My Friend Is Unsure On What Monser Truck To Get…

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    • #11811
      Star Guitar
      • Posts: 173

      Hay one of my friends is unsure as to what monster truck he should get

      he wants either a cen fun factor mt2, traxxas emaxx, traxxas sportmaxx

      which one do u guys recommend out of the 3, or is there any other truck that is good for about $500 aus (he was thinking of importing from usa and he doesnt want to spend more than $500 aus)

    • #46942
      • Posts: 418

      well the emaxx will really blow his 500AUD budget probly the sportmaxx as it is a monster truck an is stock emaxx speed and it can be transformed into a tmaxx if he wants to go that way when he expands his budget, hey cen fun factor aint a monster truck and cant really be compared with the sport and emaxx as they are monster trucks
      they cen fun factor is more of a mini monster truck julys issue of “RC CAR” tested the cen fun factor in its mini monster catagorie and found it to be the second best out of all the trucks they tested (a few duratrax pro series) they found the hpi nitro mt to be the winner so he could look at that

    • #46944
      Star Guitar
      • Posts: 173

      nah he said he didnt want that one cause it looks alot like a stadium truck i will tell him about the sportmaxx i think he said he might get that

    • #46948
      Star Guitar
      • Posts: 173

      he said to me that hes now getting a sportmaxx it is 472 with everything from towerhobbies i cant wait to see it and drive it it will be awesome i will prob get one for my birthday (next april) as well it will be fully sick

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