THANK YOU to everyone who has emailed us with additions to the Bit Char-G links database (refer this post from yesterday). Overnight, while my caffeine-filled body was attempting to sleep, there were 14 new sites emailed through. We gotta get that you-can-add system in place ASAP!
We’re addingall of the new linksto the database tonight, so the updated output page should be ready pretty soon.
One VERY interesting page was this one submitted by JeffTheChef (cute nick BTW!). It is a Japanese site run by a Char-G fan called “Oba”, who seems to have a LOT of time on his hands. The technical information is mindblowing.
….if only we could read it!
Yeah – I’ve thrown it into Babelfish, however, the accuracy of the translation leaves a bit to be desired. It appears that Oba has been busy adding a DC charger/power supply jack; and analysing the RF wavelength and subcarriers with a view to some sort of modification. Interesting stuff. Clearly – an accurate understanding of the tech side of this is critical so we don’t butcher our precious cars/controllers.
If anyone can read Kanjii or decipher EXACTLY what is going on here, please post some details. I know a number of members who would be very interested to know the full (non-“Engrish”) version. :smiley15: