Attn: Int’l Bit Char-G Racing Rules?

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    • #9058
      • Posts: 5952

      This is a very rough draft of a set of guidelines and rules for Bit Char-G competition I wrote up after considering the state of the hobby in relation to slotcar racing, professional RC, and other sports which have established restrictions to promote the sport in a less free-for-all manner, and also as a reaction to the supercharged 2-3-cell 3.0+ cars.

      I would like reactions, or possibly ideas on this, as probably as much as the rest of the community I want to see Bit-Char-G competitions at my local hobby store, and even the slightest bit of recognition for all the tweaking and optimizing we do from the 1/24-1/12 RC community who regard micro RC as ?toys? only.


      I would like to move to propose a set of international rules governing Bit Char-G competition as the hobby/sport gains worldwide notice with the release of official Tomy products in non-Asian countries worldwide.

      This proposal exists to acknowledge 3 main categories of experience Bit Char-G:

      I) Recreational play.

      To the most part Bit Hobby is experienced as a novelty and fun way to play with RC (Radio Control) vehicles without the need for a large investment, nor large dedication to the sport (racing tracks, etc.)

      II) Competition racing.

      This area encompasses organized races by user groups or companies sponsoring the events. Cars entering this category would be grouped in different classes based upon RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) of the motor, with restrictions on modifications and upgrades to level the playing field somewhat. In addition different official race patterns or types might be developed.

      III) Drag racing.

      With the advent of the dual, and now triple-battery mods, and the prevalence of 3.0 and unofficial 3.8BB motors, this category would be reserved for speed trials and one-on-one battles.

      SECTION I:

      Recreational play we would like to encourage as it serves as the core to all of our experiences with Bit Hobby, and allows us to continue to enjoy the hobby in a more friendly manner.

      This section we can not, and will not try to regulate.


      Competition racing should be broken down into 3 primary classes based upon motor speed as follows:

      A) 1.0BB and under

      B) 2.0BB and under

      C) 3.0BB and under

      Motors with speeds above 3.0 are restricted until Tomy releases an official Bit hobby series motor in this range.

      Further restrictions shall apply for all categories as follows:

      A) Front and Rear wheel diameter (including tire) shall not exceed that of a stock TOMY rear wheel diameter.

      B) Wheelbase (Distance between the center of the frontmost driving and rear axles) shall not exceed 2 inches.

      C) Only one motor shall be allowed per vehicle.

      D) Maximum chassis width at widest point, including tires shall not exceed 1.5 inches, and at the longest, 3.25 inches.

      E) Any methods used in vehicle construction which are designed to damage other vehicles or otherwise cause radio interference (On transmitter side also) will be forbidden.

      A weight minimum on the chassis is not imposed due to the relatively low impact this makes, although all participants must race with a full body, either scratch-built or stock. Portions of the chassis, wheels, steering, motor block, receiver, may extend out of the body or not be covered, but be intended in the effect desired for designing the look of the car (A possible minimum BODY weight might be nice to have).

      Section III:

      Drag racing, one extreme of modifications shall also be a competition sector, but with some limitations on necessary inclusions:

      A) While emphasis is placed on speed, Bit Char-G takes advantage of a 2-channel radio system to control steering and speed. Thus, every drag racer must have a functioning steering system which can be demonstrated without modification from normal racing setup.

      B) The speed must be controlled by remote, thus preventing entries which have always-on motors.

      C) All charging must be able to be accomplished off a battery-based DC power source, supplied by the participant.

      D) Times for all sanctioned races (set distance runs will be determined in a later revision) should be recorded with the name of the entrant and at least one photo of the entry with body (if any) on and one photo off. Details of construction are not required, but will aid the ?time to beat? factor.

      E) All races will be from a standing start (no movement of the wheels until the timer starts)


      With further work on refining a simple set of universal rules and guidelines, I believe Bit Hobby, and Bit Char-G will be more widely appreciated worldwide with a level playing field on which to compete.

