Quick batt charger question..

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    • #10400
      • Posts: 347


      with my batt charger from jaycar (typical nicd/nimh) charger, it has a discharging function right.. Now, since nimh batteries don’t have a memory effect, is it necessary for me to put em thru the discharging process every single time as i do?

      If i don’t have to.. is there anything else to worry about like OVERCHARGING?

      it seems as if i’m wasting up to 8 hours just waiting for my batteries to discharge before the charging kicks in.. so i was wondering if its really necessary…

      thanks for any help

    • #25817
      • Posts: 2487

      it’s not as necessary with nimh but it’s good to do it regularly. how you treat your batteries will determine how long they last and the amount of current they deliver. with nicad it’s recommended that you discharge the cells before each charge:8ball:

    • #25740
      • Posts: 171

      with my batt charger from jaycar (typical nicd/nimh) charger, it has a discharging function right.. Now, since nimh batteries don’t have a memory effect, is it necessary for me to put em thru the discharging process every single time as i do?

      If i don’t have to.. is there anything else to worry about like OVERCHARGING?

      it seems as if i’m wasting up to 8 hours just waiting for my batteries to discharge before the charging kicks in.. so i was wondering if its really necessary…

      thanks for any help

      i c e b r e a k a _

      8hrs to discharge your batteries? Which 1’s are taking this long? surely this can’t be right! Jay-Z uses a AAA battery holder attached to an old 130 motor, works OK but you don’t wanna let your packs dump too much tho….:)

    • #25789
      • Posts: 347

      hmm tehy all seem to take long.. not always 8 hrs.. but i rememember when i go to sleep and pop em in the charger, i wake up and 1 or 2 are still discharging..

    • #25790
      • Posts: 2563

      if your like me, charge at 3.5A, discharge at more A and no maintenence, they last about 15 runs….:8ball:

    • #39054
      • Posts: 1547

      lol yeah the current used also determines the “punch” and endurance of the batterys a slow charge will get u more enduance and a fast charge will get you more punch.. if u have TONs of money laying around u can buy the ultasonic things that u put ur batteries into to make them have almost no internal resistance and make the batterys really nice and run longer and harder

    • #25686
      • Posts: 347

      Hmm alrights..

      so a peak detect charger would charge my batts perfectly right?

      How does that $50 omni peak one on ebay measure up against more expensive ones available? what are the diffs..

      and whats a suitable current to use for charging 4 800 mah batts with a peak charger.. ? 2 A?

    • #25685
      • Posts: 1547

      yeh peak chargers are GREAT.. yeh teh omni on ebay in a god charger for begginers will do AA AAAs well if ur into compertition racing then its not whatu want but for mini-zs and house hold use its good.. but it need a 12v DC input.. car battery is always good

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