LOL! Thats too funny. My wife said the same thing about the wheels on the body lift! Well, like I tried to explain to her, the mod is about a “body lift” andNOT big wheels. I only set up that car temporarily to showcase the mod, but I took it apart after the photo shoot.It was really only a proof of concept type thing to show it could be done. The mod you speak of has the body mounted/gluedonto the clear PCB board cover, and I wasnt too happy with that method. So I created this mod, because you attach and remove the body like normal. The object is to imagine this body lift on a bit like the one you mentioned with the big tires.
My next mod (in progress) is a bit with 4 point monster truck suspension, and that one actually has big old tires… The suspension is done and working, just waiting on an appropriate axle. heee hee.
BTW, my stinkin ISP crashed my FTP directory over the wknd so the site is gone! I am gonna have to re-upload the site, when they return access to my dir to me, which they claim they have no idea what happened to it. D*mn.