After 3 years im dusting off my mini 4wd car and going for the top 3 races in the usa s, i talked to the hobby shop whare i raced them at and so far noone came close to my old cars speed record why staying on the track. i tesdted my car after sitting for 3 years with some sayno 1100 mha cells and still ran like i did 3 years ago.
a few tings are gonna change from when i usta race my main car will be a trusty super 1 chassy instead of the x i raced with becouse my super 1 is faster and handles better. the stickers are comeing off my body and im lighting it. i ll be trying a new type of resin tires along with some mini z tires on some of my cars rims. so far the best tires are the resin. i ll be useing dry bearings and all my screws are going to be alu. with the exciption to the front rollers becouse they take a beating. my record was 68.8 kalamaters a hour with a plasma dash and the speed checkers stoped at 99 with a handwound 11 turn hex but the track was a oval with banked turns.
so i made this topic to intrest outhers in this type of racing and for them to get advise from a pro. soon as i get some hosting im gonna take some pics of my mini 4wd cars and post some of there custom settings like bending the back alu. dubble rollers up 4deg.