-40 fly too? i can only get as high as the rubgy post i fly at, i finailly hit the post yesterday but did no damgae!
also how much do you charge your plane batt for i just do it till it gets warm is that the right thing?
January 4, 2004 at 2:12 am #49140
I hang onto the battery while it charges.
With the NiCd’s it takes about 3-5 minutes.
With Fresh Alkalines, 1 minute and they’re crispy.
Basically I take them off when they are really warm. Never ever put the RC down when it’s charging batteries. I’ve blown up two lots of batteries now. Doh !
High as a rugby post, that sounds weird ?
I often fly mine between 100-200ft. (30-60metres).
Is it full power on and just not climbing away ?
How long do you get out of a flight ? Is it the same duration as your other A40 ?
It just sounds like the plane battery isn’t charged fully. If your using the NiCd’s in the txer, then make sure they are fully charged.
I find that when they are a bit down that it takes much longer to charge the plane’s NiMH’s.
Switch to Alkalines in the TXer and charge the plane’s batteries. The NiMH will get hot pretty quick. (1 minute). Try it then, it should be criuzin’ !! -
January 7, 2004 at 12:15 pm #49173
yeah i flew the plane today and it was great. startin to get the hang of the thing really well now. can do up to 5 min controlled flights before the batt starts to lose its charge and it flys slow and doesnt climb as easy.
anyway i got range issue with my 27mhz plane seems to lose reception at a range between 20-30 metres. i can tell its losing reception coz the plane starts to drop and i cant hear the engines faint wine at that distance. has anyone else experienced this problem? i havent experienced it witht eh 49mhz before. that would explain why i cant get to the hights you get to trash coz my plane just drops out of reception and doesnt climb no more. i dont mind the range issue coz i like to fly the thing in real close, but i wouldnt mind seeing it fly at hieghts up to 60metres!
i tried ground launching the plane today but the tar road doesnt seem to smooth enuff where i fly coz it kept on bumping along, how much room do you need to ground launch the A-40. ill try to launch it off the net ball courts tomorrow or the day after.:D
January 8, 2004 at 5:48 am #49175
I fly my Skywolf around the height of the Footy Goal Post. The reception of it is good(haven’t get it out of control yet on a Footy Ground). THe Skywolf can just take off from a cricket strip. Constant Flytime is about 5-7min non-stop.
I think the A40 has the same stats. So i don’t think i will get one. -
January 8, 2004 at 9:51 am #49177
I got my Mirage today (big thanks to Talldude). I do love it so. I thought, “bah how hard can it be, Ill fly an RC plane, for the first time ever, in my 1/4 acre backyard, in the rain and wind.” BIG mistake, in about 2 seconds i realised it was passed the fence, I panicked and tryed to hit reverse, like you would with a car. Went straight in to the back-neighbours yard. First lesson learned.
Damn Melbourne weather, finally get an outside toy and I can’t play with it.
January 8, 2004 at 1:33 pm #49179
yeah dude you got to fly those things in like 0 – 5kp/h winds, try flying them in a gym if you can.
January 9, 2004 at 4:18 am #49185
Hehehe, Mirage flys like a cranky hornet 🙂
You should try fly it with a tophat control like I have…. it’s all over the place. 🙂I’ve notice that same problem on a lot of my 27Mhz planes Talldude. A quick listen on 27.145Mhz and I remember what’s actually on that frequency !!!
Diathermy machines are like industrial microwave ovens. They’re big and powerful and they spew cr@p out all over 27.145Mhz. Around seven hills there are a few and they really used to make life hell for CBer’s back in the 80’s.
I’m going to have a look at my 27Mhz A40 at a later date and see if I can change its frequency to something else.
Will let ya know.
January 9, 2004 at 9:42 am #49187
Lesson 2 of the mirage
Punched a nice dint in the leading edge of the wing. Any ideas how to fix it? I was just gunna superglue in a piece of styrofoam and scalpel (sp) it tomrrow morning into shape. The dint is about 5x5x2mmEdited by – Pork_Hunt on 09 January 2004 04:51:41
January 9, 2004 at 11:27 am #49188
Hey trash, your pic of manilla para looks more like weired lenticular to me!!
Forget about humidity, when are we going to get a good discussion on adiabatic lift.:D
January 9, 2004 at 8:49 pm #49193
Anyone got a pic or link to the Mirage?
January 9, 2004 at 8:54 pm #49194
search on ebay or gimme a few hours.
they are the smallest RC planes about. -
January 9, 2004 at 11:57 pm #49199
Adiabatic lift ???
Do you mean Anabatic as opposed to Catabatic ?
I did write a thing on soaring in the “Flight School” It’s releated to flying micro planes in thermals. If you want to know about the bigger thermals up higher, I can write something about them for entertainment purposes 🙂I’m not sure superglue is so good for foam PH.
5 Minute epoxy is your friend. Straighten out the crumpled foam piece and use a nice dob of epoxy.Smooth it out with your fingers. Remember that the leading edge and the top surface are to be a smooth as possible. Try keep the weight to a minimum.
January 11, 2004 at 1:05 pm #49212
well its not really lost i know where it is i just cant get to it! i was using my 49mhz plane and it was flying great when all of a sudden it just kept on climbing and climbing and climbing it got so high that it got out of reception! then it flew straight for a while and landed in a construction site! this has happened to me before but before i was able to climb the fence and get the plane now……. now the bastards have put up an electric fence. i thought they were joking or trying to scare people with fake signs but to my disappointment and shock(literally) its powered up. i can go in there tomorrow and get it when there working.
it just led me to ask this one question for trash can you get plane without controllers?
just in case you never know
January 12, 2004 at 1:08 am #49213
Yep, I can get the planes by themselves.
You know how much the wings cost, the rest won’t cost much more.I could tell you how to disable the electric fence, but it’s conected to an alarm and well, the security guard won’t be far away. I could think of several other options, but by far the best is just turn up at 6am on monday with a six pack of VB under each arm. Builders are thirsty people and easily bribed. (remeber the BLF ?)
As your you flying… you didn’t pay much attention in History at school did you ??
I tell ya a little story.
There is an island in the Mederteranian called Crete. There was a fella that lived there called
Minos. He later became King of the place. King Minos had a pet monster called the Minataur.
(The local people were a bit Ovine crazy, and I suspect a few of them got a bit intermate with some of the local livestock after a heavy night on the Knossos vino. But that’s another story)
Anyhow, Minos needed a place to keep his pet monster, he had a bad temper and aparently a taste for human flesh. He had a thing called the Labirynth built to keep both his Minataur and his enemies busy. (they didn’t have TV back then).So he had a bloke named Daedalus and his son Icarus build the sucker. Minos was unimpressed with their shoddy work. (they forgot the statue with the water fountain!) so he had them imprisoned in a tower where he figured they wouldn’t bother him ever again with their appauling taste.
With lots of time on their hands, they went a bit stir crazy. I suspect the mound on the walls that they had been eating led them to believe they could fly. (another story).
Anyhow, after collecting enough pidgeons, they soon had enough feathers to think they could fly.
They stuck them on each other with wax. (I personally would have gone they 5 minute epoxy)Daedalus was an expert at whacky stunts and warned his son about flying. Don’t fly close to the water and don’t fly close to the sun because the wax would melt.
I suspect that if Icarus lived today, he’d get sucked out of a 747 when his old man told him not to play with the lever on the door !!
I do suspect the Icarus was reincarnated flys a paraglider these days. I’ve seen him hanging from trees around Manilla on occasions !
Any greeks in your family ? 🙂
January 12, 2004 at 5:16 am #49214
yes i know now not to go to high up! its a shame that these things dont have better ranges but for like 50 bucks what would you expect aye?!
im hooked on this flying business and want to fly something a bit more advanced.(with better radios and more control surfaces!!!!!) was thinking along the lines of a GWS slow stick heared off other forums they are good to learne how to fly 3channel planes plus when you mastered the plane you can use the electronics in another plane.
i just have to find a place that sells gws stuff i guess now.
but ill still fly the A-40 i was doing some mad acrobatics with it before i lost it!
January 12, 2004 at 5:41 am #49215
check ur PMs trash. Sent u something.
January 12, 2004 at 5:55 am #49216
I broke the tail plane of the Mirage. It stalled i turned and blammo! right into the ground, tail first… Little more glue, and we’ll see how she goes tommorow
January 12, 2004 at 2:12 pm #49217
damn well it comes with learning and the great thing with these types of planes is that if you crash em they are easy to fix and if they are beyond repair it didnt cost you much :D.
just dont add to much glue to the sucker the extra weight of the glue will effect performance so glue lightly :smiley2:.
trust me i know from experience and the many mistakes i have made!!!
