…Gentlemen…it is with great pride and pleasure that I fill you in on the coming KYOSHO Half Eight Mini Inferno platform…
…Many of you know about it and a few of you know what i am putting into this platform…In a few days some things will be happening which might interest you…
…The release date is STILL ON for April 1st and you can be sure that this is NOT an April Fools 🙂 I have a few new reponsibilities coming up but rest assured that for all my brothers at Ausmicro.com that i will CONTINUE the services I have provided in the past, in some cases with even better prices and a level of personal service not yet seen…
…I have been a bit thin on the boards recently but all that will become clear very soon…Thankyou all for your continued friendship…
…Meanwhile back in the BatCave…This machine is going to crack open the RC world…And you all have ringside seats 🙂
This topic was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by Aaron.