Downshifting the Bit.

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    • #11713
      • Posts: 5952

      Since these little machinas lack a transmission, you can t really call it downshifting but it s really just the principle. Rally HO!

      So I have myself a booster bit and I soon tired of holding down the booster button to run on full speed. I know, I know, I have several other bits, including single speed versions. So I decided a quick, and horribly dirty, fix was in order. I found myself a small DPDT switch and soldered one of the positions to the button contacts (I ll post a pic later. And don t laugh at my soldering :dead:) I butchered a space into my controller and set the switch near to the booster. The middle position of the switch operates the car as a normal booster but, when when I flip the switch, I short out the booster button causing the bit to run at full throttle all the time. Now single speed action is as easy as a flick of my thumb. Yay.

      If only shorting out the switch didn t keep the “Go” LED lit. Wretched machina.

      I could have a used a click-on click-off button or even a SPST switch, but what I really wanted to do is use the extra position so the booster function is reversed. The bit runs at full speed until you press the button, causing the bit to slow down. You ve given your bit the ability to downshift.

      The quickest way I can see accomplishing this is to use a relay, but if anyone else has a more efficient way, I d love to hear it. I should probably also have a look at the Tx and Rx a little more closely. Ok tired now. Swing away Merril!

      Oh yes, don t call it a brake button. It s not really a brake because holding down the booster button doesn t eventually cause you to stop moving.

      Edited by – X_I_Ted on 26 June 2003 15:38:08

    • #46060
      • Posts: 1124

      X_I_Ted, welcome to the forums. Always good to see a fellow Canuck;) Post your pics when you get them.

    • #46061
      • Posts: 774

      couldnt you just use a normally closed switch instead of normally open?

    • #46064
      • Posts: 5952

      Well. Ha. Have at me. This is why I shouldn’t try to think too hard in the early morning hours. Yes GT-ahh, that would work much better without needing power to run it.

      Time to go hack up my Tx case again.

    • #46065
      • Posts: 774

      glad to help….:D

    • #46067
      • Posts: 1290

      There is a controller mod for this called the antibooster mod. It reverses the signal so the car stays on boost and goes off boost when you push the button. But I think I like the normally closed push button idea better.


    • #46098
      • Posts: 2265

      anti booster sounds decent!!!

      X I ted, the booster controler (multi channel) has a switch underneath with a,b,c . b drives like a booster but c makes it go constant boost.

      hell knows what a is for, i think a few of my clones work on it tho.

    • #46101
      • Posts: 5952

      I’m aware that the booster controller has those functions. But then where’s the fun in that. Sooner or later I may end up picking one up. My brother found a store that is solely dedicated to the Micro RC scene, so I’ll have to check it out and see what else they peddle.

      Here’s a link to the anti-booster mod that UA mentioned

      As simple as this is to implement, I’ve been really busy lately because we’re moving soon. I apologize for not posting pic or even finishing this. The worst part is the fact that all of the stuff is spread out on the work table and it wouldn’t take that much time.

    • #46103
      • Posts: 1290

      Z-beam the ‘a’ setting is for running non booster cars as they use a different signal code timing.


    • #46195
      • Posts: 2265

      found that out this morning with a new lxx char-g.
      thanks uA.

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