January 12, 2004 at 10:38 pm #49219
I’m not real worried about slowing the thing down, I’m actually thinking of chopping her down to two cells, its just to “swoopy” with 3 cells.
January 13, 2004 at 2:36 am #49221
Arrgghh !!! 2 cells will make it worse !!!
Don’t do it !!! Push the cells as far forward
in the bay, and you need to clip the two slots on the elevators and bent them down just slightly.
You mirage will then fly like an eagle !
I know these planes well 🙂I think you PM went astray leonli ? got 2 today, but none from you ?
I’m not sure how you do some of these things talldude. I haven’t been able to fly my A40 out of range deliberately while I can still see it.
They say the range is 300m. (1000ft) That is REALLY high. Most football fields are 100m long
and that is heaps of space !
Oh your head is way way way up there in the clouds. You need to upgrade to a bigger plane, with less power in the motors.
Might I suggest on of these ?
They’re easy to fly and you can pick an older second hand model up for a cheap as $300.
January 13, 2004 at 5:55 am #49223
Ahh, I was thinking that same thing, trash, but it seemed to be the amount of power that was the cause… Ill try your way now.
I do most of my flying at ungodly hours of the night, 3-4am… What would be a good way to “light-up” my plane??? SMD led? regular leds? Also, i crash alot, hehehe, can the mirage handle like a skid on the front, just to protect the props and leading edge???
January 13, 2004 at 1:36 pm #49225
yeah i know i do some real strange things sometimes, i dont mean too it just happens
there must be alot of radio interfearence where i fly my planes cause they do cut out and drop out of range when im flying them. if i wasnt so lazy i would go to another park hahahaha.
i might try another park then.
second hand gliders? for 300bucks? serious?
January 14, 2004 at 12:44 am #49227
3-4am !! Good time to fly, no wind, but not many thermals at that time of the night 🙂
I guess if you have enough light to see it’s ok.
LED’s tend to be heavy with batteries to power them. Even with lithiums. On bigger planes it would be a sinch, but the mirage comes into the
‘femtolight’ catagory :-).
Even those fishing glowsticks are too heavy and not bright enough.I wouldn’t expect there to be a lot of 49Mhz interference anywhere in Australia, except from other radio control stuff. If you really wanted to extend the range, you could buy a 6m (six metre) linear amplifier and use it. They’re a ham radio thing and would set you back a few dollars.
Slightly illegal, but I’m not one to rain on parades 🙂Same goes for 27Mhz, it’s very easy to find amplifiers for that band. 27.145 is a majorly noisey frequency. ISM band. ISM bands are the garbage dumps of radio !
Yep, a cheap hang glider starts at $300 and they go up in price from there. A $300 “Mars” glider is one of the first of the ‘safe’ hang gliders.
They fly like a house brick, so if you own one you learn how to fly the hard way. You almost have to flap your arms to stay in the air.
Other better performing ‘training’ style gliders
now sell for about $500-$1200. You can pick up a good intermediate for about $1000-$2500
Most advanced gliders are above that and a brand new novice ‘floater’ style glider is about $4500.
The top end gliders are about $15000. ouch !
Hang gliders have a good lifespan. Paragliders
are a bit more limited lifespan and cost about $2000-6000 with all the gear. -
January 14, 2004 at 9:39 am #49230
trash, could you please post a pic of the mirage and the A-40 side by side?
January 14, 2004 at 7:54 pm #49232
yeah i just booked in a tandem lesson for handgliding. its a birthday gift to myself :D. ive always wanted to do it but chickened out in the last minute…. not this time (figers crossed)
any advice on what to do when im flying through the air?
January 14, 2004 at 8:57 pm #49233
I take it is at stanwell ? Who’s the instructor ?
Look for a day with a good to strong SE breeze.I haven’t done a tandem since I learn to fly.
If you’re thinking of learning to fly, tell them so that you get some hands on flying. Most of the good tandem pilots do it as a matter of advertising and fun. People kick a thrill out of knowing that it is so easy, even they can do it.
🙂 -
January 16, 2004 at 9:50 pm #49247
yep its at stanwell its with the sydney handgliding centre.
i flew my mates aerobird today its cool 3ch planes are cool, its so easy to do loops and stuff. had a bit of a heavy landing but hey it was the first time i flew this thing. i might invest in one myself:smiley16:.
btw trash how long does it take to learne to flew a handglider? and do you still fly?
January 17, 2004 at 8:28 pm #49253
Yep, Chris Boyce, was my instructor.
It’s different for everybody, some people learn quicker than others. Generally it is about 10 days worth of training.
2 days of running around in a paddock with the glider on your back. Teaches you how to handle the glider and basically how to take off correctly. You’ll also get about 2 or 3 tandem flights to learn handling, turbulance, and flight patterns at stanwell.
Another 2 to 3 days doing short glides of a small hill. (most instructors down there use austimeer).
That’s the first you get your feet off the ground.
It’s tiring and exhausting walking up and down the hill. When you can fly perfectly on these short glides land on a designated spot, your ready
for the big hill.The instructor will have a radio on your helmet to give you some instructions of when to make turns.. the rest is pretty much up to you.
First flight will be off the hill, down the cliff face, turn and land.
You’ll do a few more of these each time with a few more turns on the hill before head down to land. Finally you be soaring along the front of the hill and each time you fly, the instructor will be giving you less guidence. Eventually you’ll know when a good time to land is and you’ll have developed good habits.
Finally you’ll do the 30 question idiot test and you’ll be free to fly anywhere anytime.
(weather and CAO’s permitted of course).If you do decide you like it…. pick you instructor carefully, stanwell park instructors tend to put a lot of effort in doing tandems rather than teaching their students. The weather is always a factor.
Yep I still fly.. both hang glider and paraglider.
I haven’t flown stanwell for a while because of some stupid rules that they have now, but that won’t bother you. -
January 17, 2004 at 9:45 pm #49254
Updated the Mirage and A40 in the same picture.
sorry for the delay. -
January 18, 2004 at 3:20 am #49255
Thanks trash, i like!!!
January 19, 2004 at 1:37 am #49256
Finally got a chance to fly the mirage, during the day, in reasonable weather, today.
After missing Sidetracked I went out to the leash-free zone in Springvale to have a fly (I had some cool stuff in the car at this stage…)
There was a fair bit of wind, but it was okay.
At one stage I hit the throttle, while facing the wind and just released the plane and it took off.
Now the only problem is I cannot figure out how to keep it in the air for over about a minute. Fair enough I get about 10, one minute flights, but still, how do I keep it up??? I have already discovered that pulsing the throttle is my friend. -
January 19, 2004 at 2:30 am #49257
Guess who has a $100 gift voucher!!!
So as soon as I get a chance (tuesday) ill be goin to fountain gate to pick me up a Firebird Outlaw
Sorry about the double/triple post, seemed like heavy reading if i just added th the last one
Edited by – Pork_Hunt on 18 January 2004 21:36:45
Edited by – Pork_Hunt on 19 January 2004 16:31:14
January 19, 2004 at 9:48 pm #49261
yeah i have heared good things about the outlaw you will get a big shock seeing a outlaw next to your mirage plane.
the outlaw looks like a monster compared!
i just bought the sister bird of the outlaw the aerobird after playing with a mate of mines plane i had to buy myself one! now this plane rocks can do loops on command and can do some cool stunts.
its still a toy rc plane but its one of the better ones out there. i just got to correct on my landings and remember to cut the engine when im going in. i forgot to turn off the motor and the wing tip hit the ground causing it to move into the blade!!
took a piece out of the wing, no biggie wing cost 20 bucks each so i learnt my lesson!
and the damn wind prevented my handgliding today it came from the north instead of SE so it has been postpond to wednesday, fingers crossed that the wind blows from the SE then!
January 19, 2004 at 10:49 pm #49262
yep, the outlaw is about 3 times the size of the mirage. It’s sluggish compared to the mirage.
Actually, the mirage is lightening fast, the outlaw is normal response.
If you check somewhere back in this thread I think I mentiond how each performs.The dragon fly is a my personal choice of the three planes. It glides well, and is rather stable. The yellow bee is pretty similar just a little more unstable in normal flight.
The mirage, mine lasts a bit longer than 1 minute. I used to get about 4 or 5 minutes out of a flight, a little longer if I climbed into the lift. I guess the longest flight I’ve done with a mirage would be 10-15 minutes. Those little batteries don’t have much left when you get to the bottom of their charge.