      As more mods and products emerge, categories of competition such as Combat, Off-road, Rally, and perhaps even 4WD will emerge, and it is through a categorization of these possible variants that we will further enjoy and be able to compare and contrast Bit Char-G as a community.


    • #14330
      • Posts: 5952

      “C) All charging must be able to be accomplished off a battery-based DC power source, supplied by the participant.”

      I don’t understand the need for this one. I was planning to make a plug-in charging station for my Bits and frankly, I don’t see how it makes any difference.

    • #14334
      • Posts: 5952


      I’d like to offer my personal thanks for your effort in putting this together. Stuff like this takes AGES to get right and I can see you’ve put a lot of work/thought into the idea.

      Gotta hit the sack now (11.10pm here…. 9am Monday less than 10hrs away :smiley6:), but I will re-visit the thread and offer some of my ideas.

      Thanks again – it’s something that’s been missing from “the scene” and it’s great to have someone with the enthusiasm to get it off the ground.



    • #14339
      • Posts: 5952

      ylexot-as i mentioned earlier- these are just some ideas i was thinking of to kinda even play-but if we decide to adopt some sort of rule system then all of this can be changed… the choice to say “no ac” or other non-portable chargers was made in part to continue the spirit of portability of the bit char-g, and to also reduce some of the danger involved in POSSIBLE mods people might perform, not being wary of proper charging methods, etc. but of course, this is just my quick thought about it.

      Derek- thanks- yeah, having competed in offroad and onroad rc back when i was in highschool 8-10 years ago, there always was a set of rules everyone abided by- hanging frequency/channel stickers, proper etiquette for win/loss, etc. I was drafting this up from the position of tryign to push the hobby through establishing set “tournaments” or other events hobby stores and other venues could pursue.


    • #14430
      • Posts: 5952

      Derek and Defor:

      i can translate this guidelines to spanish or latinamerica comunities, for bitcharg’s owner’s in southamerica or spain, when final version is ok.

    • #14432
      • Posts: 5952

      Are here spanish or latinoamerican people ?? I?m spanish :smiley14:

    • #14435
      • Posts: 5952

      I hadn’t intended these to be the final version yet actually, just more of a draft I was considering to get (possible) interest in making some set of rules while i put together a small site to promote them and also serve as a little store for my mass-produced mod parts.

      QFM has set up some drag racing rules (down atm, but hopefully up soon), that might be helpful in assembling these rules.


    • #14463
      • Posts: 5952

      KR!RuLeZ: iam Chilean. I speak and write spanish.

      Por fin encuentro a alguien hispanoparlante!! bienvenido a esta comunidad.

      Defor: ok, no problem.

    • #14481
      • Posts: 5952

      I think the recreational cars should be limited to ‘stock, out of the box’ cars.

      meaning no mods :smiley1:. But then you have the problem of Jap versions compared to say a local version. Is it fair to mix them together? Or again split it to a domestic/import/open stockclass??

    • #14490
      • Posts: 5952

      when i made the categoty for recreational, my take on it meant that while such rules would exist to contol “official” competition, there would be no attempt to control unofficial racing, and that the rules would exist to promote 2, or more (possibly later, with the release of other bit-hobby rc products) types of play to which a set of regulations could be established worldwide so as to allow the results from one competition, say in japan, on a regulated track (the existance of “official track designs” would be deemed necessary) to be directly compared with the rusults from another competition in europe. Of course this is only one way that the strict regulation would work its way into the sport, but it would allow people to download track diagrams from the net for example, of the track their local competion would be playing in the next week and practice at home, etc.

      in addendum to the original “theoretical” rules:


      Modifications to Power source shall NOT be permitted, as all cars must carry a standard battery of the same voltage as those found in an official TOMY car, or similar OEM, and be connected directly, and only, to the + – input of the reciever. Trickle charging and replacement of the batteries with high-capacity batteries are allowed, as this designation is established to designate the diffeence between SECTION II and SECTION III competition only.

