Gotta say that the “what’s the best antenna” subject has been covered sooo many times it’s not funny, but here’s my 2 cents anyways….
Went out and bought some electric guitar string on the weekend, gauge type #9, for the bottom string. I gotta say that this stuff makes for a great antenna. As most of you have seen from my pictures I’ve primarily used enameled wire, but not anymore. This wire is very fine and best of all incredibly tensile. THis means you can bend it and it will still retain it’s shape.
One thing I’ve noticed with antennas on these cars is that if the antenna is bent over and laying close to the ground the distance you can get is very short. If the antenna is standing up straight you get a futher operating distance.
The guitar string allows just that. Also it is so fine it allows you to have a longer antenna without upsetting the balance & center of gravity of the car. Good stuff.