Welcome to the wonderful world of meterology folks. Or like I think they should have on the nightly news ….. WHEEL OF WEATHER !!!!
tonight we’ll spin the wheel and tomorrow’s weather will beeeee………………….sunny !
If you get to a site and it’s too windy …
pack up and go home. It’s just a simple faccet of flying. You know you’re going to break something if you try to fly.Such is the case with Stanwell Park Talldude…
Anything more than an easterly and it’s not flyable, it’s not worth even trying and I have seen some fools try. (ambulance arrived soon after.)You can ring the ATIS at sydney airport..
02 9667 9810 … you want wind from about 100 to 180 windspeed about 5-15 knots not gusting more than 5 knots above maximum.15 knots at 130 degrees is ideal day 🙂
January 20, 2004 at 8:46 am #49263
The batteries in mirage actually get wicked runtime, i am just too much of a hack to keep her in the air.
Yeah thanks guys, I am going to get the Outlaw tomorrow.
Edited by – Pork_Hunt on 20 January 2004 03:59:15
January 20, 2004 at 6:18 pm #49264
Check the ballance on your outlaw… they are often tail heavy. A little bit of bluetac in the nose fixes the problem. You’ll know if you outlaw is unbalance if it swoops a lot.
January 20, 2004 at 10:11 pm #49265
Just listening to the ATIS this arvo…
“wind 020, 15 to 20 knots” Good wind, wrong direction again for you Talldude… no hang gliding today 🙁
Next two days are going to be worse. NW tomorrow swinging to SW with thundrstorms late in the arvo.
Thursday or Friday will probably be your day … should be moderate SE winds then. -
January 20, 2004 at 11:09 pm #49266
damn i wish i had the power to control the wind (give a few weeks ill work on that idea)
i cant go at the end of the week! going to the cricket this thursday and its also my birthday!!!!!!!
looks like next tuersday or wednesday f not thurs or friday! it has to be done damn it!
oh yeah i am (if the winds aloow) going to do the flight with chris boyce same guy you said aye.
January 21, 2004 at 12:11 am #49267
hehehe… take a number and stand in line for the control knob on the wind 🙂
Chris is a really good pilot, and one of the better instructors. He just doesn’t put much priority on teaching as other instructors do.
You will enjoy yourself… know what it’s like to be a bird 🙂 -
January 21, 2004 at 7:34 am #49268Quote:Check the ballance on your outlaw… they are often tail heavy. A little bit of bluetac in the nose fixes the problem. You’ll know if you outlaw is unbalance if it swoops a lot.
Balance is/was fine. But I didn’t even get to empty the batteries once. I had a hard landing first off (natch) and lost the landing gear! It was 1:15 am you see. So I thinks to myself, “No wukkas, give it another shot…” pick it up, pull back to launch and the right hand prop zooms off the front of the motor and shoots off!!! I already emailed hobbyzone Australia, see if I can get replacements.
January 21, 2004 at 6:52 pm #49269
damn man 1;15am! i thought i was keen flying my planes at 6am 😀
get some more spares if your gonna order from those guys save on shipping and time. you never know when your gonna break a wing or rudder.
January 22, 2004 at 12:29 am #49277
Sounds like a dodgy fly by night operation !
Your prop shouldn’t haven’t been too hard to find.
There is a guy up here in Penrith that stocks all the parts for these sort of planes. Next time I go out there I want to see if I can talk him into considering sponsoring ausmicro. -
January 22, 2004 at 7:04 am #49280
Hehehe, I work nights, hence all my 4am posts… I should have gone back during the day to look for the bits, what a schmuck!
Trash could you see if he can get me a prop set and landing gear??? Looking around the $15-20 mark including postage.
January 22, 2004 at 5:02 pm #49283
I’ll try and find his number and give him a call for ya. Don’t forget to mention Ausmicro …the more a dealer knows that this site is responsible, the more likely they are to help support it.
I wouldn’t worry to much about the landing gear. Most of the guys that I fly with that have outlaws just leave the landing gear off.
I do the same on my dragonfly.
I’m sure he can get them and I know he has spare props.
I’ll find you a phone number later. 🙂 -
January 25, 2004 at 12:50 pm #49297
man what a great flying day i had! i flew my aerobird well this morning.
i took off from a cricket pitch and it flew really well. climbed like a dream did some high up loops and stall climb’s. but i flew very far away and it got so far away that i wasnt able to hear the motor and could barely make out the plane!!!
i was having trouble getting it back in because the wind had taken it far away from me. i had to dive down get some speed and get it closer to me. then i did some close in loops and turns. very cool indeed.
i also some how managed to land the plane on the same cricket pitch i took off from. i idnt damage the plane at all today not one strach nothing! i am so very proud of myself.
in all i did a 10-15 minute flight and i had a ball, when i landed it was the best feeling. still feeling excited so if what i siad dont make sense im sorry :D.
trash you got to get your hands on one of these if you thought the a-40 was cool this 3channel plane is awesome. you have alot more control and heaps more power.
January 26, 2004 at 12:32 am #49301
will have to check them out.
got a photo of it ? -
January 26, 2004 at 12:42 am #49302
yeah heres a photo, i didnt take the pic but it shows it in flight
heres where i got mine from. i felt lazy and couldnt be bothered going to the city and this mail order place cost eaxactly the same even when shipped to my house then hobbyco in the city
Edited by – TallduDe on 25 January 2004 19:51:19
January 27, 2004 at 1:53 am #49309
Interesting. looks a lot like a yellowbee ?
January 27, 2004 at 4:20 am #49314
kinda like a yellow bee i guesssss, but it has alot of control for what it is.
down sides are it cant do barrel rolls and the electriconics cant be moved into another plane.
but i dont mind at all. its fun to fly does loops with ease and goes fast. i like how you can control the engine so you can do level flight and save on battery time.
also if you break stuff everything is replaceable which is great for a guy like me!!!!!
January 28, 2004 at 2:11 am #49348
I often wondered why the kamakazi are portrayed as yelling out the name of a small tree as they
hurtle themselves into the side of a ship. -
February 1, 2004 at 11:43 pm #49386
anyone flown their planes as of late?
i fly my aerobird regularly and i am trying to do more stunts then loops.
February 2, 2004 at 1:33 am #49387
Too busy flying 1:1 lately. Was up central coast today.
Thought you might have been down stanwell doing that tamdem… has been good weather lately 🙂
February 2, 2004 at 6:44 am #49400
I finally picked up some 5 minute araldite, so now my mirage is mobile again, and as soon as i extract a digit, the outlaw will be out again.
February 2, 2004 at 11:44 am #49402
well first off the days i booked for handgliding were canceled due to poor weather and since then i havent had a chance to go flying! tooo many family things and work is a bitch:sad:
anyway i was flying my aerobird today and wanted to know how fast i can put this thing in a dive. i built upalitiude and from 100plus feet i pointed the nose down! i went extremely quick down and i pulled up before i snaped a wing or went too fast to recover. the interesting bit is that after i landed safely! (woohoo) i noticed that the paint off the leading edge of the wing has rubbed off, leaving a thin of no paint!
ive never seen this happen before so i must of went real fast in that dive to cause that to happen.
next is more flight batteires i do 10-15 minute flights with this batt but it doesnt seem enough so im gonna get more so i can extend my flight times and really scare the birds at my park!
trash your flying real planes now!?!?!!? ive flown a cessna 157 or 172 i cant remember the exact name, was truly a cool experience. i would do it but i aint got the cash and i aint got the skills at math to get my ploits license.
pork_hunt get that bird of yours flying dude!!! its good to hear that the mirage is up and flying again.
btw i have to do handgliding still im not chickening out i just have to put my arse into gear.
Edited by – TallduDe on 02 February 2004 06:47:17
February 2, 2004 at 10:00 pm #49416
Nar 1:1 means my paraglider and hang glider.
GA is easy to do, anybody can do it, but it’s like burning money. My old man let his GA lapse.
Whenever I fly with him, I fly and he looks out the window for a change. Did lots of powered flight stuff when I was in the AirTC.
Powered flight pilots are really nervous people,
they sweat a lot, so they need a big fan to keep their cool !! 🙂People often ask, isn’t like dangerous to fly without a motor, how do you stay up ?
Well, there I was flying along and I thought to myself.. “HOLY SH1T the motor has stopped !!”…
hangon.. I don’t have a motor !If the wings are what make it fly, how come qantarse planes need engines ?
