tc3 is good i hated it till i drove it. but theres outher cars heres some things you need to chose.
belt drive or shaft?
rear exhust or side?
slide or rotory carb?
in the .12-.15 cars i like the schumacher nitro fusion 12 rc10 tc3 trinty nitro reflex hpi r40 and serpant impulse.
.21 theres the serpant vector hands down best 1/8 scare car made 0-60 in 1.5 sec top speed of 70mph then theres the hpi not shure what name but it kinda looks like a serpant. then theres the schumacher fusion what i have and for a 1/10th scale car its a missle with its 3 speed. i also added a rb innovations supercharger to mine with upgraded pullys and hit 98.2mph ith aftermarket gears.
if you just gonna race your friends and wanna open up the box and kick some azz get the fusion but its not track leg. with its .21 and 3 speed so not a good choice if your gonna race with rules.
also i have now felt the power that is the new trx 2.5 and the power is equal if not more to my novarossi 70mph out of the box with a nitro 4 tec. and dont baleave any of the rumors about it i have 1 in my new tmaxx “had to buy another 1 i love it” and was amazed with the stock power of the 2.5 when i was beating a hpi savage with a .21. and the trx has a pek rpm of 50,000 yeah fast no load but the trx flywheel is nothing and you can buy lighter lywheels. doller for doller the 4tc is your best buy.