      In regards to any attempts at instituting these rules, I repeat that they are NOT finalized, and I am currently working on a website to promote them and set up a dialogue by which through concensus, the first release version of the rules can be made availiable.

      I am also looking for infoormation regarding measuring real-world rpm of motors. If anyone has tools or ideas by which motors can be compared, please let me know.


    • #14493
      • Posts: 5952


      Here areQFM’sOfficial “BitDra-G” Competition Guidelines. The “BitDra-G” is akey term used to identify this set of rules fordrag competition, and will serve to identify and distinguish these set of rules from any subsequent rules that emerge later on. These guidelines are for public use and is our formal proposal/contribution for a racing standard (in reference to drag racing only).

      Sorry they werent available when you asked for them, we had different sectionsseparated betw deejay40’s laptop and my computer. I also emailed them to you directly. Unfortunately, these guidelines only address simulated quarter-mile racing and Slalom, and not laps or courses, but perhaps the structure can help in the creation of your rules or better yet, perhaps you can endorse/adopt these rules for the drag portion of your proposal?

      Please note that two important elements are missing from our proposal: The section on Race Officiating, which covers how the actual race is run, like matching participants, etc… and the tracks schematic image. The race officiation section is being worked on right now, and the track pic is still in .AI format. Will be included in v1.0.

      Feedback is very welcome, and hopefully between the two proposals we can create a comprehensive standard for Bit Racing. The official“BitDra-G” guidelines are in the post below (crossing fingers that they display properly). They may also be viewed at in the downloads section.


      QFM Racing & Deejay40

    • #14495
      • Posts: 5952

      QFM Racings Official BitDra-G Competition Guidelines (version 0.9)

      1. Introduction

        1. Overview

          1. This set of BitDra-G guidelines was created to address the growing
            popularity of the micro RC hobby, particularly the Bit Hobby. The
            guideline takes into accomodation the current state of the Bit Hobby,
            including the existence and availability of types of cars, parts &
            accessories, both OEM and Tomy as well third-party, known modifications,
            and the varied spectrum of Bit Hobbyists.
          2. QFM Racing ( has created these guidelines to
            help structure, streamline and officiate simulated quarter-mile and
            straight line drag races for the micro RC Bit Hobby. Any race using
            these guidelines (including variations of) will refer to the race
            as a BitDra-G Event. This is only to regulate and create
            a standard for Bit drag racing, as well as familiarize micro RC hobbyists
            with the event. Consistency in this matter will allow enthusiasts
            to be familiar with the general idea of how the race works after having
            participated in it once before. This will eventually create a familiar
            environment for the participants, thus encouraging return participation
            in future events, and result in subsequently more organized and smoothly
            excecuted events. Use of the The use of the name Questformadness
            or QFM Racing is not obligatory in the event and is discouraged
            except when referring to the guidelines, and absolutely no fee is
            required to use these guidelines. This has been created for the sole
            reason of the proliferation of the Bit Hobby. You are encouraged to
            use these guidelines and amend as necessary to ensure a successful
          3. Because the hobby is new, it is likely that amendments will be made
            to the guidelines in the future. All future revisions will be listed
            in Section VII: Revisions & Amendments. In addition,
            a smaller number of participants or any number of factors could require
            a deviation and/or adaptation of these guidelines to ensure a successful
            race event. As such, these rules are labeled as “guidelines”
            to help structure an appropriate set of rules for any given race situation.
            If deviation is necessary, a standard form of notation would be appropriate
            to make race regulation easier (so as not to require a complete rewriting
            of the BitDra-G rules for every event). See Section VI: Rules
            for complete instructions on how to do so.
          4. It is important to note that these guidelines only address simulated
            quarter-mile straight line sprint or drag events, and do not encompass
            lap or track racing.

