Hello everyone,
I’m in the US and would like to get a 40mhz Yellow S2000 Compact Char-G. A lot of the guys I know have all the other frequencies and I’d like to be the guy with the car I can run with anyone else. Also, with microsizers coming out in the US with 49mhz that would make a total of 6 cars we could run at once.
The problem I’m having is that I can’t get a Compact Char-G here in the USA and I can’t seem to find a retailer online that carries them for sale. Since Compact Char-G are the only ones that have 40mhz that’s really what I want.
Is there anyone in here from the UK or AUS who could pick one up for me and ship it to the US. I can pay for shipping and the item via PayPal and add a few bucks for your trouble. Or, if you know of a retailer that stocks them that would be fine too.
Please.. someone help me out. I’ve posted to a few other boards with absolutely no help 🙁
Thanks a bunch