Itty Bitty Wire Next to Magnet Missing??

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    • #8875
      • Posts: 5952

      Ok, left and right both stopped working when all 4 wires fell off the solder. While fixing that the antenna wire fell off. Fixed that then had a problem again with steering. Finally fixed the steering problem and look down at the bar with the magnet to find that the wire that loops around and comes off the end with two ends which keeps the wheels straight and also lets them have lee-way when turning is gone. Looked all over for it, it’s officially declared missing. I can’t figure this one out myself but please someone help me, how can i replace the wire? It has to be perfect, i tried to cut a paper clip, no success. I tried a bag fastener wire, no success. I cut a peice of my antenna off and then tried to use the wire in there, too thin, then took some more and tied together, too thick. Please please please help me find a substitute or something. Thanks i would appreciate it greatly cause of right now my car turns like an S-CAR-GO ~-~-~-~-~-~!!!!!!!!!

    • #13377
      • Posts: 5952

      It has to be an extremely thin wire…

      …what about a single-wire strand from the inside of a phone wire?

    • #13379
      • Posts: 5952


      Firstly, just wanted to clarify that we’re talking about the same part, just for starters:


      Now – the challenge – to find some high tensile, fine sprung wire suitable to make a replacement spring. You MIGHT have some luck with your local hardware store or…..

      “To the video cabinet, Batman!” I just had a brain-fart and for God-knows-what-reason, I thought of the guts of a VHS video cassette. Just tore into an old South Park video (got em all on DVD now) and guess what I found?


      You’ll still need a bit of patience and a pair of wire cutters, but at least you’ll have the right material (or something pretty bloody close).

      Lemme know how you go!

      (Off to bed after that mental explosion)

    • #13401
      • Posts: 5952

      Its sad to say, but no, the tape wire did not work. It is too strong compared to the original wire. The original actually gave quite a bit of lee-way, whereas this wire just stuck my wheels into one positioni am gonna try the phone wire one later on. But i will never quit, iw ill get my bit fixed. Late, Dave

    • #13402
      • Posts: 5952

      Another dumb idea… the tungsten(?) wire (I don’t know what the h-e-double-hockey-sticks it is) in a light bulb. It’s tiny and flexible.

    • #13404
      • Posts: 5952

      Once again, I’ll churp in with an idea (but not being an owner, you’ll have to weight the advice accordingly). I’m a guitar hack and help but think that maybe afineelectric guitar stringwill do the trick eg just fine enough and just strong enough. I’ll hurry up and get one so my ideas are more worthwhile shortly !

    • #13406
      • Posts: 5952

      well i tried the string one above the bottom one because my bottom one broke and haven’t played guitar for like 5 years and that string was way too strong. It’s amazing how weak this wire really needs to be and is on the original. I am almost giving up to take my friends out of his and go to some store and see if they can match it. I dunno, either that or e-mail some places that sell bits and ask if they have broken ones that they can take the wire off and send to me or if they have extras or something. I dunno really im clueless!

    • #13408
      • Posts: 5952

      OMG, GOD HAS CAME DOWN AND GRANTED ME A MIRACLE. I HAVE FOUND THE MISSING WIRE!!!!! IT WAS NICE AND HIDDEN UNDER THE LEFT SIDE CRACK UNDER MY MAGAZINE! YES THANK YOU GOD, YOU MUST PLAY WITH THE BIT CHARGS UP THERE ALSO AND KNOW HOW I FEEL. well thanks a lot for all your guys’ help and ideas. They didn’t go to waste because now we all know that we just have to find the original wire and that other things we listed dont work. later, Dave

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