      2. General Information

        1. Official Tomy BitChar-G

          1. All references to Tomy or BitChar-G in this document
            includes any and all official Tomy BitChar-G products designed and
            licensed for foreign markets. This includes but is not limited to
            the JNH Compact Char-G in Australia, and the Hobbico Microsizer
            in the US. This definition excludes the Hot Wheels BitRacer
            in the US. References to the Tomy BitRacer will be made as
            such, and will not be included in the definition of a Tomy BitChar-G.
            The term car or machine are used interchangeably.

        2. Timing and Chronographs

          1. There is no official timing device for BitDra-G competition. Timing
            device and method will be stated or made available to the contestants
            along with the BitDra-G guidelines as well as any amendments during
            contestant entry or signup. Timing device and method will again be
            stated at the commencement of a BitDra-G competition.

        3. Ties, Same-Frequency Races and Official Time

          1. In the event of a tie or two competitors with the same frequency
            being paired for a race, determinination of a winner will be made
            by Official Time. The two competitors will run the full length
            of the track as determined by division, separately for an Official
            Time. Official Time is defined as a race officials measure
            of elapsed time required for a contestants car to complete a full
            track run from starting line to finish line. Track length depends
            on division. Race competitors also have the option to choose Slalom
            (See section II.D.1)

        4. Slalom Time Option

          1. In the event of a tie, or same-frequency stalemate, winner is determined
            by Official Time unless either contestant requests a win to
            be decided by Slalom Time. Slalom Time is defined as
            a race officials measure of elapsed time required for a contestants
            car to complete a full slalom run from starting line to finish line.
            Slalom must be accepted if just one or both of the contestants request
            it. Although statistically this obscure rule will rarely be exercised,
            it ensures that the contestants machines maintain the ability to steer
            if necessary. This may seem trivial since the race is based on straight
            line racing, but it is remote control and the ability to steer that
            differenciates the BitChar-G from the BitRacer and other toy cars.
            This characteristic must therefore be recognized and represented.

        5. Judges and Race Officials

          1. Judges and/or Race Officials will be determined by
            the persons or entities sponsoring the BitDra-G event. A Judge or
            Race Official is defined as a person or persons responsible for officiating
            division races, takes measure of official times, makes the determination
            of a tie, disqualification, and re-match.
          2. Judges may only participate in a division event that they are not
            presiding in as a Judge or Race Official. A Judge may not officiate
            or act in the thier capacity as a judge in any race they participate
            in as a contestant.

        6. Race Etiquette

          1. All racers, race officials, participants and spectators must turn-off
            and keep-off all controllers while a race is in progress. Only the
            current race contestants may have thier controllers on during a race.
            The time before and after each division event and between each race
            are the only permissible times the controllers may be on.

        7. Machine Failure during Race

          1. In the event that a participants car fails during eliminations and
            cannot be fixed using the same chassis, the participant forfeits the
            race and the competitor wins by default. As unfortunate as this circumstance
            may be, this rule is designed to discourage unfair advantage by contestants
            intending to machine swap during race. However, it is in the Race
            Officials capacity to allow a machine swap if he/she deems it appropriate.

        8. Ties, Disqualifications and Rematches

          1. It is the Judges or Race Officials responsibility to determine a
            tie, disqualification or re-match. All decisions are
            final. A decision may be determined by a single Race Official or by
            a collective agreement of 2 of 3 Race Officials depending on
            circumstance and available manpower. A tie is when two contestants
            cars in the same race cross the finish line at the same time. A disqualification
            is when a rule defined in this guideline has been violated. A re-match
            is when some extenuating circumstance through no fault of the contestants
            affects the outcome of the race unfairly and the race must be restarted.

