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    • #10997
      • Posts: 1547

      does ne 1 no how to increase steerong power casue i just made a monster truck n it strugles to turn

    • #21647
      • Posts: 2088

      Some electronic improvments

      1) Dual cell your car creates stronger steering.

      2) Replacing the steering transistors with mosfets helps as well but not as much as a dual cell. I personally do this when doing the fullsize wheel mod.

      Some non electronic ones are.

      1) re-align the magnet and check the steering enclosure, also glue the magnet. This technique makes your steering more even and consistent between left and right.

      2) a bit of talc power over the wheel knuckles helps reduce friction

      3) buy a rare earth magnet from Tandy(radioshack), apparently they have just the right size. I dunno about this mod though ’cause I reakon the stock magnet is pretty strong anyway. I’d like to know if anyone has tried this….?

      I’m sure other members will post their hints and tips as well.


    • #21648
      • Posts: 602

      I’ll say use the dual cell mod is really good for the monster truck. Because u prob just use a 1.0 for the truck so it will have a lot of torque. A dual cell is the one for your truck. unless u want use the MosFet mod so the car won’t be as heavy. Then I suggest do the Normal MOSFET and the steering MOSFET

    • #21649
      • Posts: 1547

      yeh i already have a dual cell but i think it might be the mototr then casue its froma clone and rekon its about 3.0 in from the sound ill take it down to alower motor which might help

    • #21650
      • Posts: 2088

      Strange, you have a dual cell yet the steering won’t turn. Are you sure the steering is actually OK? How heavy/large are your wheels?


    • #21199
      • Posts: 1547

      nah is steers but not very well

    • #21145
      • Posts: 2088

      Then check the seating of the magnet in the steering assembly, the glue that is used from the factory is quite weak and the magnet can come loose after a while.

      Also, have you stuffed around with the steering assembly? I noticed that when I put the magnet back in the steering was crap! I had put the magnet in the wrong way. So try removing the magnet and flipping it over and put the assembly back to together. This is how I found that out!


    • #38706
      • Posts: 5952
      Then check the seating of the magnet in the steering assembly, the glue that is used from the factory is quite weak and the magnet can come loose after a while.

      Also, have you stuffed around with the steering assembly? I noticed that when I put the magnet back in the steering was crap! I had put the magnet in the wrong way. So try removing the magnet and flipping it over and put the assembly back to together. This is how I found that out!


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