Well today i was up at the hobby shop buyin some sorax s for my fusion when some guy laughed at the purple on my car and said it looked “qweer” so i told him that hpi are for transvestite wanna be racers and then he said it could beat mine lmao nitro star .15 ss vs novarossi trophy .21
so we took it to the parkinglot and there he saw the .21 3 speed trans novarossi rex pipe and just about craped his self and then i just had to tell him that my rossi was ported and bored 🙂
what won. by the time his car hit 2nd mine was in 3rd for about 6 sec and doing about 90mph 0-60 1.5 sec 🙂 faster than a serpant vector 🙂
just becouse a cars parts are purple pink or rainbow colored dosent mean its slow
and dont talk crap if your pimpin a nitro star ss