Did you see how I took off ? Well picture 145 passangers pushing a 767 along a runway !You’ll get to stanwell sooner or later…
weather is always the decider. -
February 29, 2004 at 8:44 am #49899
Ever seen an RC get attacked by a plane??? AT the local RC airplane club a guy was flying a glider, and a starling kept diving on it, and put a few holes in the wing.
March 2, 2004 at 2:06 am #49913
When you fly hang and paragliders… the word..
“WEDGIE” ! doesn’t have much to do with the elevation of your underware, more the colour of it !I haven’t been attacked by one, but I have seen people attacked and in different ways.
The standard attack is the bird dives at and hits the nose. They only ever do this once …
It seems to give them a headache they don’t forget. Some will sit on the back of a wing and tear it with their tallons. At Canungra, the wedgie’s learned how to pull out battons from hang glider wing tips. This is funny if it’s not you, scarey if you see the bird dismantling your wing while you’re still using it !!I’ve also seen magpies learn to thermal soar by watching hang gliders. Really weird thing seeing them learn to soar from humans.
March 2, 2004 at 2:41 am #49914
well ive never been attacked by birds i usually attack them first!
the other morning i had 3 magpies try to fly in formation with my aerobird.
maybe they were trying to attack it but i quickly turned and chased them away.
im waiting for a bird to try to play chicken with my aerobird at full speed :p
April 1, 2004 at 7:55 pm #50343
Trash,could you give me some info on the A40 and availability + cost and freight to Coffs Harbour.Damn,I want one or 2 or hell I want anything that is small and flies !! thx
April 1, 2004 at 7:55 pm #50544
Trash,could you give me some info on the A40 and availability + cost and freight to Coffs Harbour.Damn,I want one or 2 or hell I want anything that is small and flies !! thx
April 1, 2004 at 9:01 pm #50347
Coffs Harbour, Postcode 2450 😉
*grins* My former home town 😉
Site Owner Guy. -
April 1, 2004 at 9:01 pm #50548
Coffs Harbour, Postcode 2450 😉
*grins* My former home town 😉
Site Owner Guy. -
April 2, 2004 at 12:03 am #50350
I just order them in (and the parts) when required. I think I still have a couple left sitting in the shed that I got in the last batch.
I’m not in the country at the moment, I’ll be back sometime next week. If you send me a PM or email then I’ll be able to tell you what I have left. btw, the spare parts are disgustingly cheap. Like $12 for a new wing with motors & props included.
I can’t remeber exactly what I got them for, but it’s less than $60 + postage. For anybody on austech they can have them for what they cost me.
Most people off the street just see them and want one there and then reguardless of price. I always take a spare nowdays, most people are happy to pay $100 after they have a go of mine and discover that they really can fly it with no training. I give them my email in case they want spares.
I usually just get spares when I get a batch of planes. It helps protect them during shipping. -
April 2, 2004 at 12:03 am #50551
I just order them in (and the parts) when required. I think I still have a couple left sitting in the shed that I got in the last batch.
I’m not in the country at the moment, I’ll be back sometime next week. If you send me a PM or email then I’ll be able to tell you what I have left. btw, the spare parts are disgustingly cheap. Like $12 for a new wing with motors & props included.
I can’t remeber exactly what I got them for, but it’s less than $60 + postage. For anybody on austech they can have them for what they cost me.
Most people off the street just see them and want one there and then reguardless of price. I always take a spare nowdays, most people are happy to pay $100 after they have a go of mine and discover that they really can fly it with no training. I give them my email in case they want spares.
I usually just get spares when I get a batch of planes. It helps protect them during shipping. -
April 2, 2004 at 1:26 am #50352
yeah those planes kick arse!
get a spare wing just in case is my motto when it comes to planes 😀
you never know when u have a brain fade and it crashes into the ground at mach speed.
but ther fun planes, easy to fly is always a good thing.
April 2, 2004 at 1:26 am #50553
yeah those planes kick arse!
get a spare wing just in case is my motto when it comes to planes 😀
you never know when u have a brain fade and it crashes into the ground at mach speed.
but ther fun planes, easy to fly is always a good thing.
April 2, 2004 at 4:09 am #50353
Star Wars RC.That would be cool.No one I can see has tried it.Darth vaders Tie Fighter,flying wing type..maybee,Mellenium falcon maybee,one day I will try my prototype drawings,X wing,Bloody hard, canard type maybee,it would be soooo cool to attack with one of these.Anyone tried to make one of these foam flyers ?? Quote: Ask or ye shall never learn !! I luv the look of the A40″s,Look out neighbours !! He He !!
April 2, 2004 at 4:09 am #50554
Star Wars RC.That would be cool.No one I can see has tried it.Darth vaders Tie Fighter,flying wing type..maybee,Mellenium falcon maybee,one day I will try my prototype drawings,X wing,Bloody hard, canard type maybee,it would be soooo cool to attack with one of these.Anyone tried to make one of these foam flyers ?? Quote: Ask or ye shall never learn !! I luv the look of the A40″s,Look out neighbours !! He He !!
April 6, 2004 at 7:55 pm #50423
Ok, I’m back in sydney…
If anybody wants them or parts …
just send me a PM and I’ll get another batch in.
I haven’t checked the back shed yet, only just got home from working in East Timor. -
April 6, 2004 at 7:55 pm #50624
Ok, I’m back in sydney…
If anybody wants them or parts …
just send me a PM and I’ll get another batch in.
I haven’t checked the back shed yet, only just got home from working in East Timor. -
April 6, 2004 at 7:56 pm #50424
oh hey, Talldude, did you go for a tandem yet ?
April 6, 2004 at 7:56 pm #50625
oh hey, Talldude, did you go for a tandem yet ?
April 6, 2004 at 11:56 pm #50429
nar mann i couldnt go the week i had free it was bad winds!!!!!!!
since then i have had uni/work/social life/family/more work/uni assignments to do.
its a shame that the winds werent favourable for me
but hopefully mid year break should be good, i cant go over easter tooo many things to do.
you should meet up with the rest of the boys for the mini z meet up trash ill bring my aerobird we can try to do some aerobatics :smiley16:
oh yeah i still wouldnt mind a a-40 plane i got the controller, 49mhz me thinks dude.
April 6, 2004 at 11:56 pm #50630
nar mann i couldnt go the week i had free it was bad winds!!!!!!!
since then i have had uni/work/social life/family/more work/uni assignments to do.
its a shame that the winds werent favourable for me
but hopefully mid year break should be good, i cant go over easter tooo many things to do.
you should meet up with the rest of the boys for the mini z meet up trash ill bring my aerobird we can try to do some aerobatics :smiley16:
oh yeah i still wouldnt mind a a-40 plane i got the controller, 49mhz me thinks dude.
April 7, 2004 at 11:10 pm #50646
This weekend should be good for it dude.
I looked at the weather chart and the next 4 days should all be E to SE winds with a good breeze.I’m heading up to Tamworth after the weekend to do some parragliding. I might even consider flying at stanwell this weekend… I’m still loath to pay the $55 club fees for the site.
It used to be free. -
May 27, 2004 at 8:24 pm #51802
flew my aerobird this morning in 20+ km/h winds. i didnt crash it, but it was hell funny seeing my plane just float in the wind with full power on.
it gained altitude qikly cause of the wind but it was real slopply in handling.
but still lots of fun!
May 27, 2004 at 10:08 pm #51805
scarey….. I’ve flown my hang glider in 40kph winds…. too me 3 hours to get down from 3000ft over stanwell, the last 30 feet were the quickest… very quick ! lot of turbulenece coming off the beech.
May 28, 2004 at 11:07 pm #51847
Now you got to ask yourself …. no happy with RC plane ? Maybe you need an upgrade ??
Maybe you need on of these …. -
May 28, 2004 at 11:24 pm #51849
sweet jesus now dats cool!
ive always wanted to mount acamera on one of my planes why not buy a plane designed to mount a camera!
“Of course, the full-size Predator was designed as an aerial platform for video and still cameras, and this functionality is shared by the scale Predator.”
with 1 mile of range im sure you could pick up some interesting footage.
maybe ill mount a camera on my aerobird first see what i can see on that first.
May 29, 2004 at 1:10 am #51850
Trash & TallduDe
please please please…
Can you bring your planes down the park when you are next going to be there…I want to see some hangtime.
