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    • #11509
      • Posts: 25

      Before acquiring the TOMY BIT Char-g 4 BAND FINES CONTROLLER, I would want to ask to you if it works also with the LXX (booster up) and which it is the capacity (I have noticed that the distance of the remote control, in the Tomy, is much limiting, while with the LXX I do not have problems). Thanks to all 🙂

    • #26666
      • Posts: 1290

      Jeff, the problem with the 4 B controller is that the aerial is too short and droops down too much. Once you replace the aerial with a telescopic aerial that is straight and sits high, the range will be better than a standerd controller. I have been controlling micro rc cars and planes in an indoor triple basketball court, and the controller has no problem reaching inside the entire building.

      As far as conpatibility with the 4 B goes, heres a rough list…
      BCG, no problem, obviously
      LXX, standard and typeR, no problem at all
      ZipZap (Gen1) works but F/B reversed
      H1 Hummer, works but F/B reversed
      clones, most are ok
      Enertec cars, no go at all
      HSV cars (AU only) no go,
      minimicro racers? (Jaycar cars) no go.

      Perhaps people can add others…..

      The only problem with the 4B, is that it doesnt have 40MHz and 49Mhz, although I suppose it is just a matter of changing the crystals and the inductances in the controller then it would work on the other channels too.

    • #26669
      • Posts: 25

      🙂 Thanks micro… Precise and punctual… many thanks :smiley2:

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