Currently the ones I’ve built so far use only char-g parts, with a but of filing, cutting, and a lot of tenex.
I could post a how-to if more people are interested, as I’d rather not disembowl another car, even if it is a knockoff.
In regards to my current plan, I’ll be starting the actual building of the thin metal chassis tomorrow probably- first model in the char-g formfactor, so that it can be raced with a normal body. afterwards I’ll probably build one more test in the 1/64 scale before doing more research on finding a manufacturer.
of course there’s still the issue of bodies, but some simple 2-part molds should simplify that.
I did some tests with the johnny lightening wheels and was sadly disappointed- anything over a 1.0 motor spins out immediately, and the 1.0 does it reguarily too.
If anyone has a better solution for Scale 1/64 wheels and tires, I’d be greatly interested.