Initial D Special Stage

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    • #11135
      ms char-ged
      • Posts: 197

      That’s right, Initial D Arcade Stage now has been remade into a playable version on the ps2, i got my copy yesterday, and i had a 6 hour playing spree, you guys have to get it, right now it is only available in Japan, but i’m sure it will be available within a year in OZ, anyway, who else intends to get it, or already has, and i’ld like to get some feedback from the game, kind of like a mini ausmicro faq, if you guys got questions about it, ask away 😀

    • #23031
      • Posts: 5952

      whats it like? im a big fan of the series. heared of the game but dont know much. can u customise your car or do you just race? same tracks as in the series?, it would be cool raceing down Akina!:)

    • #23035
      • Posts: 1321

      Yes! my friend has it on a VCD it is fun watching all of these japanese cars race, can’t understand it but he translates most of it for me.

    • #23036
      • Posts: 5952

      got the entire series on VCD to, but subtittled

    • #23037
      • Posts: 5952

      love the treuno and FC:D something about older model japenese cars that i love dont noe what it is.

    • #23276
      • Posts: 27

      Hiya ms char-ged,

      quick question, i was about to purchase my copy today but im unsure if my Australian bought ps2 will play the jap game.. am i going to need a mod chip to play it first?


    • #23281
      ms char-ged
      • Posts: 197

      yes, an australian ps2, runs under PAL format, that is hardware and software, accessories like memory cards and controllers are all compatible with every format, initial d special stage is a NTSC/J game, so you need the hardware to play it, but if you get a chip, and want to play an original import, not a copied version, make sure it is compatible, as some chips will not read the original overseas version, on a ps2, that is on a different format, that’s why you got to get the right chip, most self booting chips, will play original imports, but the other chips don’t, you can play dvd games and normal cd-r games that are copied, but if you want to play the original on a machine, with a different format to the game your playing, then you should make sure you get the right chip, and always make sure, you get a proffessional to do the job, even if it costs well over $150 for a self booting chip, or $100 for a chip that requires the special booting method, you don’t want to get something that is faulty and won’t work (i got 3 different internal modchips installed on my psx and they all f**ked up, luckily they didn’t f**k up my machine, so i got an extrenal action reply chip, and it worked like a charm – ONLY GET ONE FOR YOUR PS 1), another tip: never buy an external mod chip for your ps2, as they f**k it up most of the time, and do not work with alot of games, hope that helps you Djinn 🙂

    • #23282
      ms char-ged
      • Posts: 197
      whats it like? im a big fan of the series. heared of the game but dont know much. can u customise your car or do you just race? same tracks as in the series?, it would be cool raceing down Akina!:)

      yeah, there are all the tracks from the manga, and anime, plus 4 new courses, i can’t really explain what it’s like, but it is very realistic, and is exactly like arcade stage but much better, you get to listen to most of the eurobeat music, you can play in story mode using the fujiwara tofu car AE86, when you play there is a part where you versus kenta in his 200sx (s14Q), and itsuki is in your car, vomitting, you can see his reaction in the top right corner of the screen, and it really cracks you up, you should of seen my father’s reaction to it LOL, there are also car explainations by iketani sempai so every time you beat a rival in story mode, you unlock new car explanations, there is practice mode, and and there is arcade mode, just like arcade stage

    • #23283
      • Posts: 774

      yeah I mod-chipped my ps2 so im sweet. I put a DMS3 modchip in and now I can play NTSC games + backups, every region DVDs, MP3 and DIVXs!

      check out for details, DMS3 chips sell for approx $120 and are no doubt the best mod chip for ps2 on the market if installed properly.
      An added feature is that you can run 3rd party programs from the memory card and the chips can be upgraded by burning a patch to a cd then running it. Leaving much room for developement in the future.

    • #23284
      ms char-ged
      • Posts: 197

      fark man, that must be so mad, i can play multiregion dvd on my action reply, but i can’t play divx, can you play every kind of format, or only mpegs, and can you play vcd? Btw, i’ll be in the city on tuesday, so i’ll pick up your game and send it on wednesday

    • #23285
      • Posts: 27

      thanks guys…

      checking out that site now gt-ahh..
      decided to simply buy a wild char-g for now… had to get a new toy this weekend. disappointed at the speed,… 🙁
      Next project… get a mod chip for ps2…


    • #22069
      ms char-ged
      • Posts: 197

      hey guys, i got some tips, if you want to finish this game with ease pic an integra typr r, it handles very well in the turns, so you won’t be wasting too much time on akina, i beat akina in 2 tries versusing takumi, when i used my evo7 i still haven’t beaten him, and it’s fully tuned, the intergra is not at all, the only good thing about evos is acceleration

    • #22119
      • Posts: 774

      the dc2 is the fastest car in the game…..

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