extra forum activities: Computer Gaming
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- This topic has 32 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 8 months ago by
May 11, 2003 at 7:59 pm #10472
seeing as tho we are all using pc’s i thought a few of you might be gamers as well, i love advance wars,armoured core 2 (ps2) but on pc the thing i play is diablo 2 :lord of destruction.
anyone else?
Edited by – Aaron on 12 May 2003 09:27:43
May 12, 2003 at 12:26 am #31562
What a game BUT people ruined it for me by killing you on purpose. Spoiled it for me so i stopped playing although i was at level 89 with a paladin and level 56 with a necro, and on level 59 with an assassin. I played a lot.
jord :approve:
Mini Cooper B3.0 Has anyone else got one?
R34 skyline booster
R32 skyline standard
Yellow Supra B2.2
others B2.2’s but standard. -
May 12, 2003 at 8:41 pm #31370
I’m very lucky that part of my day job involves the development of ways to use computer gaming for real life trainging in various environments.
So on a good day we get to sit in one of our labs, playing games and generally having a very interesting time.
Fragging sucks though 🙁 It happens even in a research environment, although we call it friendly fire 😉
Moderator, Admin, and all that 🙂--
Site Owner Guy. -
May 13, 2003 at 4:12 pm #31129
WHO DO YOU WORK FOR AARON? alternative reality training techniques are supreme!!! i wish our edu. system could intergrate the pc’s properly and not ab-use them as glorified typewriters!
evr done training in a psygnosis’ wipeout game?
that stuff is the fastest xp i ever had, nothing will compare for speed, racing and control.so what (or who) are you training? thats if you can tell us?
death is not the best especially when it is a false one!!!! ( you survive to regret) in those situations jord did you get hostile back? as a lvl.16 barbarian i seem an easy target, twice girly char. have gone hostile with me and twice i’ve murdered their minions in no more than two seconds,to which even the solidist (girly sorc) gets a little scarred of my double axe swing!
i think because of the matrix like effect of having so much speed(and power) through the combined attack rating seriously empedes the weak minded looser (diablo2)gangs out there who would like to benifit from others effort.
on a different note: i was given an awesome boardgame for my b’day called : star wars epic duals, and it is the best b’game i ever played. You can use characters from all the episodes even against each other, like anakin(ep:2) vs.darth vader!!!. the combat system is logical and fluid while special cards borrow abilities from magic the gathering and even the chain combo system from tekken. the cards give much character and the 31 painted figures bring the game to life. -
May 13, 2003 at 4:22 pm #31124
Has anyone played C&C Generals yet? A couple of mates were playing it over the weekend and it’s meant to be pretty mad.
As for gaming, I’m pretty old school (Mainly because my pc ain’t very fast). Descent 2, now there’s a game that rocked!
May 13, 2003 at 4:38 pm #31114
i have diablo2:lod, level 83 amazon, 72 pally 93 barb, i kinda stopped playing lately. Still turn it on once in a while though. hey ph2t, i see youve reached the glorios age of 200 posts, im comin up behind you!!!:shock:
you are currently at: http://www.ausmicro.com
May 13, 2003 at 5:55 pm #30989
I grew up with playing computer games. Had a Commodore 64, Amiga 500, IBM XT, AT, 486, PIII.
Spent countless hours playing the following:
Quake II
Quake III
Counter Strike
Red Faction
Medal of Honour Allied Assault
Battlefield 1942
Ghost Reconand I remember playing descent ii as well as duke nukem 3d…
:smiley16:And still have the occasional lan party every now and then…
May 13, 2003 at 7:17 pm #30980
we use to play lan games at school, we each had laptops (compulsory) and lan cards. we played gta2 from all different parts of the school :smiley2:
May 15, 2003 at 4:46 pm #30674
mmmmm battlefield ’42!! that game is dmn fun,.
surfmysrat, on b.net online or single playa’, and do you own a Fender stratocaster?
May 15, 2003 at 10:06 pm #30497
what is battlefield 42? havn’t played or heard of it before.
May 15, 2003 at 11:10 pm #30500
BATTLEFIELD 1942 it is the shizzle for first person shootums…..Pity my box always #%^& crashes when I go to load it, arghhhh!:angry:
May 16, 2003 at 6:21 pm #30428
The problem with 1942 is that while it has the potential it simply doesn’t have the controlablity or adaptability of something like OpFlashpoint/Resistance.
My work is pretty normal desktop and server management for about 50% of my time the other 50% is spent working with research goals…
My tip is to advise people who want to do stuff like this is to work for obscure places like Universities, it’s not the big bucks, but if you’re good you will get to have a broad and interesting job.
Site Owner Guy. -
May 16, 2003 at 6:43 pm #30408
Methinks if you want a forum for Computer Gaming, that there are probably a billion already existing out there in the ether….
This is about r/c cars, so lets keep it about r/c cars…
I only say this because I know absolutely nothing about gaming, and wouldn’t be comfortable with a gaming forum in here where we all came here for a different purpose (ie/ r/c cars!)
That’s my bit!
