now your in a diff. class. i think that the mt is overpriced you can convert a losi xxx4 into a truck or a schumacher cat 3000 and there much better cars. bolth the cat and xxx4 are really good4wd cars and in the reedy mod’s the losi was first cat 2nd and another cat 3rd i dont know what outher cars were racing but i like schumacher alot.
i got a cat2000 that i dont use anymore and i loved that had a buddy body a under body handeled well and was fast. i know the 3000 has alot of improvement so its gotta be a nice car.
i think not shure the xxx4 is a xxxs chassy thats ben reworked i know the xx4 and xxs shared the same chassy.
i love my 4wd buddy i got proline sand paws on all 4 and i take it to the sanddunes and its fun