Most of the Kmarts and Toys r us around the place have Compact chargs, but you probably already know that. The toy r us in the city recently closed anyway, so forget that one.
Hobby place in Lonsdale St, near Melbourne Central shopping center, has BitChargs, but prepare yourslf for $80 a kit. They also sell Compacts, but at the same price. 😯 They are only $48 at Kmart.
There arent that many toy and hobby shops in the city center. Most of the shops are in the burbs. With looking for a clone, its really pot luck if they sell them at a toy store or not. Some service stations even have them.
Sorry, cant be a huge help here. I guess Melbourne just isnt the micro rc mecca it should be. I think most of us here are either buying via the net or getting compacts.
Good luck. Let us know how you go.