YAY!! We are back on line….what happened?

Home Forums General Chat YAY!! We are back on line….what happened?

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    • #10792
      • Posts: 1290

      Just had to go my first full day without Ausmicro since the hack.
      And I didnt like it, I had the day off work too.
      Firstly, Aaron, what happened?
      Secondly, well done for getting us up and running again.


    • #39538
      Avatar photoAaron
      • Posts: 2146

      To quote our ISP…
      Hi All, xxxxxxx has *major* problems, the resolution will require a complete backup/restore of the system.

      Affected customers will be notified in advance of this work – we expect it to be carried out within the next 7 days and is expected to take approx 24-48 hours.

      We realise that the quality of service has been poor due to this ongoing issue, rest assured we do have a sense of ‘fair play’ and wish to compensate for this outage. Customers will be contacted accordingly.

      I know this has been the case since we moved to a gruntier server during last year. The new server has been a problem for them with odd crashes and the like. I belive once they sort them we will be running faster and better than ever.

      When this downtime occurs I will keep ausmicro.com down a little longer to do some major DB/code interaction updates to improve our processing speed as well.


      Site Owner Guy.

    • #28817
      • Posts: 1321

      Thanks aaron, I just thought it was my computer. I was getting annoyed with it, but then every other site worked. You’re always trying to improve everything, thanks aaron.

    • #28819
      • Posts: 1290

      So if they advise you of impending downtime are you able to let us know as well?

      we expect it to be carried out within the next 7 days and is expected to take approx 24-48 hours.

      Or is that all you (and we) get?

      If it is, its a bit shabby.

    • #28821
      Avatar photoAaron
      • Posts: 2146

      I’ll try – however I’ll be offline from about 6pm today until some time on Sunday/Monday (possibly even Tuesday) as I’m moving house.

      If I’m offline during that time then I’ll miss the same notice 🙁

      Site Owner Guy.

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