I was on TOYEAST.com and i noticed the picture they have of a Digi-Q and anothere little RC Car that comes in a can. its on thier RC CAR page.. does anybody know what these are, or where I can find more info on them?? They seem to be the size of Mini-Z’s.. but I can’t get a straight answer off the net.. so anybody with info on these ” Car-in-a-Can” please post a reply…
The Taiyo Radi-Cans are probably the most expensive and best made version of the ‘car-in-can’ concept. They are the orginals. I have a couple of Classic models which are excellent. The problem is the cheaper versions just price the good deatiled ones out of the water!
What about battery life on these things? THey use 2 batteries for the remote, and 2 for the car right? how long do the batteries last before the performance is just to weak?