      3. Track Specifications

        1. Measurements

          1. The track design is simple and accomodates several uses. It accomodates
            both 12′ foot and 20′ foot races, as well as Slalom Time determinations.
            Specifications are as follows:

            Track Length: 22′ feet or 24′ feet (see Start Box & Finish Box)
            Track Width: 24″ inches
            Number of Lanes: 2
            Lane Width: 12″ inches
            Track A Finish Line: 12′ feet total run
            Track B Finish Line: 20′ feet total run
            Start Box 1′-2′ feet before start line (depending no amount of available
            Finish Box 1′-2′ feet after finish line (depending on amount of available
            Operators Box Lane 1 Left Side, From starting line to half the length of the track
            being raced. (A=0′-6′ mark, B=0′-10′ mark)
            Operators Box Lane 2 Right Side, From starting line to half the length of the track
            being raced. (A=0′-6′ mark, B=0′-10′ mark)
            Slalom Points Every 2 feet (A=6 total, B=10 total)

        2. Markings

          1. A clear line designating the median is mandatory to help drivers
            visualize a straight line and avoid race collisions. An Actual center
            barrier is optional, but must be removeable to allow the slalom
            to take place when necessary. 1 inch tick marks should be placed
            every foot, on both sides of the track, along the length of the
            track. This is critical to visually gauging the booster effect and
            take off abilities of cars, as well as give visual feedback to both
            the racers and participants when the cars actually zip down the
            track. During Slalom Time determinations, a pylon will be placed
            on the center dividing line every 2′ feet beginning at the starting
            line. A delineator (line) should run across the width of track at
            the start line, the 12′ foot mark, and 20 foot mark. It is recomended
            you use a marker rather than tape so as to provide a smooth track

          2. Schematic Diagram:

      4. Divisions

        1. Overview

          1. BitDra-G events are separated into separate classes called divisions.
            Each division seeks to address a specific type of Bit Hobbyist and
            car configuration. A full BitDra-G competition using all divisions
            would effectively encompass the whole spectrum of Bit Hobbyists
            and range of car types (excluding track or lap races). Division
            races can be held simultaneously if enough square footage exists,
            however it is recommended that the BitDra-G competition be executed
            in division order, to build anticipation for the Super Modified
            races, as well as limit any chances of inadvertent frequency interference
            by participants and thier controllers. The divisions are as follows:

            Stock Box

            Stock Modified

            Open Modified

            Super Modified


        2. Division Classes

          1. (Tomy) Stock Box Class

            The Box Stock class best showcases the off-the-shelf performance
            ability of the Bit. This division addresses new hobbyists, young
            enthusiasts, participants who may not own anything other than a
            basic kit, or do not wish to enter a modified category. This division
            provides the most regulation to assure fair performance ability
            between the contestants BitChar-G machine sets.

            1. 12′ foot track length.
            2. Tomy BitCharG cars only
            3. Stock equipment – Box (kit) contents only
            4. Paired contestants must always race with identical motors and
              axle gearing. This rule supercedes all other exceptions, amendments
              & revisions for this division.
            5. No modifications can be made to the technical design and basic
              function of the cars.
            6. G-09 Trueno must race with medium stabius, medium tires, 9.86:1
              gearing & microB 1.0 motor unless racing another Trueno, at
              which any combination of stock box (kit) contents may be used,
              so long as the gearing and motor type match.
            7. SE JGTC cars must race with 9.86:1 gearing and microB 1.0, unless
              racing another SE JGTC, at which time the box (kit) stock microB
              2.6 and 8.25:1 gearing may be used.
            8. G-01/02/03/04 & Calsonic Racing SE must race with microB
              1.0 and 9.86 gearing unless racing another G-01/02/03/04 or Calsonic
              Racing SE, at which time the box (kit) stock microB 2.2 and gearing
              may be used.
            9. Any stock (kit) car not equipped with a microB 1.0, and 9.86:1
              gearing, must race with a microB 1.0 and 9.86:1 gearing, unless
              racing the same type of kit, at which time any combination of
              stock box (kit) parts may be used, so long as the gearing and
              motor type match.
            10. Modifications can be made to the controller.
            11. No OEM allowed
            12. No Booster cars allowed
            13. No BitRacer cars or parts allowed.

