Do ya ll have ZIP ZAPS

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    • #11710
      • Posts: 20

      In Aus. do you have zip zaps. I am an all the way BCG person but i noticed zip zaps were a little bit longer than BCG. So i did a sleeper duel cell mod to it. I didnt have to cut out anything at all. I gotta tell you this thing hauled. Could drift and everything. If you dont have the balls to mess up your BCG i suggest getting a ZIP ZAP. You can order from But like i said i am BCG all the way.

    • #46026
      • Posts: 1321

      We dont have Zip zaps in Australia, we would have to irder them from the US to get them.

    • #46027
      • Posts: 1290

      Shibby ZipZaps are excellent. I dont own one but have done some fet mods to them for (USA) people and I cant speak highly enough of them.
      Same quality as the Tomy cars (I think they are even made by Tomy?) with a slightly longer chassis.
      They handle well, being longer, and of course they have more room inside for cell mods too.
      One of these days, I gotta get me one of these.


    • #46028
      • Posts: 315

      No they aren’t made by Tomy. I’ve got one and love it, I also built my own dual cell mosfet zip and it’s Mini-Z fast.

      Only down fall is the 30″ monster truck wheels and the ugly bodies (reminicent of the first gen Tomys).

    • #46029
      • Posts: 1290

      otp, who does make the ZZs. The qualiy looks exactly the same as the Tomy stuff.

    • #46030
      • Posts: 1321

      Is it RadioShack that makes the Zip zaps?

    • #46031
      • Posts: 2088

      Yeah, radioshack. You can buy them online for $19.95 USD (not inc shipping) from They have some nice old 70s muscle car shells as well.


    • #46032
      • Posts: 774

      will they ship to aus tho? i very much doubt it, pity tandy doesnt stock them…

    • #46033
      • Posts: 1290

      Yeh, I know Radio Shack sells them, but do they manufacture them :question:

    • #46034
      • Posts: 1321

      It says at the radio shack site that the brand is zip zaps. And at the zip zaps site it says fueled by RadioShack and there is a copyright to radioshack at the bottom of the page, and the privacy policy links back to radioshack. Dont know if that helps at all, but looks like radioshack manufacture them.

    • #46035
      • Posts: 1290

      Dont they have ‘Made in China’ on them tho?

    • #46037
      • Posts: 20

      no, they are made in the U.S. They are pretty high quality and dont fall apart as easy as BCG but they are ugly. The battery that comes with it is a 120 mAh Ni-Mh (NICE). Also the motors that come with them can fit in the BCG. The fastest motor for the bit still doesn’t beat a 3.8 though. They have alot of accel., or torque because the ZZ are like ya’ll said longer, wider, and a lil bit heavier.

    • #46038
      • Posts: 20

      Yo sorry about this but i just looked at the controller and micro amp was right they are manufactured in china. well c ya

    • #46039
      • Posts: 315

      Radio Shack don’t really ‘make’ anything, it’s like our own DSE, everything is rebadged madeinchina. They’re by a company who’s name is typicaly Chinese, like “Hen Long” (but not Hen Long – something like Hen Li Chuig), but right now I can’t find any references to it on any of the packaging or cars. They don’t make any conventional clones that I’m aware of. One place the quality is really bad is the rear axle. If you let it hang down it will actually not mesh the other gears at all. Not a big deal on a stock car, but a highly modded car can actually cause the axle to lift out of mesh. Mine’s one of the new ones too. If you look at the bottom of the chassis, they’s quite a lot of waviness and moulding flash that screams ‘clone’.

      Edited by – oldtamiyaphile on 23 June 2003 14:50:27

    • #46288
      • Posts: 1038

      They won’t deliver to Aus. You need to get someone in the USA to buy it for you, then post it out.

      How hard is it to fit a ZZ body to a BCG Chasis?

    • #46334
      • Posts: 1290
      How hard is it to fit a ZZ body to a BCG Chasis?

      Forget it Dave. You’d have to do a pretty severe ‘cut and shut’ to shorten it enough to get the wheelbase right.

    • #46335
      • Posts: 1321

      Yeah, requires precise chopping, Cabo did a great job of chopping the ZZ Challenger to fit on a bit, check it out.

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