Nitro R/C questions
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- This topic has 33 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 6 months ago by
August 3, 2003 at 10:57 am #11773
Do you have to keep the glow igniter on the plug while you pull it?
Do these break easier than electric r/c?
How do u turn them off? -
August 3, 2003 at 2:19 pm #46501
yeah just keep it on till its started and the after its started i like to keep it on for a extra 30 sec ta keep the pulg nice and hot till the eng. warms up.
depends they bolth have there ups and downs nitro can couse alot more to fix becouse of the eng. but there really made ta take a beating. just keep the air filter on tigher and use a fule filter and your eng. will love you.
to turn them off you just pinch the fule line till it go’s off.
brake in is the hardest part of nitro rc. but remember your high speed needle need to be adj. alot. like if it muggy out and hot and the next day its cold and dry then you will need to adj. the high speed becouse it might not start. not all that hard after a few times.
for your first nitro car you should go with a traxxas becouse of the eng. replacemnt plan and they have the best warrenty on the eng. and there cars are easy to tune.
the 2.5 max and 4 tec might be alittle to powere full and to complex for you to start off with.
the nitro sport and nitro stampeed are really nice trucks my first nitro was a stampeed and with the trx pro .15 its pretty fast and hass all the goodes like electric start dual exhust nice trany ball bearings.
just spend $30 on a race guard fail safe unit. did yu see my fusion thats what happens when your batt. pack on the car dies at full throtle all you can do is sit and watch and cry.
the fail safe can be programmed to whare if there a voltage drop it returns all servos to the normal pos. or full brake ect. for nitro cars its the best hop up ever.
check out the reason im saying go with them is becouse there custmer suport is A+ and there cars are really nice qualty. back when the trx pro .15 came out i was racing my stampeed and crached it into a traylor and snaped the head off and the carb off. and they replaced it for $60 a fresh new pull start “back then they were $110 for the pull start verson”
everyone i know who had a traxxas has had good luck with them and has nothing but nice things ta say about there cars.
August 3, 2003 at 2:30 pm #46502
whats a servo saver?
Edited by – KingRX7 on 03 August 2003 10:39:08
August 3, 2003 at 2:44 pm #46503
im thinking of getting a teamlosi xxx-nt nitro sport truck.
August 3, 2003 at 2:52 pm #46504
not really a good truck ta start off with but you can it will just be a little harder. the carb for that mach .15 is really hard to tune and the truck its sell has alot of upkeep outher than that its a good truck. i prafer the rc10 gt ben around a long time and hasent changed much so it must be good. they offer that in a rtr to i think the eng. is made by thunder tiger or they might of switched becouse i while ago it was a thunder tiger.
August 3, 2003 at 3:03 pm #46505
what do you mean by tuneing and other upkeep?
August 3, 2003 at 4:24 pm #46507
as far as tuneing the suspen. rebulding the diff ect. the top shaft is flawed in the xxxt so you gotta make shut its greased good it it whares out fast
August 3, 2003 at 5:03 pm #46508
These nitro cars sound like a lot more work than u would have with a electric.
August 3, 2003 at 5:53 pm #46510
i think they r, plus u have to buy nitro fuel all the time whereas electric cars u just gotta charge a battery and brush out any dirt/rocks/grass in it but the nitro noise is pretty damn cool…
August 3, 2003 at 6:16 pm #46512
you can buy a gallon of fule for about $30 and that will last ya awile
they are alot more work but there alot funner. cant take a electric car mud bogin or plowing through puddle and snow but nitro can 🙂
August 4, 2003 at 10:30 am #46521
what does the climate have to do with how you tune your engine?
August 4, 2003 at 12:29 pm #46522
moisture in the air the temp. ect.
read it in the eng. instrution booklet. my novarossi loves cold weatcher but its much harder to tune but when its tuned it runs smoother and faster.
go to a hobby shop and buy a book called nitro basics its writen by the people from rc car action and its full of helpfull info and tips.
August 5, 2003 at 11:57 pm #46620
pfft nitro aint that much hard work never had one my self but no 5 ppl that do just a bit of oil her tune ther fuel aint that much more expensive than buying batterys 50 bucks will get u a battery 60 bux will get u 2 galleons of fuel about the same life a 50 buck battery will give you anyway
August 6, 2003 at 12:35 am #46627
yea…… u can get like 2 liters of fuel from like mr toys or sumthin for like 20 bucks
August 6, 2003 at 3:07 am #46631
Nitro has a few disadvantages…
1. Noise – Sometiems it does annoy others.
2. Messy – The fuels, the lubes, etc all a little bit more messy that a ‘lectric …
3. Reverse? Ok there are some Fwd/Reverse units out there but they’re not common yet are they? Reverse can be handy especially for new drivers 😉Electric has disadvantages too:
1. Charge times – even a ‘fast charge’ can be 30 mintues or more
2. Cost of Battery packs… High capital spend thereI still prefer Electric, mainly becuase they’re tless intensive on maintenance…
Site Owner Guy. -
August 6, 2003 at 6:44 am #46638
i like the noise
August 6, 2003 at 11:01 am #46639
yea the noise the smell and the annoying aothers all the fun
August 6, 2003 at 1:36 pm #46649
batterys are for flashlights gimmy nitro!
August 6, 2003 at 3:15 pm #46651
August 6, 2003 at 4:18 pm #46654
some times i done even run a pipe on my car…yeah it stalls some times but it makes it 50 times louder. i want me car ta make people think the world is gonna end when im driveing it.