          2. (Tomy) Stock Modified Class

            This division addresses the Tomy’s upgrade parts and accessories
            market. This race class will exhibit and examine both the potential
            and limits of Tomys vision of the Bit hobby market. Bit hobbyists
            will have the opportunity to test thier custom Bit combinations
            against others. While third-party products exist to enhance Bit
            performance, this category is limited to official Tomy parts and
            accessories designed exclusively for the Bit.

            1. 12′ foot track length
            2. Tomy BitCharG cars only
            3. Stock modification parts and accessories allowed – Only official
              Tomy Bit Hobby setting parts and accessories (for BitRacer &
              BitCharG) permitted for enhancing performance.
            4. Paired contestants may use any combination of official Tomy
              Bit Hobby parts and accessories, including motors and gearing
              (motors and gearing do not have to match).
            5. Official Tomy parts and accessories must only be used properly
              in the manner and purpose for which they were designed.
            6. No modifications can be made to the technical design and basic
              function of the cars.
            7. Modifications can be made to the controller.
            8. No OEM
            9. No Booster cars
            10. No BitRacer cars.

          3. Open Modified Class

            This category is the designated proving ground for the second generation
            booster cars. This division is essentially the same as the Tomy
            Stock Modified Class, but allows clones and OEM models to participate
            as well. Booster sets inherently have an advantage over regular
            machine kits, but because many OEM and Clone machine kits come with
            a combination of higher performance parts, the playing field is
            leveled to some degree.

            This division addresses the popularity of the micro RC genre by
            acknowledging the existence and availability of the many clones
            and variants of the original BitChar-G. While Tomy ‘did’ spearhead
            the emergence of the micro RC hobby outside of Japan, it was the
            economical price advantage and faster availability of the OEM and
            Clone products that filled the void created in the international
            markets. This division recognizes this portion of the Bit hobby

            Because official Tomy affiliated retailers and distributors may
            find conflict in sponsoring an event that allows for the promotion
            of OEM and clone products, OEM and Clone participation may be omitted.
            However, if you are a Bit or micro RC enthusiast, it is advisable
            to retain this category in the interest of the proliferation of
            micro RC genre, and so as not to exclude this important market,
            which shares many of the same customers who buy Tomy’s genuine Bit

            1. 12′ foot track length
            2. OEM, Clone, BitCharG and Booster cars allowed.
            3. Paired contestants may use any combination of OEM, Clone, Booster,
              BitCharG, BitRacer parts, motors and gearing only.
            4. Parts must come from an OEM, clone, Booster, BitCharG, or BitRacer
              kit, or must be an accessory for any of the aforementioned kits,
              and is sold and marketed as such by the cars manufacturers themselves.
            5. No self-fabricated parts allowed.
            6. Parts and accessories must only be used properly in the manner
              and purpose for which they were designed.
            7. No modifications can be made to the technical design and basic
              function of the cars.
            8. Modifications can be made to the controller.
            9. No BitRacer cars.

          4. Super Modified Class

            This division is the highlight of the BitDra-G event. This class
            addresses the technical and expert hobbyists, and demonstrates the
            limitless possibilities of the micro RC hobby. It will constantly
            redefine the potential of the Bit Hobby by showcasing the end-users
            vision of it, which is limited only by the contestants ability to
            manifest his/hers ideas into an actual working machine.

            Track Length is 20′ feet. 8’feet longer than the standard length.
            Excellent or modified range is a basic mod and is considered a given
            to even ponder participating in this event. If this cannot be achieved,
            then this is not the event for you. Also, some booster cars may
            require a significant length to reach top speed when boosting. In
            reality, since you can stand up to halfway down the length of your
            side the track, you really only need to achive 10′ feet reception.