May 29, 2004 at 7:47 am #51852
ill bring it next time im there problem is its a 27mhz plane meaning no one use there Z’s or else my plane is goneeeeeeeeeee
May 31, 2004 at 11:54 pm #51882
I’ll bring them down again Pete, but it’s going to be a few weeks, I’m in Thailand at the moment, not sure if I’m going to make it to hong kong..
got to work in East Timor for a few weeks, and well, then I’m might get a weekend or two in for some snow skiing, some parragliding and some RC stuff 🙂 I tells ya, it’s a busy life 🙂 -
June 1, 2004 at 6:01 am #51889
sweet man, bring them we can try some dog fighting! it will be cool
June 1, 2004 at 11:13 pm #51925
Attach some combat streamer 🙂
June 2, 2004 at 5:29 am #51935
yeah for u but my plane is a rear propeller on dude, so i got no way of cutting your yellow ribbon, unless i attach a knife to the front of it…………. i dont think that is a good idea LOL
June 3, 2004 at 12:18 pm #51975
Hey fellas, Sydney has B 29’s for $38 if anyone is interested in a cheap bomber.Damn that’s cheap..They must cost $2 to make at that price !!!
June 5, 2004 at 7:53 pm #52064
B29’s at $38… that’s a bargan… snap them up.
Wings and things sells them for $180 and the best I can get them here for is about $100 and they cost about $70-80 on the street in HK.
I know that the factories make most planes in china for about $10-30aud. but the problem is they only do wholesale and you have to order like 1000 minimum. By the time you get them in a container and customs is finished with you…. you’re much poorer than you ever expected. Doh !
I have a B29 already, they’re awesome to see flying, but they don’t turn like an A40 or Dragonfly 🙂 With all four engines running they sound good. -
June 9, 2004 at 1:02 pm #52185
Well I got my Lee B-29 today,$38,mmmm big fella.Full throttle only for flight with L/R turns,looks cool !! This will be fun ! I finally broke a prop on my A40,due in part to a dogfight mid air crash(we both survived)although I was not impressed,it was cool to watch.Trash, any chance you could swap an older(spare) 27mhz controller for a newer one as it seems to have a suss connection in the controller somewhere.Wires I can fix but electronics I havent done in a while(tap the controll and it works)it must be something simple.Just asking for a mate I bought one for.Thx
June 9, 2004 at 10:40 pm #52232
cool man, how are the a-40’s in dogfighting?
does your 27mhz have range issues btw? does it work the same as the 49mhz one?
June 10, 2004 at 12:47 am #52240
A-40’s are great fun to dogfight(crash),heaps of fun ! No range problems with the 27 mhz a-40 they fly as good as the 49’s….Ps Take a spare prop when dogfighting you may need it !!
June 11, 2004 at 7:02 pm #52304
Yep, I’ll see what I can do when I get back to Oz Cavo. I’ll get a whole heap of stuff in and have a look at the electronics too. will be a few weeks yet, but I have already started the ball rolling, I’ve told the wholesaler what I expect from him and I’ll encourage him with a goodsized order 🙂
June 15, 2004 at 4:50 pm #52418
Took my B29 for a fly on the weekend,jeez they get high.Had a good 8-10 min flight on a little breeze,cool.They come into land pretty quick I can tell ya that,must be the weight of em.You gotta be quick to set up a landing when the batt gets low but all in all a bloody good buy for $38…..No dogfights with this fella !!!
June 16, 2004 at 7:53 pm #52512
heheheh …. don’t you love the sound of all four engines going though !!
Friend an I were out the day I left doing some do fighting with the A40’s ……
head on wing to wing collision. Identical fracture at the left wing root… oh, it wasn’t pretty ! -
June 17, 2004 at 2:41 am #52523
I luv my A40 so !! Bloody great fun to dogfight I know that.It’s good to see such a cheap plane bring so much bloody fun.Better than my 049 glow,control line plane I had as a kid.If only we had mini guns to shoot each other I would be in heaven.Speaking of which,check this Rc Robot out it is shoot hot ,,,,,, Check out the 3 links on the top right.It is rc,shoots BB’s,has a video camera in its head which is displayed on the controller,all the cool buttons you need and I think it runs for 30 to 60 mins.Damn I want one but for $1000-$2000 I think I need to win lotto.There is a video link as well.GUNMAN fans will luv it !!!!!
June 18, 2004 at 8:27 pm #52571
I was looking in one of the local shops here today (bangkok) … they are selling A40’s for $120 aud, and they don’t keep spares.
I’m working on a way of getting these critters past customs as cheaply as possible… since they hit me up hard last time. -
June 24, 2004 at 10:19 pm #52796
A-40’s fly great with no landing gear,the speed is so much fun in a little wind.Loop,rolls and alot of stunts never seen before !! Hey Trash check out this $80 Helicopter,Precise Hovering so it says,Dunno,it looks good but I can’t find any reviews.Let me Know if you see one overseas it might be worth a look.I soo want a good cheap Heli !….. BLACK CONDOR RC HELICOPTER
– LENGHT-46.9cm
June 26, 2004 at 10:30 pm #52867
Ok…. something doesn’t look right there.
The first thing I notice is the controler is 2 channel. The second is that it’s a dragonfly chassis, but the main rotor doesn’t seem to have the cyclic control on it. (which would confirm only 2 channels)
I have 2 of the real 4 channel hellicopters and their electronics are the worst of the worst that I have seen out of china since 2 bob watches.The good news is that this basic chassis is what wing n things use for their dragonfly… but they do not use the crap chinese eletronics, instead they put their own picilo electronics and gyro in them. They then sell them for $800. ouch ! And I’m not even sure that includes the radio.
The same ones in HK sell for $200aud with everything ready to go. The 4ch chopper flys well if you already know how to fly RC choppers (this in not easy) so the mechanics of them are good.
Anything that has a chinese sounding name on the RC controller…. ave your cash until quality control gets a kick in the head. -
June 27, 2004 at 3:48 am #52871
Trash,what sort of 4 channel heli in HK for $200.That sounds interesting.Could you send me a link or pic.That cheap heli might be alright if make a few changes(make a rotor head,use a 4CH mini rc,servo,etc)its a good size..Home built with a good chassis if nothin else !! Put it with the rest of my rc collection.I spose the best idea is to buy a cheap heli overseas,that I can get parts 4 in Australia without much hassel,,Dreamin again.Any idea when you can order that 49mhz rx board for the A 40 ? My mate hates to watch me fly,,hehe !! I luv It……Fly High all !! just don’t crash !
June 28, 2004 at 1:40 am #52894
yep… the wholesalers in HK and Taiwan that I know stock them. I’m not sure how much they sell them for. I know that spare parts for them are also cheap, with a set of main blades costing only $20, and they don’t break very often (unless your a really bad pilot).
See if I can find a web page with them and I’ll let you know how cheap I can get them for you when I get back into australia. (I’m in East timor atm).
This is the FEDA dragonfly.. very good chopper, very bad eletronics.
ebay item: 5906407028also check my webshots page … trash0
These ones are made in Hong Kong I think… they look good but are expensive. type of UFO and Ikarus are good choppers saw something about RC robots for $160 aud.
gimme a couple of days to find them again.Ah, that was quick… one of the wholesalers in HK says he can do one for $230usd + shipping.
That is with a GWS radio, which are good, but I don’t know about the ESC. I asked him if it was still the same crappy one, but he sent me a picture of a different one to the one I have.
I’d prefer to see it running before buying one knowing the trouble I had with the previous FEDA board. -
June 28, 2004 at 6:31 pm #52915
Trash,I found this Heli its about $200 Aus.Is this the dragonfly that you were talking about.Let me know what you can get em for with better electronic gear when you get back and I think I might have to get one.
June 28, 2004 at 10:29 pm #52925
It’s just loading now … it looks like the same style chopper, at $129, it looks like a good deal.
72MHz, it isn’t a controller that I’ve seen before, so it looks ok. (hope it’s not a chinese one).
It’s the standard hong kong type price, it’s an ok deal… check their shipping costs, postage is a killer out of HK.They are a lot of fun these little choppers, they’re reasonablly indestructable.
One word of warning….. spend LOTS and LOTS of time practice flying on a simulator first. it’ll save you lots of money in rotor blades 🙂
RC helicopters are harder to fly than real ones.
I can fly both and know my vote is with the big ones 🙂 -
June 28, 2004 at 11:11 pm #52928
Are you back trash, you should of been down the park yesterday 27th, no wind not even a little bit…
June 29, 2004 at 4:39 pm #52982
Well I’m gunna convert a wrecked A-40 into Darth Vader’s Tie Fighter.RC of course,made of foam and see what happens.I have been workin on a plan for a while that should work,so I’ll keep you posted.And yes I have a plan for a X wing fighter as well and the Millenium falcon….If you can’t buy it,make it I say !! I’ve wanted one ever since I saw the movie Star Wars as a kid.If they work,I might sell the designs or make some kits.All you need is a A-40 rx board,engines and batt…Test fly on saturday..mmmmm !
