ok heres the situation i bought a 57mhz tomy 350z booster in feburary and due to this little beast being my favourite bit to race with its been used a hell of a lot.
i moded the controller ages by putting a telescophic (i cant spell btw) aerial on it.last month the controller started to have issues. it wouldnt let me charge my car on it, the light would shine for a few seconds then after that no more charge. after a few weeks the controllers lights(both of them) stopped working altogether. at the same time it had really bad reception then the controller stoped working altogether. the car still works i tested it with a muiltband controller and the controller also had new batteries in it aswell.
what the hell happened? is the controller dead? is it fixable? has this happened to anyone else?
i would really like to keep this controller it is my favourite.