            1. 20′ foot track length
            2. OEM, Clone, BitCharG, and Booster cars allowed.
            3. Paired contestants may use any combination of parts and accessories
              (both self-fabricated and commercial).
            4. Modifications can be made to the technical design and basic
              functions of the car (i.e. 2.4v powered, 6 wheels, front wheel
              drive, IR DigiPropo, etc.)
            5. Modifications can be made to the controller.
            6. Modifications, parts, and the cars themselves must remain 1/60th
              scale or smaller.
            7. Although parts and accessories are allowed from any other type
              of micro RC car 1/60th scale or smaller, the chassis must be that
              of a BitCharG or acceptable OEM or Clone. After all, this is a
              BitDra-G Competition.
            8. No Bit Racer cars.
            9. Custom chassis or pan chassis are allowable if fabricated from
              an original Bit Chassis or OEM/Clone chassis. In tyhe event that
              the main determining factor (the chassis) is not genuine, it will
              be the determination of the Judge or Race Official if the sum
              of cars components and technology used is enough to qualify for
              inclusion. Elements to evaluate include but are not limited to
              the use of Bit or OEM/Clone parts, same or similar technology
              used (i.e. magnetic coil steering, Radio control, etc), 1/60th
              scale or smaller and overall appearance. Inclusion is permissible
              if the Judge or Race Official determines the car to be mostly
              or at least 51%

          5. Showcase Class

            This optional class is a catch-all for any cars or participants
            that do not easily categorize into the previous divisions. While
            the races are still officiated, there is no official winner. Any
            type of 1/60th scale or smaller Micro RC is allowed, as the purpose
            of this class is to showcase the technical differences between the
            dozens of micro RC toys out there. For example a Takara Digi-Q
            may race a BitChar-G or perhaps a Yokomo Petit Maru
            versus a Nikko iRacer

            There should be no previous sign-up or entry for this event, and
            the etiquette for participating is similar to that of an illegal
            street quarter-mile drag. Once all the official divisions have completed,
            Race Officials will invite the audience to participate. 2 lines
            are formed, one line for each lane. A prospective racer signals
            his/her intent to race by lining up. The first contestant steps
            forward and occupies a lane, then waits for the next competitor
            in line to advance. Once two competitors are found, the race is
            offciated, a winner is decided, and the contestants clear the lane
            for the next two participants. It is important that the winner does
            not remain for the next race, because there is no official winner,
            but more importantly, the lack of regulation for the types of cars
            involved, may lead to a vastly superior car dominating the whole

            This division event lasts for as long as the BitDra-G event organizers
            permit it. For example, the track can be opened to the audience
            for 30 minutes after the last official event. Because this is such
            a loosely regulated and informal division, organizers may run this
            part of the event as they see fit.

            1. 12′ or 20′ foot track length.
            2. Must be 1/60th scale or smaller.
            3. Micro RC cars permitted.
            4. Bit Racers permitted.
            5. non-RC cars permitted

      5. Rules Deviation and the Temporary Amendment List

        1. overview

          It is understood that not every event will have the right circumstances
          to execute a full BitDra-G competition, and it may be necessary to deviate
          and/or adapt these guidelines to accomodate the size or circumstances
          of the event. The BitDra-G guidelines recognizes this and has a standard
          method for quickly and easily amending the rules for this purpose. It
          is called the Tempopary Amendment List or simply New Rules.

          The standard notation for rules deviation is a clearly defined list
          of rules in two parts. The first part (or header) indicates what section
          of the guideline, if any, is being temporarily amended, such as III.A.5.a.
          If the rule is not addressed in the guideline at all, it is labeled
          as E.S.R. (event specific rule). The following below is an example,
          but a real amendment list would be prominently placed along side a copy
          of these rules, perhaps as a cover sheet to the guidelines, or made
          available to participants elsewhere (i.e. internet).