July 1, 2004 at 11:54 pm #53079
You need to take a look at some of the Estes rockets. 🙂
I’m in timor at the moment, but if you need a plane or parts, I have some at home that my girlfriend can post for me. No RX boards yet, and I’m out of batteries… so I’ll order those in the next couple of days… I got to go out to NZ next week.. bloody hard life 🙂
I have my paraglider with me here in East Timor, I’ve been flying the hills around Dili. I got permission from Dili Air Traffic Control to fly, so I’ve been making the most of it. Got some good pics.
When you going to do that tandem Talldude ??? 🙂 -
July 2, 2004 at 3:03 pm #53084
Hey Trash,If I could just get a 49 mhz plane(without controller)that would be great.My friends planes need 1 rx board,1 fuse,1 wing set so they can all get their bits of one plane.Thats what happens on windy days.My A-40 is still goin strong and flies great,got so high the other day,you could only just see it against the clouds.Let me know the price if you can do it,if not I’ll wait till you get back.Thx Cavo……B-29 OH YEAH BABY it flies very HIGH…PS… How much for a full A-40 in box.Have a few people interested in buying some.
July 3, 2004 at 12:24 am #53108
I still got plenty left, and I can get more.
They’re still about $60-65 for ausmicro memebers (I got to check the cost of postage) and I usually sell them for $80 to non-ausmicro people.
The extra $20 comes in handy for wasting money testing new flying toys. I’ll share the $20 with ya so you can start test flying stuff too. 🙂They have the UFO’s here in timor for $32usd and the cheapy 1ch helicopters for $25usd.
I can see it won’t be long before you head down the coast to Middle Brother and get yourself a flight with High Adventure hang/paragliding.There is a Thai guy here who loves kites. He saw me fly my paraglider today. He now NEEDS to have one 🙂
July 3, 2004 at 1:05 pm #53114
Well my Tie Fighter had its first test flight,IT flies but needs some work.Like everything homebuilt it takes a while to get right.But its looking good.Trash,so the A-40’s are $70 ish + postage is that right ? Let me know and I’ll order some next week.Two of my friends are pilots so I used to do some flying with them at Tamworth.Thats how I got hooked on RC planes and flying..Some pilots I met are more insane than me,so I felt right at home..!!
July 4, 2004 at 1:04 am #53128
Ah, yes I often fly my paraglider at Manilla.
Another good place for people with flying dreams to visit. 🙂Yep, no probs… what frequencies you need ?
I’ll be back in Oz about wednesday and then out again friday.Crack me up …. one of the shops here now has the single channel UFO’s. There are a lot of russian helicopter pilots here in Dili, they fly the Mi-8’s. I know where most of them have dinner so I took one in there… put it on the bar and sat down and had dinner. The owner wasn’t sure what it was, I said.. special supprise.
The Russians came in and after a few minutes I turned the RC on and started flying it.
The Caos was hillarious …. 5 of them trying to work out how it was flying and who was controlling it. Every time they got close enough to grab it, up it went !
Needless to say when the game was over they all wanted one. The shop is now sold out of them. -
July 4, 2004 at 11:06 pm #53173
July 7, 2004 at 3:07 pm #53249
Trash,I’ll need one of each frequency but I’m not sure whenI’ll have the cash,next week I hope.So I’ll get back to you when I’m financed.I built a cool looking jet fuselage for the A-40 wings,so I’ll try to fly this one on the weekend.Must fix webcam so I can post some pics !!
July 7, 2004 at 7:34 pm #53258
nice pics, cant wait to strap on a webcam on my plane, should have some interesting shots hopefully.
well ive learnt two lessons today, never over charge a batt and expect it to be ‘alright mate’ and never fly a shite batt in 34km/h winds. well i over charge the bitch and it seemed to work fine so i put her in my aerobird to do some flying. it was 34kmh when i was flying and i was enjoying the ruff conditions.
my aerobird just seems to hang there almost stalling almost flying in high winds. well as i was high up the motor died 3minutes into the flight meaning the batt has run out of juice. the aerobird has a fail safe when it detects the batt is low it stops the motor but allows for controls to be used still.
well as this happened i was in a bad spot cause i was over water, to avoid my plane being lost in the water i did a hard turn and tried to safe her, luckily i got her over dry land but in the process i stalled causing it to crashed into the ground heavly.
result one broken wing( broken clean in half good effort i have to admit) bent landing gear and a slightly damaged bomb drop thingie.
but i got a spare wing and the rest can be fixed expect that batt which ill throw away and curse it for ever.
as chuck yagaer siad in his book “i had a ball” 😀
Edited by – TallduDe on 08 July 2004 07:21:33
July 8, 2004 at 1:20 pm #53281
Sounds like you had fun Talldude.There’s nothin like a perfect crash to make your day.What goes up,must come down,only the speed varies !!….Batts..The curse of all fun things !!
July 9, 2004 at 5:08 am #53325
Holy crap! This guy is crazy and rich!
July 20, 2004 at 10:39 pm #53788
hey trash i did it! after all this time i did it i went handgliding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
really really really cool :smiley16::D:smiley16:
might do the cource this october depends on time, still got uni but ill do it.
btw do you have any A-40 planes i need just the plane (internal electrics in it) plus a spare wing.
thanks man.
July 20, 2004 at 11:11 pm #53795
awesome stuff ! I’m trying to picture flying in this weather … was it SE wind today ??
how strong was it down there ?
Did you get much hands on time flying the glider yourself ? -
July 20, 2004 at 11:16 pm #53797
hey trash im looking to get a cheap.easy parkflier whats the go?
July 20, 2004 at 11:21 pm #53798
you mean on of the electrics from DSE etc ?
they’re pretty cool too. If you want to know about the a40’s … umm.. just ask a few people who own them. 🙂 -
July 21, 2004 at 12:00 am #53803
i got like 5mins of tryin to control the glider 🙂 waz cool never thought it would be so simple, i mean weight distribution! makes me think i can do it! the guy stalled it i almost shit myself but i did it whilest controlling it and i loved it, picks up so easy only a moment of loss.
the conditions were perfect! a southeasterly which was strong enuff for us to go up the coast for a bit and do alittle sight seeing mega mega mega cool.
i couldnt believe how easy it was 2 steps and were up!
there were paragliders up there today aswell, you do that right trash?
as for a cheap park flyer merc blue dikkies have good planes, i recomend the a-40 and a the firebird planes. i bet ya cavo will tell you he loves the a-40.
July 21, 2004 at 3:35 am #53805
Yeah, I do both hang gliding and paragliding.
Anybody can learn to fly, hang gliders are the bicycles of the sky. If there were paragliders up it means that the wind was light to moderate, they can’t fly in stronger wind like hangys can.
If the wind is light, you need to run fast to get off the ground in a hang glider, but most of the time the wind is moderate down there and you just take a couple of step forward and your climbing away from the hill.
I’ve flown as far north as hell hole and as far south as Mt Kiera. I’ve seen other high performance gliders head to Macquarrie pass etc.Stalls … gee, I haven’t done a stall for a while, I should practice a few more. They’re not really a big deal in a solo glider. They’re quite gentle and you don’t lose much height. (provided you don’t drop a wing and turn it into a spin) 🙂
Paragliders have canopy collapses … they look really nasty when they happen but they aren’t really a big deal either as long as you have enough height over the ground. If your close to a hill they can be a little more scarey. But by the time you look up to see what happened, they wing has already fixed itself.
The biggest thrill you get from flying at stanwell is if you make it across to the other side of the valley and can fly away. Your first training days are running around a paddock at Bulli with the glider. You feel pretty good when fly over it at 5000ft.
Hang gliding is more like being a bird, I’ve even had eagles fly close enough to touch them.
Paragliding is not so stressful, it’s like flying a couch. You just sit back and cruise around the sky. -
August 4, 2004 at 2:18 pm #54201
9.6 v DSE battery goes Bang !! Well I charged the batt,went for 2 A 40 flights.Next day I went to go flying,opened my flight bag to check everything and found my 9.6 totally cooked,melted and F’D..Went to DSE for a replacement.. S..T they said,never seen that before.Got a new batt now its too windy to fly,such is life.One of the batts in the pac shorted out and that was that.Here I was worried about cookin the A-40 batts…Fly High all !!
