Paint removal.

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    • #8992
      • Posts: 5952

      Wodering if anyone knew how to remove paint from the bodies? I suspect that thinner would destroy the plastic body and I don’t like the idea of sanding. I used Plasti-kote and I’m tired of the color, so I’d like to change the color, but I don’t wanna buy a new body yet. Thanks.

    • #13945
      • Posts: 5952

      Well i sanded my lancer down and i have pics on this site of it being sanded but it wasn’t that hard, it actually was pretty east. So just stop being lazy and sand it. Dave

    • #13950
      • Posts: 5952

      This solution should remove your paint: spray the car with oven cleaner, put it in a Ziploc bag, and leave it there for a few hours. The paint should come off with a toothbrush. Yes. Really.

    • #13963
      • Posts: 5952

      sweet! i’m gonna try that! my stock paint job sux.

      thanks, zeroBXU:smiley4:

    • #14063
      • Posts: 5952

      You can always buy my subaru body. 😀

    • #14066
      • Posts: 5952

      zeroBXU — thanks I’ll try that!

      frozensi — You can eat a big one, k? k!

    • #14067
      • Posts: 5952

      I was actually able to “clear” out all my bit bodies, including the ones that came factory painted, using ordinary nail polish remover, butoven cleaner sounds pretty interesting….Im gonna try that one.

    • #14069
      • Posts: 5952

      zEro, Won’t the oven cleaner eat up the plastic? I used that stuff to polish my bike frame and remove some paint off my plastics, it actually ate up part of the urethane.

    • #14070
      • Posts: 5952

      I’ll answer two questions at once…

      Oven cleaner – this is a “trick-of-the-trade” for people into plastic modeling (aircraft, cars, Gundams, whatever) to get lousy paint jobs off their models. It should be okay on Bit Char-G cars, and I’ve heard it referenced before for that purpose.

      Nail polish remover – DON’T USE IT!!! I tried it on a bad paint job I gave a clear Bit Char-G Accord body (yes–I did a bad paint job:smiley9: ) and the nail polish remover didn’t remove the paint, but did manage to ruin the body to the point where I could pull it apart (not “snap it apart”) with my fingers.

    • #14074
      • Posts: 5952

      sorry bout that zeroBXU!!! someone else told me they couldnt use ordinary nail polish either…Im a goof. Anyways ive been using some cheap “non-acetone” nail polish remover for quite a while now and to my suprise, no harm yet. I was wondering if ordinary nail polish remover destroyed your bit body right away or did it take a while???

    • #14082
      • Posts: 5952

      Is any specific brand of oven cleaner better or are they all the same? I’ve never really had experience with the stuff.

    • #14083
      • Posts: 5952

      Totally off the subject, oven cleaner also takes tire marks out of your driveway.


    • #14093
      • Posts: 5952

      The nail polish remover took awhile. You know how when you stay in the water a long time, your fingers start to wrinkle? Well, the Bit Char-G shell did its own little take on that. And don’t feel like a goof, fabiobizarre3, I did the same thing. You’re just learning from my mistakes. It did take awhile to destroy it, but it also clouded the clear plastic (“window” sections of the car) nearly instantly, when just applied with a cotton swab.

    • #14095
      • Posts: 5952

      I think they said the FOAMING type of Oven cleaner. I have some cheap “Spray” oven cleaner, and it didn’t do jack to the paint. the brand I have is “Easy Off”. Like I said.. it sucks.. use the Foaming type.

      Also off the subject, Oven cleaner is great for cleaning the underside of your car’s hood.. gets the oil and grime out. But it can also take some of the paint of if you have a crappy paint job, like my bro’s car. :smiley2:

    • #14164
      • Posts: 5952

      I tried the foaming oven cleaner and it seemed to work to a point. The paint will come off now, but I need to scrub kind hard. I’ll try to put another coat of cleaner on and see if it comes off even easier. Thanks for the tips all!

    • #14187
      • Posts: 5952

      I tried the foaming oven cleaner over the weekend on one of my Skylines. The results were astounding!

      I just sat the car in the kitchen sank, gave it a hit of “Mr Muscle” (an Aussie foaming oven cleaner) and repeated the application of foam about an hour later.

      Most of thepaint became “gooey” and was removed after a quick wipe with a kitchen scourer. The little left-over bits were eliminated with a quick rub with some 1200-grade wet’n’dry paper.


    • #14205
      • Posts: 5952

      hmm… the paint seems to have stained the car body, time to get a new one i guess, thanks everyone

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