August 6, 2003 at 4:40 pm #46657
do u know any other ways to make it louder?
August 6, 2003 at 6:35 pm #46658
is 20%trinity monster fuel good for backyard racing?
August 6, 2003 at 8:20 pm #46662
You inconsiderate twits think the world owes you, do you? Got news for you… it don’t. :angry:
Have some thought for the others who might not like the noise of a nitro toy screaming away… or else you could well get them BANNED in your county/council and that’ll Serve you Right.
And we’ll be sure to direct all the irate RC hobbyists to Your House to show you how inconsiderate you have been. Be sure your Neighbours would be more than willing to point out the directions.
Get Real.
Running an RC is a Priviledge, not a Right.
As for running with no muffler…
Stop spouting crap (you know who you are).
Losing a tuned pipe on your 2-stroke instantly decimates all power coming out of your engine, makes it run too hot, run too lean from loss of back-pressure.
Yeah right, sure you really want that.
August 7, 2003 at 8:14 am #46678
someones grumpy where i live the nearest neighbor is about half a mile away and there are always dirtbikes running around constantly doesnt seem to bother anyone
Edited by – KingRX7 on 07 August 2003 04:30:45
August 7, 2003 at 12:53 pm #46680
some4one dosent know anything about nitro cars.
dont use 20% use 10-15%
when you brake a eng. in with 1 type of fule dont switch to outher fules.
i like blue thunder, odonald, wild cat i personaly use blue thunder 15% with a med. turbo glow plug.
i forget who makes file pumps for rc but i think there abot $75 becouse i looked into 1 but never got bought it. and then you can run no muffler just a header with a a peace of tube to the hole in the maxx’s chassy ta keep it from getting dirty and then you wont run to rich or lean but still be loud.
just like cars mufflers = power loss if you take it off you will need to readjust the 2 speed for the extra power.
the traxxas mufflers are crap. when you get it rip the baffle out of the pipe “little alu peace” and you can see a power increase.
the best racing pipes are
novarossi rex
omega turbo
stinger -
August 7, 2003 at 1:22 pm #46681
i got 20%traxxas top end fuel it was the only thing in 1quart at the local hobby shop, my engine has already been broken in.
August 7, 2003 at 1:51 pm #46682
theres no proformance gain with it. i dont like top fule but use whatever your eng. was brokein in on.
im useing 15% blue thunder race in my .21 nova rossi trophy “3.5” in my fusion. just remember that if you let your fule set it can go bad. so stick with the quarts. i dump my fule when its a month old for fresh “2 days ago i dumped out about 2/3’s of a gallon” but bad fule can wreck your eng. ask any nitro guy.
what kind of eng. are you useing? i got a nice little nova rossi .12 that in a stock maxx it beat a 2.5 maxx and i might sell it for a few bucks, just put a m speed turbo rod piston sleve 6.0mm composit slide carb turbo crank shaft. but i got my fusion and sold my hpi so i have no need for it.
heres some low coust mods you can do for some power.
port and polish.
carb bore “unless its a 5.5mm”
light weight fly wheel
racing clutch
turbo 2 peace head and plug
racing headder
gears -
August 7, 2003 at 2:43 pm #46684
yeah i dont think im going to spend that much for upgrades unless something breaks i wont be racing it im just going to use it for my backyard jumps/track im trying to build
August 7, 2003 at 3:51 pm #46685
i made some nice jumps in a field by my house by just gettin some woodchips and covering them with dirt. its a 6 foot high launch ramp 🙂 so far its killed a ofna, koysho impherno mp7.5, 3 t maxx’s my old gc10 gt.
so far no car has lived from a full speed jump but i got high hopes for my monster gt on the 4th tank of brakeing it in and then im goin for the gold. i really think it can make it my rc10 gt allmost did but when it came down on its nose the chassy got a extra 45 deg. kick up lmao but that wreck wasent anything compared to my fusion hittin a curb at 90+mph. just had ta take some pics of that wreck
August 7, 2003 at 4:02 pm #46686
your crazy ive heard of rc planes doing dog fights and seeing who can get closest to the ground without crashing
August 7, 2003 at 4:57 pm #46688
well my rc plane hit house fences trees so i would suck at that lol but its still flying firebird xl the best rc plane in the world
August 7, 2003 at 8:39 pm #46691
what do u think about paris pipes?
August 8, 2003 at 5:03 pm #46717
has anyone used those nitro cooler things? you put your quart or gallon of fuel and then you zip it up too keep it cool in the summer and warm in the winter
August 8, 2003 at 6:37 pm #46725
i use tire warmers but i just keep my fule in a cooler.
paris pipes suck my left nut. there “turbo” pipe is ribber like a dildo but should that slow air flow down? i love my novarossi rex pipe and my cvec they kick azz.
i just hit 100.2 mph with my fusion but i scorched a piston running it so lean but with some time and changeing the set ups i can beat the worlds fastest tc3. only problem is im distroying the front of my bodys ater 90mph the front end of my body gets puched down from so much down force it starts scrapeing.
it will be about a week ta fix my eng insted of reparing it im just buying all turbo componets for it so i need some time ta round up the $350 for the parts. as for my wheel nuts i went from blue thred lock to red becouse i lost a rear foam on the first speed run “kinda funn becouse it looked it shot past the car and and wen outta sight and i never found it”
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