May 18, 2003 at 4:00 am #30234
Most definately no need for a gaming forum here as such – but as we’re a pretty large community now I can understand members being curious about other members gaming habits.
I guess with the advent of Broadband at fair prices the ability to play massively networked multiplayer games means that every forum is a possible avenue to meet a new team member as well 😉
I’m still wondering why people think I have the great job… Being in a position where anylising games for their simulation merits as opposed to the enjoyment factor quickly makes it hard to enjoy any game.
I’m just lucky that while I do a lot of the setup and a lot of the playing/testing I actually don’t have to produce the paperwork at the end of the day.
Site Owner Guy. -
May 18, 2003 at 7:33 am #30224
Kitty, you are right…
Having said that:) BF 42 is very nice, because you don’t have to play often to have fun, everyone is at the same level when they are online, and a tank is a great equalizer for unskilled or noob players..
Now back to the cars:)
May 18, 2003 at 4:13 pm #30193
—-Note from Moderator—-
I have removed some unecessary commentry that took part of this post. z-beam has been notified the reasons why in a PM. The thread is fine as a General Discussion topic just as long as we all keep it contained within neat threads and don’t fill the General Forum with Gaming discussion.
—-End Note—-battle feild 1942 is a 1st person ww2 simulation. the choice of characters include sniper, assault, engineer and medic which all have different abilities,equipment and strengths. the level of realism is quite high, especially since most of us gamers have no idea of team tactics resulting in lans being dominated by tank freaks. one fun moment in my career as an axis engineer was placing a satchel of tnt on the back seat of a jeep, jumped in the front seat and floored it towards a enemy sherman tank. just at the last 10 yards i lept from the vehicle and on it rolled down the hill taking out the sherman and the infantry support in close proximity. some lvls reqire you to respawn as a paratrooper, fraky stuff under the fire of a hidden sniper!
Edited by – Aaron on 18 May 2003 12:48:45
May 18, 2003 at 4:33 pm #39558
—-Note from Moderator—-
I have removed some unecessary commentry that took part of this post. z-beam has been notified the reasons why in a PM. The thread is fine as a General Discussion topic just as long as we all keep it contained within neat threads and don’t fill the General Forum with Gaming discussion.
—-End Note—-and as if i want to be a part of some other forum just because i want to talk about gaming! :smiley2:
Edited by – Aaron on 18 May 2003 12:51:41
May 18, 2003 at 5:14 pm #30175
Just to explain my post a bit more….
I wasn’t trying to say that no one should talk about gaming at all, I was saying that a permanent forum for gaming isn’t r/c car motivated.
If people want to chat a bit here and there, by all means ~ in an online community as large as ours, there are going to be people with things in common besides r/c cars
(anyone else into handbags? I really need to talk to someone about a handbag I saw on special the other day and don’t know whether or not I should buy it! Just Kidding!!!!!)
I admitted I am not into gaming, and didn’t get a chance to read the posts before Aaron edited them, but hey, everyone is different and likes different things. That is what makes the world an interesting place.
I have said on more than one occasion in more than one thread that this is a site about r/c cars, and I for one would really like it to stay about r/c cars coz I think they are FANTASTIC!!!
That is why I joined ausmicro in the first place, and that is why I post my 2c worth when I feel that burning desire within me.
(coz I am so shy too!)
So by all means, lets chat about different stuff here and there… but lets not get bogged down on sidetracks or run off area’s, lets keep our cars on the main racing circuit and keep your pedal to the metal fella’s.
See ya on the 21st!
May 18, 2003 at 5:54 pm #30169
kitty, the forums were a bit stiffled lately, we even had ppl sayin the sites diying!
it helps a community to grow when we can find out more about each other,e.g this thread gave Aaron an oppurtunity to talk about his profession which at the end of the day keeps this site going.
i’m sure someone of your age doesn’t need to make our junior members feel bad for having some indepth intrest and conversation about something we like. please kitty, stay out of things you dont care about.
and if you want to talk about fashion post a thread! my proffession is jewelry design and manufacture and i spend a lot of time helping women with discisions!
May 19, 2003 at 3:16 am #30159
I can appreciate where you are coming from, and I for one don’t want to see the forums going too quiet, but I don’t believe it was dying.
I don’t believe Aaron needs an opportunity to talk about his profession, that is not what keeps this site going, it is his dedication and MONEY that keeps this site going. I’m sure Aaron doesn’t need constant attention like this, I’m sure what we all want is more stimulation in the general sense, not just specifically at certain people… you should know that.
By all means, I encourage the community to grow and learn, I learn more everyday. I am a member of many forums, I moderate on more than one forum and I am exactly the same on those forums as I am on here. I am fair and equal to everybody. I am straight with you.
I want new and fresh ideas here. And I want new and interesting people to the site. I have been actively promoting ausmicro.com and I have been bringing new membership as well. I am an active member of ausmicro even if I don’t always post on a regular basis.
As for my age…… I don’t think age has anything to do with it. I am not stifling people, and I have said several times now that I am not putting the brakes on conversation. I do not believe there is a ‘requirement’ at this stage for a permanent forum about gaming. I stand by this. I also said that conversation is a good thing, and should be encouraged. I do not need to have my age brought into the scenario as a reason to have an opinion or not.