August 4, 2004 at 2:18 pm #54559
9.6 v DSE battery goes Bang !! Well I charged the batt,went for 2 A 40 flights.Next day I went to go flying,opened my flight bag to check everything and found my 9.6 totally cooked,melted and F’D..Went to DSE for a replacement.. S..T they said,never seen that before.Got a new batt now its too windy to fly,such is life.One of the batts in the pac shorted out and that was that.Here I was worried about cookin the A-40 batts…Fly High all !!
August 4, 2004 at 7:06 pm #54203
You’re the first I’ve heard of about the DSE batteries, usually it’s the other way, they die in the arse and have a short life. I’m not a big fan of NiCd’s. I use Alkalines and recharge them.
Problem is of course if I don’t keep an eye on them they cook the tiny NiMH’s. DOH !!! -
August 4, 2004 at 7:06 pm #54561
You’re the first I’ve heard of about the DSE batteries, usually it’s the other way, they die in the arse and have a short life. I’m not a big fan of NiCd’s. I use Alkalines and recharge them.
Problem is of course if I don’t keep an eye on them they cook the tiny NiMH’s. DOH !!! -
August 4, 2004 at 9:28 pm #54205
Hey trash.. whats the current price of an RTR a40 from you? 🙂 still around the $60 mark?
August 4, 2004 at 9:28 pm #54563
Hey trash.. whats the current price of an RTR a40 from you? 🙂 still around the $60 mark?
August 6, 2004 at 3:06 am #54229
$66. Sorry, John howard got 10% out of the last batch. I hope the next lot will be cheaper, and the spare parts are still the same.
I think I only have 49Mhz models at the moment.
I’ve been a bit slack/busy. I have enough spare fuselages and wings atm. -
August 6, 2004 at 3:06 am #54587
$66. Sorry, John howard got 10% out of the last batch. I hope the next lot will be cheaper, and the spare parts are still the same.
I think I only have 49Mhz models at the moment.
I’ve been a bit slack/busy. I have enough spare fuselages and wings atm. -
August 8, 2004 at 1:46 pm #54267
A-40’s are the go..claimed a height record on sat,could only just see it amonst the clouds and still had control.Major stunts all the way down to a perfect landing.Even had 2 vertical landings in the wind,who needs a helicopter,myA-40 hovers !! Fly High All !!
August 8, 2004 at 1:46 pm #54625
A-40’s are the go..claimed a height record on sat,could only just see it amonst the clouds and still had control.Major stunts all the way down to a perfect landing.Even had 2 vertical landings in the wind,who needs a helicopter,myA-40 hovers !! Fly High All !!
August 10, 2004 at 1:00 am #54685
hahah …. have you tried any runway landings on a cricket pitch yet ? It’s harder than it looks.
Cloud base for an A40 ! wow … when I’m flying my hang glider at high adventure and I see an A40 go past, I’ll know you’re down there somewhere cavo 🙂 You see a big blue and yellow hangy chasing you, you’ll know it’s me 🙂
I’m thinking of a manouver like the star destroyer at the begining of star wars with the Correllian Corvett ? …. roll the music …. da da dada da dada da dada:|
See if you can get one to take off air craft carrier style using only the width of the pitch !!
A good trick for a windy day.won’t be long before we’ll be doing combat. I was thinking streamers, but stuff it… I can see full on kamakazi combat happening soon 🙂
I think it’s time to pitch up some props with my heat gun…. we’re going to war !!!
August 10, 2004 at 2:48 pm #54690
Yeh,some days my A-40 just keeps climbing to the point where you go ,um please come down..other days it flies at goalpost hight,cool for a flybye !I fly my planes across from the beach(have a park protected by trees)which can be interesting when u clear the trees and hit the wind..Have landed only once on the cricket pitch (as u said not easy)but heaps of fun.As for Dogfights I could never hit a streamer but can hit the other plane in mid air (Cavo 2 Ray 1)and my A-40 is the onlyone not to need major repairs.If only I could fit a weapon…..Hahahahahh ..Razor blades on the wingtips maybee..Hehe !!
August 17, 2004 at 8:03 pm #54912
My next idea…Yellowbee engines,rx board,flight batt,put into a A-40…..its a 40’Bee! Proportonal throttle and steering,shorten props,weight might be a prob but we shall see.This thing should zoom through the sky and give me atleast 20-30 min flight.Now I just need the time to do it.And this F@#@$%^^n wind will not go away !!
August 17, 2004 at 8:20 pm #54915
hey guys.. im a strictly ground RCer until now im having uges to go for a fly whats a good cheap park flyer sorta thing (im looking for RTR propo style of thing) sumthing that parts are easyily avalibly .. also eletric
August 18, 2004 at 12:15 am #54927
I’d go for an A-40 if you’ve never flown before,bloody great fun,cheap and easily repaired.Just give Trash a yell he sells em for around $60-$70.Here’s one,Dragonfly ,2 Channels Electric Powered Remote Control Plane
– Digit proportional radio equipment
– Twin motor design
– Anti Strike Design
– Ready to flyI have a yellowbee that flies great(some do,some don’t) but if I was goin to buy a good one,this is worth a go ! I think DSE sells em around $120
August 18, 2004 at 12:17 am #54928
August 18, 2004 at 1:56 am #54933
yeh ive seen the yellow bee but its looks abit delicate for my skills.. A40 ay.. wat do i need ontop of the 60-70 bux?
August 18, 2004 at 2:32 am #54935
8 AA batteries ?? … they fly out of the box…
literally. 🙂 spare parts are dirt cheap for them too.
I tape up all my wings and bits with fibre tape. It is a little bit of weight in return for a lot more strength.The only thing I do recomend you do do, is put a piece of tape over the wing root screws. If you do hit the ground hard and they pop out, then you won’t lose them.
These planes are getting cheaper all the time, so keep your eyes out to see if you can get them cheaper than I can. Postage is the killer.
I’m trying hard to get word back to the manufacturer to make more frequencies.
September 1, 2004 at 3:05 pm #55233
I was thinking of upgrading my A40 to one of these ????
September 1, 2004 at 8:02 pm #55238
Now that’s an upgrade.Don’t forget the tape on the wings,we would’nt want to crash now would we.I might need a bigger park to fly that one.Dogfights,that I would like to see……
September 2, 2004 at 1:25 pm #55257
Hehehe …. I can see the day’s down the park when we want to use the pitch and we’re waiting for the goons in the white PJ’s to finish playing their game.
“Can you please get off the pitch or I’m calling in an airstrike !”
I’m now just waiting to see his next project. The scale X-15 to be released from the wing ! 🙂
September 22, 2004 at 10:36 pm #55644
okay now i dont feel so bad about crashing my plane last week.
heres alink to make any rc person cry 🙁
check out the vid if your brave enuff.
as for me im happy with my aerobird its all patched up and will fly again this weekend (winds prevailing)
Edited by – TallduDe on 22 September 2004 18:38:07
September 23, 2004 at 1:26 am #55646
Ahhhh !!! who does’nt love a good old crash.That’s flyin !
September 23, 2004 at 10:35 pm #55660
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !
September 23, 2004 at 10:47 pm #55661
its a sad day, lucky the house wasnt hit by that plane though!
they say they are going to rebuild it lets hope so 🙂
February 7, 2005 at 3:30 am #58388
thought Id bring this thread back from the dead as I’m gettin my Sky Dash A-40 this week woooooooooooooo!
trash, you still have spares for these babys??
February 7, 2005 at 3:12 pm #58389
A 40’s what a great little plane.I have flown mine over 100 times with a few little crashes(dogfights)and it still flies like a dream.Best fun plane I ever bought for $70.
February 7, 2005 at 5:41 pm #58390
Good to hear Cavo
I found this place, , who sell the Sky Dash for $60 and stock spares.
Should be flying mine by wednesday, weather permitting -
February 7, 2005 at 5:46 pm #58391
whoops that link should have been
Their site isnt really up yet but you can buy stuff through email.. -
February 11, 2005 at 4:45 am #58444
Well I got it midday today, got to go out just before the sun set as the wind died down. Still around 5km/h wind tho.
First few attempts failed miserably, with the worst damage being the nose getting pushed in a bit and the horiz plane snapping in 2. bit of 5 min epoxy and got back out there.
Got in some good flights of around 2 mins however could hardly see the plane due to it being dusk.
Gettin up early tomorrow for a fly, cant wait!
February 11, 2005 at 2:50 pm #58448
Cool,just remember you have to be quick on the controlls.If it looks like its gunna stall a quick tap left or right will level it out.Trim on the tail is also important to keep level flight.If your charger is the timer type(green light goes out when Batt ready)I give my flight batt another 1-2 mins but watch the temp of the batt so it not too hot.You should get 5 min +.There are some handy hints from Trash in the forum..May u fligh high !!!
