AAAhh!!! wipe out!

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  • Author
    • #10298
      • Posts: 55

      after i installed the 2.6 motor my bit goes crazy, i can’t even control it. it keeps on doing dounuts, and im just preesing forward. wut can i do?

    • #36744
      • Posts: 1321

      Could it be the steering bar underneath the car isn’t set straight? If not, im not sure.

    • #36749
      • Posts: 2179

      Hard to say what could be up… it went straight before you dropped 2.6 in, yeah?? Could be tracking, too slick a surface, etc. Try softer tyres on the back for abit more traction, or even throw some high speed gears in… My 27MHz gtr had similar issues last week, after throwing in a lucifer turning was briefly given up on… donut central!! Chucked in the aqua gears, and found i gained some steering control back, but that was gradually lost as the thing gained speed. Fiddle around with different tyres/ratios and you should find something you’re happy with…:smiley2:

    • #36714
      • Posts: 35

      Buy a new one, simple fix!!!

      There are three types of people in the world, those who can count, and those who can’t.

    • #36716
      • Posts: 1038

      What surface are you driving on? Perhaps a different set of tyres might help, but if you’re not even close to controlling it as it is, then a change of tyres probably won’t completely rectify it either.

      👿 DaveF!
      My track –

    • #39814
      • Posts: 774

      maybe check the rear axle that the wheel with the gear on it has not come a little bit llose..this was causeing my bit to spin out when i did the dual cell mod..i pulled it off and glued it back on and it was fine…
      custom shells, mods and tips

    • #36393
      • Posts: 55

      i was playing with my bit again to see wut might the problem be, and it looks like i need some soft tires. for example if i press a direction and then press forward, the bit will do massive dounuts. and if i go straight and then press a direction the car will kinda drift a bit and the turning circle is very wide, and when i let go of all the buttons it does a 180…plz let me know if any of u have this problem too.

    • #36375
      • Posts: 2339

      thats a very strange thing to happen with a 2.6, i only ever got that problem with hard bit racer tyres and a 3.0

      maybe the soft tyres will help. i reckon a set of springs would aswell

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #36378
      • Posts: 55

      yah…..i know… friend has the same problem too.

    • #36056
      • Posts: 2265

      are you racing on a smooth surface like a varnished table? get a few sheets of mdf board and spray them (ruffness adds surface so be a bit messy OUTSIDE) black, matt black. only cost you bout $15 (the same price as tyreset) and it will get you half way at building a track.

      steering probs: dust & hair in nuckle(s)
      steering bar
      race surface/tires= traction issue
      magnet off center (have you crashed off a cliff lately?)

    • #36118
      • Posts: 1124

      Surface. Have you tried it on a mat or low-low pile(?) carpet?

      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #36129
      • Posts: 2265
      i was playing with my bit again to see wut might the problem be, and it looks like i need some soft tires. for example if i press a direction and then press forward, the bit will do massive dounuts. and if i go straight and then press a direction the car will kinda drift a bit and the turning circle is very wide, and when i let go of all the buttons it does a 180…plz let me know if any of u have this problem too.

      i get the exact same thing when i use a satin varnished coffee table.

    • #36080
      • Posts: 2339

      i get that on lino with my booster 3.5 at full boost

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #36092
      • Posts: 1430

      i like doing massive donuts. guess ther is no pleasing some people :p

      Smoke em up!

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