Melbourne BitHeads meeting (26/4/03)
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- This topic has 14 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 9 months ago by
April 24, 2003 at 3:59 pm #10281
Alright all you Melbournites, micro_amps and I have orgainsed a light afternoon get together at the following location:
Shakespeare’s Pub
101 Young Street
FRANKSTON VIC 3199It will be held at 2PM this Saturday (26/04/03).
If anyone from the Western & Outer East side of Melbourne needs a lift I can pick you up from Moorabbin Train station and take you down there (I will be driving….). PM me if you need a lift or any more info, can only take 4 people, sorry….
This is more of a meet-n-greet than any actual racing. But don’t let that hold you back from bringing your toys! I know the Pub owner so it should be OK. Just remember to keep your cars away from drunk patrons…! In the near future I hope to get a hall and setup a proper race meet.(Still working on this)
Hope to see you all there.
Edited by – PandaBear on 01 May 2003 13:19:05
April 24, 2003 at 5:22 pm #33112
Sounds good, I’ll be there.
Hope to put some faces to names and vica versa.
Come along, should be fun.
:)uA -
April 24, 2003 at 6:41 pm #33115
🙁 Uh oh,
I’ve already got something else on but it should finish around 3. I’ll do my best to make it…
Otherwise I’ll be there in spirit… :clown:
The impossible just takes a little longer -
April 26, 2003 at 9:10 pm #32883
fuck pissed off i missed it i was working dammit well hope it was a succuess so more stuff can happen
CompactChar-G 40Mhz S2000 range mod, spring suppention
Bit Char-G 57mhz Booster Fairlady Z
MINI Z Wrx WRC 2000 This thing RIPS -
April 27, 2003 at 5:48 am #39671
Shame to hear that Lazboy, next time I’ll give a bit more notice, I apologise for that.:blush:
We had a great entertaining day, shared lots of ideas and ran the cars around a bit. Pandabear has some video of uA’s insane daul-batt, this thing just flys!!! Makes my Skyline GT-R with a 2.6 motor look like a dog.
With our range mods (car rip-cap removed, longer s/steel car antenna, 2.6V chassis) we were getting the full length of the place which was about 9-10 meters. With the geat range and daul-bit speeds I believe a 7m * 4m track is possible, I guess that’s for the next meet……….:smiley2:
Anyway, enough of my late night, sleep deprived rants…..
Here’s some pics.
Micro and Panda
uA’s dual bat
Notice the PCB is flipped upright with holes drilled out of the plastic cover to compenstate for the high components. Nice work micro.:)
the toys….
And I didn’t even bring all my stuff……..
Keyance .vs the Bit
The misfits!
Crap digital camera flash. arghhh!
Edited by – ph2t on 27 April 2003 01:50:26
April 27, 2003 at 10:03 am #32846
looks like you guys had a lot of fun… man i wish i lived in australia.
you are currently at:
April 27, 2003 at 3:16 pm #32841
Yeh it was good fun, we will do it again, and hope to see some extra faces there too, and do some racin’.
Seriously tho, take another look at the photos, who would want to hang out with a bunch of ugly mugs like that, 😯 hehehe :smiley2: .Crom and Lazboy (and others?), you were missed, but we will pencil you in for next time.
There’s a lot to learn because everybody seems to be doing something different with their cars.
Even tho it was at a pub, we had the whole upstairs restaraunt to ourselves with the odd spectator taking interest.Heres a better pic of the dual batt bit. This little rocket has been capable of over 17.7 Km/h in the past (on my running treadmill) it is the same chassis that is shown at 15km/h in the DYNO thread (in the techo section)
It has a range of 10m+ as well. Lots of fun, this is how they all should be.
Edited by – micro_Amps on 27 April 2003 18:52:54
April 27, 2003 at 6:59 pm #39667
Sorry I missed it guys. My “shoulda finshed by 3” ended up finishing at 5. 🙁 This was supposed to be a holiday but 👿 All I’ve done is homework… 👿
Oh well, I’ll try to catch the next one if my Uni homework permits.
The impossible just takes a little longer -
April 28, 2003 at 12:10 am #32795
yeah looks fun for a simple meet and greet session there was a lot of toys and makes my collection look shit house lol
dammm i wish i want soo poor at the moment
so i could buy more stuff________________________________________________________
CompactChar-G 40Mhz S2000 range mod, spring suppention
Bit Char-G 57mhz Booster Fairlady Z
MINI Z Wrx WRC 2000 This thing RIPS -
April 28, 2003 at 12:11 am #32796
ohh just anther question did any people in the pub come and look and just think the things are aworsome and want to buy them
CompactChar-G 40Mhz S2000 range mod, spring suppention
Bit Char-G 57mhz Booster Fairlady Z
MINI Z Wrx WRC 2000 This thing RIPS -
April 28, 2003 at 6:37 pm #32808
Hi guys!
Great meet, thanks for the arranging!!
And thanks too to the venue owner.Nice three-some pic there… I’d call it the B26 Bomber formation.
(2 propheads with a big fat fuselage in the middle!!)
:):D:)Quote:ohh just anther question did any people in the pub come and look and just think the things are aworsome and want to buy themErr No, the clientele were all old fogies, all look like they’ve all been there since Anzac Day (whether the day before 2003, or Anzac Day 1960 who knows??).
They all looked pretty sauced @ 4pm and when this fatso stranger turns up at the bar asking “where the boys and their little cars are playing”, I was kinda nervous whether or not I’d even survive. Kept one eye on the exit door all the time but luckily the barkeep shoo’d me up the staircase.
Nice time by all after that, mainly discussing uA’s efforts and ph2k’s theories – both waaaaay over my head.
Same folk still at the bar when we left the place.
Don’t these ppl have a life?? -
May 1, 2003 at 4:47 pm #31977
you gonna do this regular? next time im in melbourne i’ll have to catch up and have a race.
May 1, 2003 at 4:52 pm #31978
We hope to, next time we’ll do it properly and get a hall, about 20 meters of rope and make a track!:smiley2:
Let us know our movements Z and we’ll take it from there.
May 9, 2003 at 3:39 am #31744
May 13, 2003 at 5:04 pm #31113
And here it is in MPG format for everyone having “issues”:smiley2:
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