        2. Example:

          ESR All contestants must start from 6 inches behind the start line.
          IV.A.1 Track length for stock races is 20′ feet

      6. Revisions

        1. Overview

          This section covers the official revisions made to the BitDra-G guidelines.
          Take note to differentiate between an official revision to the guidelines
          versus a temporary amendment (See section V.A). An official revision
          is a permanent change to the BitDra-G rules. This change is made if
          the general consensus of Bit hobbyists feels a permanent amendment to
          the guidelines will better accomodate the sport of micro RC Bit racing.
          When a permanent amendment is made to the document, an entry will be
          made in the revision record (VI.C), indicating the said changes.
          A temporary amendment is a deviation of the standing rules outlined
          in this guideline, for the purpose of catering to a single event. Such
          ESR’s (event specific rules) do not imply a need for change to the guideline,
          but rather a need to accomodate the circumstances of the specific event.

        2. Administration

          The current administator of this document is listed in the administrators
          (VI.D). As the hobby develops, it is logical to turn administration
          over to the entities or event organizers closest to or having the most
          experience hosting or participating in BitDra-G competitions. This collective
          decision making of Bit enthusiasts will help to serve as a system of
          checks and balances to ensure the guidelines meet and address the needs
          of its users.

          This document will be hosted on the current administrator/s website,
          and will be made freely available to the Public. The newest revision
          must always be available, and it is the administrators responsibility
          to update the publicly available document in a timely manner when a
          revision is made. Each administrator is responsibile for creating (1)
          outlet for the document to be publicly available (preferably through
          the internet). A list of current administrators along with the mailing
          address and/or URL of thier copy of the newest revision, will be maintained
          in section VI.C. Anytime a revision is agreed upon, and the guideline
          is updated, a copy of the newest revision must be sent to all the administrators
          on the list, and the links must be updated.

        3. Revision Record

          1. Date / version 1.X / Summary of Changes

            1. (Section changed or added here) Actual
              made here.
            2. i.e. (VI.C.1.b) Included an example
              of a revision record entry
            3. i.e. (VI.C.1.c):

              Here is another example of a revision entry that shows
              how to enter a more detailed record. perhaps the amendment is
              more complex and requires more space to completely document
              the entire changes. Real revisions should be entered below,
              and this example entry should be left in place.

          2. 7-18-02 / version 0.9 / Initial Draft Proposed

            1. Initial Draft Ideas combined and presented as a complete document.
            2. Added Section VI. detailing Administration of guidelines
            3. Schematic track design graphic added
            4. Draft proposed to to several entities.

        4. Administrators List

          Organization Administrator Contact or URL Current Guideline available here:
”>QFM[/url] Racing”>Jay[/url] Medina”> v0.9

    • #14496
      • Posts: 5952

      thanks jay- I’ll run a rewrite of my rules sorta like what you’ve done tonight and get them online. As for the drag racing, I’d say you’ve pretty much got it covered, although I personally don’t see the pont of stock drag- just my opinion though.

      Also- regarding the official track you designate- I came to a realization after a few trials the other day that surface does matter if the times will be made availiable as “time to beat” depending on the grip…


    • #14498
      • Posts: 5952

      The Stock Box class is to allow participants with just a stock kit to be able to participate in an event, and actually stand a chance of winning. i.e. think of the 12 yr old kid who just got a Bit for a gift, but has no clue or money to buy or upgrade with parts and accessories, etc.

      Good point on surface issues. In our proposal, time is not an issue when racing in pairs. It is simply who crosses first. Point of this being that events will execute more quickly if time isnt considered esp when there arent enough race officials to officiate, and there are too many participants to process. Runs are timed only to decide ties or same-frquency scenarios, with option to slalom instead. Also, not having a “time to beat” emphasizes consistent performance during eliminations. Side by side elimination races seem more compelling to watch, like theillegal quarter miles in San diego or in sacramento 😉

      Gonna do a write up to address surface issues tonight or tomorrow. thanks for the suggestion.

    • #14499
      • Posts: 5952

      Sounds good – I don’t follow much drag racing in real life- also I was a bit concerned about the completely custom chassis not being allowed, but more from a possible marketing point of view, as I, and I’ve heard of others possibly marketing costom chassis parts for performance upgrades. I figure that can be addressed at a later date.


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