I wasn t really sure where to put this as it is not a technical thing nor is it a discussion. Anyways. Here s what you need
1) round container lid (from butter/margarine)
2)double sided tape
6)sandpaper (optional:to give smoother look to skirt after putty application)
What you do is cut out a few pieces from the lid and make them approx. the same size and width. Then, use double sided tape to stick them together or use glue to stick them together. Repeat as nessecary. After that, draw what shape you want the bodykit to look like when looking donw on teh car. Then, take your exacto-knife (hobby knife) and cut out the shape. By then, you should have a multi-layered-bumper shaped object made of bendy plastic. Then, take some double-sided tape and trace the shape of the multi-layered-bumper shaped object onto the tape.
Now, stick the multi-layered-bumper shaped object onto the shell of the car and see whether you like the look. If you don t like it, trim as nessecary. If you do like it, keep it there and take some glue (I used white glue) and fill spread it onto the part where the multi-layered-bumper shaped object is touching the shell. Wait for it to dry.
After it is dried, use some putty to fill in any gaps and holes and then paint the multi-layered-bumper shaped object or what is now the skirt into whatever colour you want it to be. (sand if nessecary)
I didn t use the putty and just thought of that after finishing but I can assure you it still looks amazing. Hope you understand this tutorial