February 11, 2005 at 6:58 pm #58458
Yea I’ve read most of trashs tips, good stuff..
I think I’ve gotten the hang of it ok, even manages a loop tho I didnt really mean to 😀
Had a few big crashes, hit the ground vertically at Mach 2 and ejected an engine from its nancelle. The wires caught it and ripped it to peices. Bit of time and solder later and shes apples :):)
Already snapped the wing on a run away flight (plane ended up 500 metres downwind and out of R/C range) and the horiz tail twice, but they fix up sweet.
February 12, 2005 at 8:29 pm #58466
Forgot to ask, how long should the transmitter battery pack be charged for?
Cheers -
February 12, 2005 at 9:24 pm #58467
Transmitter batt pack..charge for 4 hrs..I use a dicksmith 9.6 nicad pack.$29 with 4 hr charger works great.Just remember not to let your flight batt get too hot or they go bang…or you could just use AA batts for the transmitter ..remember what goes up,must come down,only the speed varies !!
February 14, 2005 at 2:40 am #58494
Hey trash Are u still selling a-40’s? 😀 I think i’m ready to finally get one.. IS the price still around $55? hehehe ..
February 28, 2005 at 11:14 pm #58732
I’m still here, though I’m often away working.
I’m at home this week, but back in Victoria (Lorne) for the next three weeks.
I still have a couple from the last batch which landed at $66. Customs got their grubby little mits on them and stung me. I have heaps of spare wings and fuselages too. Keep an eye on out ebay for them, you’ll probably find that they are cheaper to buy direct from Hong Kong. Just make sure you check the P&P they charge, some of them a sneaky on extra costs.
I saw a shop selling them a couple of weeks ago, $140 each. I was trying not to gag !I was flying up at Teewah near Noosa heads at xmas and I was watching one of the (dumber) students learning to fly. I’ve seen people do it with RC planes. They make a turn, but the aircraft doesn’t respond as quickly as they thought. Rather than putting more effort into making the turn, they change their mind and try to turn back the other way. Again the aircraft takes time to respond, but now it has to stop responding to the first roll and roll back the other way taking twice as long to respond.
Panic grips the pilot as the tree(s) now loom large. In a final act of desperation they realise their first turn was correct and try to turn that way, again the roll response is still slower than expected and SPLAT … they’re in the trees/hill.
Now you’d think that the thought of broken bones would be enough to compell you to do the right thing when it comes to 1:1 flying 🙂 -
March 15, 2005 at 5:42 pm #58936
hey Trash how much for a wing??
cheers -
March 16, 2005 at 4:10 am #58947
HAHaha Lol nice story.. YEh I’ll check the ebay deals then get back to you if it doesn’t work out 😀
March 19, 2005 at 11:16 pm #59027
Their $12, they come with the motors, props and also the tailplane horizontal stabiliser.
The fuselages are the same price, but I can’t remember if they have an RX board in them. They’re at home in a box and I’ve never had to replace a fuselage.
March 20, 2005 at 12:00 am #59028
anyone interested in a aerobird commander hte 3channel one for cheap.
needs new wings dats all :smiley2: .i need a new plane one that handle higher winds for my area.
March 20, 2005 at 8:48 pm #59033
How does the DSE Dragonfly turn? It says it’s two channels so i assume that means pitch and roll? What about throttle? How does it work? Are they good beginner planes?
Trash: are you laurierayr on ebay? He’s selling lots of A40s. Is the A40 everyones talking about the SKY A-40? How much and what control do you have with the A-40?
What’d be better, an A-40 or a DSE Dragonfly? Thanks. 😀
Edited by – Seatbelt on 20 March 2005 19:00:54
March 21, 2005 at 3:57 pm #59036
Both the Sky A40 and DSE dragonfly are thrusters(use throttle to climb and motors thrust to turn).A 40 is great 4 a beginner,very hard to kill,except if you hit the ground at mach 2.Dragonfly is like a big A40,same flight principal but as they say the biiger they are the more damage on impact.I have a Yellowbee which flies great(trimming very impotant to get it to fly right).I would have got a Dragonfly but they did not have when I went plane hunting.I’d go with an A 40 until you can fly good then get a Dragonfly,that way you won’t crash and have to repair it.My A40 has had over 100 flights and still going strong(even after midair crash due to A40 dogfights).
March 21, 2005 at 4:36 pm #59037
Cavo’s pretty much said it all. I don’t sell anything on ebay, I’ve been meaning to see a few odds and ends. I’ll get around to it one day.
The dragonfly and yellowbee are better thermal fliers than the A40, which is a better plane for stunts and manouvorability. They’re more fun to fly. I’ve also been meaning to make a new model I call the A44. 🙂 Basically An extra set of wings and motors grafted onto the plane so that it is a bi-plane with 4 motors and a bigger set of batteries to power it all.
I haven’t built it yet, will get around to it one day too. -
March 21, 2005 at 4:56 pm #59039
Then can you come down to Meadowbank to fly it and catch some Z action also…! :smiley2:
One day I hope:approve:
March 21, 2005 at 11:04 pm #59043
trash how much do you sell your A40s for?
How does it compare to the Firebird Scout?
Does anyone know what sort of plane this is?
Edited by – Seatbelt on 22 March 2005 16:32:46
March 23, 2005 at 12:40 am #59054
Hey Trash can you please email me at concerning buying a new wing off you
Thanks -
March 27, 2005 at 9:24 pm #59090
Mars plane looks cool, never seen one in real life though. The A40’s are $66. I haven’t bothered to import a batch for over a year now so check on ebay to see if you can get them cheaper.
Next time I get a batch of them they will come surface mail which will make them cheaper.
I have about 3 left. I haven’t checked since I only just got home from working the past 8 weeks.
I have HEAPS of spare wings and chassis. I over estimated how bad my friends and other people would fly. 🙂Did anybody get out to Avalon Airshow and have a look at some of the model planes out there ?
March 28, 2005 at 4:50 pm #59092
Yeah, they were mostly helicopters. A few prop airplanes, didn’t take that much notice. I was there for the bigger stuff 😀
March 30, 2005 at 3:52 am #59103
hehe, I was there for the small stuff. As much as I’d like to own a Catalina, I’ll have to stick with the under 500kg catagory 🙂
Somebody has a good photo of me with the paraglider and an F16 taxing behind me.
I might get a little more involved in it with the HGFA next year. They had a small display and managed to get a few people seriously interested in it. -
March 31, 2005 at 4:41 am #59116
hehe, F-15 was nice 🙂
April 8, 2005 at 2:07 pm #59230
F16 Skywolf…This is a pic of a mates plane bought for $68 (BIGW)..A bit of paint and she looks like a F16.Some home made depron wings should make it lok even better.Still has’nt flown because of the @#$%$@# Wind ! Thus the paint job…Will try to post pics in my gallery
July 28, 2005 at 10:05 pm #59684
I was in frontline hobbies in newcastle yesterday… wow.
I was looking at… well everything.. but the aircraft of course had me giggling. The most amazing one was a witch. Yes, pointed hat and flying a broomstick !!!
September 15, 2005 at 9:19 pm #59739
hey guy’s, just reading the thread & i’ve been flying for years, everything from slope soarers to big 1/5th scale gas planes & i have to admit that these little thing are heaps of fun. i scored one on ebay cheap, i had fun for a couple of days(which is lots for me) & eventually gave it to a friends son which he learnt to fly with. although there’s nothing like 3D flying it was so worth the money
June 20, 2006 at 6:27 am #29054
Okay.. After 3 years of wanting an A40 Plane, I finally bought one off Ebay $43.49 Shipped with TX batt as well.. Pretty cheap aye 🙂
Haven’t taken it for a spin yet cos I only got it today.. but it looks pretty cool I must say 🙂
One question, is it a problem if the tail wing, and the main wing aren’t level with each other :
”””””””’ Tail Wing________________ Main Wing
Like in that diagram, the tail wing is a bit slanted, but the main wing is str8.. ?
June 20, 2006 at 8:10 am #29033
Hey trash, You still got parts for A40’s?
I think I’ll be in need of new propellers pretty soon 😐
June 27, 2006 at 11:22 am #28641
I’m here, I have heaps of parts and If I don’t have them, I can get them or tell you somebody who does have them.
There are lots of things you can set on them for different performance. trading off one characteristic for another. Like pitch stability for manouvability.
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