Painting Question:

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    • #11524
      • Posts: 28

      i got some Humbrol Enamel model paint and was wondering if i can just it on bitcharg shells?
      any tips on painting the shells will be appreciated

    • #24699
      • Posts: 1321

      I like to use spray paint, I havn’t tried using enamel but I think spray would be easier and still looks good.

    • #24701
      • Posts: 207

      I brush on Acrylic paints, because it gives me a lot more freedom while painting, and then put a layer or two of Clear coat over it. It gives a surprisingly smooth look if you keep your brush strokes even and in the same direction.

      Enamel sprays kept bubbling on my bodies.

    • #24706
      • Posts: 602

      I use the spray paints for my Bits too. It doesn’t cause bubbles but somehow it’s so easy to get dust on it. And it’s somehow easy to rub off as well. why?

    • #24707
      • Posts: 1321

      Mine doesn’t bubble either, I usually leave it out in the sun for a few hours after I paint it so any small bubbles that do appear are gone by the time I take it out of the sun.

    • #24708
      • Posts: 2088

      Is use spray cans. The cheaper and nastier the better! lol! Getting into decals now though, they’re pretty darn cool as well.

    • #24709
      • Posts: 1321

      yeah, im on hobbyone’s phone list for when they receive clear decal paper, has anyone used this? is it good?

    • #24716
      • Posts: 247

      i like using acrylics, ive used sprays before, and it just doesnt look they way i want it too. acrylics give you a lot more freedom, and they will definetly not bubble or rub of easy. Make sure to clear coat to or else it can leave rough marks and other wierd spots… good luck:D

    • #24723
      • Posts: 28

      so if i use the Enamel paint it, it will bubble?

    • #24725
      • Posts: 774

      i used car paint on my wrx.. silly me it came out mat so i had to get a cutting compound and polish it…just like a 1:1

    • #24736
      • Posts: 1866
      so if i use the Enamel paint it, it will bubble?

      There’s another earlier thread on this… :smiley16:

      Enamel paints can only be applied over other enamels. If you paint enamel over acrylic, the acrylic below will wrinkle/bubble.

      (But you can apply acrylic over other acrylic or enamels.)

      If you’re painting over an existing painted shell, I suspect the factory paint is acrylic. You’ll have to strip it back to bare, or start with one of the unpainted spare shells.

      As for dust… gotta paint & let-dry in a dust-free environment. :smiley2:
      The pros have ventilated filtered paintbooths with waterbath floors…

    • #24589
      • Posts: 28

      so can sumone just clear this up.
      if i use enamel paint on a clear unpainted shell everything will be fine.
      if i paint over one that alrd has paint on it i have to remove it or it will bubble. can i just put a primer coat over the paint and use the enamel on top with no problems.

    • #24590
      • Posts: 1321

      I dont know, looks confusing to me, I think clear shells will be fine, I think you have to use primer if you are going to paint a already painted shell.

    • #24245
      • Posts: 2265

      enamel has a hard time without prior sanding (aargh!!! dust) or a use of an enamel primer, the colour spray has a hard time sticking to smooth plastic.

      i recomend using an undercoat on any paint job as it greatly improves the look of the finish, especially acrylic. if you are using light colours a white is good but for all metalic and darker tones a black is best. if in doubt a grey spray never goes astray!

      3units of art at high school tought me pretty well. suprisingly the opposite on the colour wheel will give a perfect contrast as an undercoat, e.g red under green, the reason being it reflects every available particle of light to the eye( thankyou Monet!!!)

    • #24027
      • Posts: 117
      yeah, im on hobbyone’s phone list for when they receive clear decal paper, has anyone used this? is it good?
    • #24031
      • Posts: 1321

      what was that quote for? I meant to say its paper that you can print your own decals. It comes in white and clear but hobbyone didn’t have any clear sheets in stock, so they are going to call me when some arrives. Has anyone used this? is it good?

    • #24032
      • Posts: 117

      sorry barto what I ment to post was are the deacls printed off a pc or painted because kmart has transpearent labels for printers but you need a good printer

    • #24035
      • Posts: 1321

      yeah its just going to be a blank sheet and I was going to print them myself, but it probably will be quite difficult.

    • #24039
      • Posts: 117

      try somewere like office works it’s good stuff just do test runs with normal paper. or you can do my last system and buy a techdeck and use the mini stickers that come with that:D

    • #24040
      • Posts: 1321

      oh ok, yeah I will run some test prints on normal paper first. I’ll have a look at those tech decks, thanks. If I go ahead with the hobby sticker paper I’ll post results on what I think.

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