As for staying out, I am fairly well known within ausmicro.com as having an opinion on most things (not everything as you well know) and I am not afraid of putting my 2c worth in.
I do not believe my posts make any junior members feel bad, in fact most people generally get a smile and/or a laugh from my posts. I feel this is a good thing.
The fashion thread thing was a joke, honest!
I have a sense of humour that just never quits.I will always abide by what admin, Aaron and Derek say, and will listen to whatever advice the other moderators are willing to offer, but the bottom line here is that I am as entitled to my opinion as you are. I do not berate or belittle yours, so please respect mine.
May 19, 2003 at 3:28 am #30160
BTW ~ I want you all to know that my posts in this thread are “Kitty the Member” not “KittyKatSmack the Moderator”.
My first post was purely an opinion, and although I didn’t see the responses that were edited, I have replied as myself and not Moderator.
I will leave the wearing of the Moderator hat, when I am directly involved, to one of the more Senior Moderators.
May 19, 2003 at 8:37 am #30168
Hey guys(and gals), how is it going? Don’t know the solution here, except that the site IS for RC cars, but there should be some room for compromise. Maybe a new Non-RC forum thread on its own? Although I have seen these get a little carried away on other sites, and eventually become very heavily edited by moderators to keep it clean and keep the peace.
I have been guilty of mentioning games before in a couple of my posts, usually related to rally cars. I really don’t know the answer to this one, lucky me that is not my job, but I think that any solution brought up by Aaron et al. will be fine by me.
Edited by – Impreza on 19 May 2003 04:38:30
May 19, 2003 at 12:16 pm #30082
OK here’s the OFFICIAL line on it.
This thread and threads like it are fine in moderation. If any one topic becomes the main topic of discussion in the General Forum we will consider creating a new forum just for that topic. It could be any topic not just about R/C cars.
However there’s no topic that really generates that much traffic in General Discussion to warrant that at this stage.
So everyone please continue to post here about things other than R/C – but please try to follow the basic rule of making the Subject Header clear so people know what the topic is about.
I will be asking the Moderators to edit subject headers to ensure that topics are clear if necessary.
I don’t like having to edit posts, and I think you’ll all agree we give a fair bit of latitude on ausmicro.com to let things go. All we ask in return is that the same respect be given to all members including Moderators.
When a Moderator does post as a Moderator it will be made very clear in the first line of the post – or in the ‘edit’ so that everyone can see. Other than that we’re all just normal members.
Now back to the Gaming!
Site Owner Guy. -
May 19, 2003 at 3:17 pm #30102
Aaron, self appointed authoritarians are absolutly to much! edit my posts to protect the selfish requirements of one and you push the other away….
i’m sorry that kitties pride couldn’t allow her to apologize to the general community, and her effect of negativity can be seen here:
May 19, 2003 at 3:18 pm #30103Quote:I have been guilty of mentioning games before in a couple of my posts, usually related to rally cars. Edited by – Impreza on 19 May 2003 04:38:30
end example of manipulation
May 19, 2003 at 3:21 pm #30105
look this thread is about games not kitty not likeing games so can we get on with it?
kitty’s 2c is already here, she dont like games, cool we get it…..
May 19, 2003 at 5:09 pm #30115
Sorry, Z. I edited that one cause I spelt compromise wrong. Damn I wish we had a spell check here:( Thanks for the involvement Aaron, once again you are able to clear things up.. 🙂
May 29, 2003 at 4:36 pm #28705
well, umm, lets not get into a big fight here but i like online computer games, and i dont know if any of you have heard of this game called KingsofChaos, it is a great game thats sort of a war strategy type of thing, its free, and you dont need a super cool computer to play it since its webbased. And if you guys wanna give it a try, you can join an army, like mine. Click this link and follow the instruction, its pretty fun http://www.kingsofchaos.com/page.php?id=432626
and also, i think this site is about r/c cars, and should stay like that, but we also need a few topics that people can read that they can understand that dont contain all that hi-tech talk. so its good to have a diverse forum rather than one thats dictated and super restricted, so lets all relax and have some fun!!! woohoo go ausmicro.com :D:D:D
May 29, 2003 at 9:53 pm #28721
yepyah!!!! i tried to get KOC once and the site was down, i’d love to join your army strat!
all sorted then, diversity is damn good. freedom allows growth, and by the way kitty I LOVE YOUR AVATAR. no hard feelings eh.
(wolverine is my greatest hero!)
May 29, 2003 at 10:53 pm #28726
Welcome back z-beam:)
May 30, 2003 at 6:34 pm #28523
nice to know the site heated up while i was gone!!! thanks for the warm welcome!!!
so much for fading!
and as for extra intrest, anyone using a search engine looking for games will now be pointed in ausmicros direction:smiley2:, sneaky eh?
May 30, 2003 at 6:53 pm #28524
and so now if you wish to be recruted into z’s elven army pm me, and i will give you a link.
thankyou surfmy stratocaster for inducting me into the realm!!!
May 31, 2003 at 3:49 pm #28518
its a great game, really fun
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