building a track

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    • #10145
      • Posts: 55

      im thinking of building a track. wut materials r good to make a track? ive seen ppl make it outta lego but i can’t find those anywhere. i wanna make one with guard rails, and btw where do i get those sponser signs for the guard rail?

    • #37403
      • Posts: 1321

      There are a few sites that have their own way of making a track, here are a few.
      (this one is Dave F’s track, speak to him and he could give you some pointers)

    • #37404
      • Posts: 774

      those signs can be downloaded from this site i think. Anyway you could make a track out of a big bit of cardboard with bits of foam pinned down as guard rails…

      If you want something more permanent you can make one with a ply and paint and varnish the surface. Shypos track has AFX guard rails which are good except bits have a tendancy to get stuck under them. A solution to this would be to drill holes so the guard rais can be mounted lower down or the same height as the nose of a car.
      custom shells, mods and tips

    • #37412
      • Posts: 1038

      Aw shucks Barto, thanks.

      AFX rails cost a fortune. I worked out it would have taken several hundred dollars to put rails all the way around my track.

      How you build the track, what you build it out of, and what techniques you use are dicated by budget, handyman skills, available materials, how long the track needs to last, how portible it needs to be, and time available to build it.

      The barrier logos on this site can be found under downloads I think.

      DaveF! 👿
      My track –

    • #37414
      • Posts: 1038

      Oh, there’s photos on this site under features (they’re from this sites previous life), regarding track construction, materials, etc. Good for getting ideas on what can be used.

      The UK site (under Links) also has some good track making ideas.

      The BCG GP site (under links, worldwide on this site) has some good home made tracks that the guys whip together every month. Helps to use babelfish to check out their site as it’s all in Japanese.

      Have a look around. There’s loads of sites where people show off their tracks, and tell you exactly what they used to build it.

      DaveF! 👿
      My track –

    • #39859
      • Posts: 1321

      There is also a making of at this website under mad trackz.

    • #37349
      • Posts: 1321

      Im just going to make a track out of the track set that you can buy. Its not gonna look anything good, but i can pack it up and store it away. I bought three of those smartland raceway sets. Probably will just set it up on our pool table or something.

    • #37309
      • Posts: 55

      thx a lot guys for the advice, im thinking of making an initial d track maybe akina hehehe…….or HAPPO!!!!!!:shock:

    • #37314
      • Posts: 1038

      The Got-Skillz track is awesome beyond compare. IMO.

      DaveF! 👿
      My track –

    • #37194
      • Posts: 2265

      mdf sheets (6mm) are about $6.50
      vinyl samples are free
      pva glue $10
      matt spray varnish $10 (surface)
      black and silver spraypack $5
      green felt.

      my first track cost about $30 but i still have supplies to do 2 more boards

      the a4 vinyl sheets i mesured up into 2cm strips and glued them streight onto the mdf. i had to support the strips using pva and 1cm squares of vinyl. easy to curve and once dry will give a few nasty suprises to any “railhuggers”.

    • #37183
      • Posts: 2339

      Dave: i boguht my AFX rails for $5 a packet for a packet of 12 or 15 i cant remeber exactly. but i bought 2 packs, bent them nicely and my track is in good condition, ask GT-ahh

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #37184
      • Posts: 774

      yeah except the height is sorta wack…its sooo annoying haveing to de-wedge a car out of the rail everytime you overshoot a corner
      custom shells, mods and tips

    • #39851
      • Posts: 1038

      I don’t doubt that the AFX rails would look excellent, in fact I agree they would look good, but I think they’re expensive (cost prohibitive) for a larger track.

      Keep in mind that when fully laid out my track has about 25m of race surface, so I’d need approx 50m of barriers.

      DaveF! 👿
      My track –

    • #36488
      • Posts: 55

      lets say i wanna put some scenery on my track, wut brand of models are the closest scale to the bit? i was thinking of the one ppl use for trains.

    • #36489
      • Posts: 1038

      Yeah, I think HO train is about the right scale. This stuff can get a little pricey though (Train hobbyists are hardcore, and will pay ANYTHING to make their sets look real).

      There are several good referances on the web about DIY HO scale scenery. it means a little more time and hands on making the scenery, but the end result can be as good, and it’s a lot cheaper.

      👿 DaveF!
      My track –

    • #36461
      8ch Ess Vee
      • Posts: 88

      Its all a matter of time and using your imagination.

      Not that my track is anywhere near complete so far a scenery yet, but I have found that some real simple techniques like paper mache is really cheap and can look quite effective in making hills, dams, etc.

      As for scale equipment, there is one truck that I found which is very close to being just about the right scale and I bought it from Chickenfeed for A$2.00.

      For other scenery I have even used a few rocks out of the garden, I plan on using some real dirt and some gravel put through a sieve and then sprinkled over a thin layer of glue with a coat of hairspray for dirt patches and gravel roads.

      I found a few old christmas decorations that have trimmed up to look like pine trees and someone even gave me a few plastic plants out of a fish tank which when cut down should make good reeds in my dam or grass tussocks.

      Only stuff so far that I have purchased for scenery is some grass “powder” used on model train setups that I will put around the track.

      Ive yet to try making any other trees, but I think I remember seeing trees made from twigs with greem plastic pot scourers pulled apart and stuck on for foliage.

      Another guy I knew had made hedges by cutting scourer pads into 1-2cm wide strips and gluing them down on their edge!!

      For the water in my dam I’m gonna try pouring some clear fiberglass resin to look like water.

      I guess if you have the time everything will eventually come your way.

      I even found a small wooden dolls stool that looks just like a water tank stand, painted a plastic bottle top silver, stuck it on and presto a water tank or perhaps put a RACING FUEL decal on it for a fuel tank for pit lane.

      Found a small plastic canister inside a vitamin pill bottle that is just about the right shape and size to look like a little 44 gallon drum. Coat of paint and too easy!!

      Have fun, I am!!

      8ch Ess Vee
      Turkey Hill Raceway
      Compact Char-G, White R34 GTR 27mHz
      2 x Nano Racer Clones
      Micro Super Charger, Black WRX 27mHz

    • #36440
      • Posts: 774

      lol i think you have too much time on your hands there Mr HSV….if i build a track its gonna have rails and thats about all
      custom shells, mods and tips

    • #36443
      • Posts: 1038

      Um… X is in Canada, but I’m sure he gets the point about the trucks.

      HSV is making the point I didn’t expand on. Everyday itels can be made into realistic looking scaled down scenery, or props for your track. Part of it is imagination, part is reasearch into what has been done before.

      Sounds like you’re doing some good work on that track HSV. Very cool.

      👿 DaveF!
      My track –

    • #36444
      • Posts: 55

      thx a lot guys for the tips. i was looking around in a hobby store today, and i found a lot of useful stuff in the train section. I think my track well be using a lot of that stuff, like the grass and stuff. but the buildings and trees r a bit pricy.:dead:. i also saw some liquid of some sort, its meant to reproduce asphalt…but i dunno how to use it. i might go there again and ask the guy. i have a feeling this track project will be a big investment. its i good thing me and my friend is spliting for this.:D

    • #36445
      • Posts: 1038

      Lots of photos, ok man. =o)

      👿 DaveF!
      My track –

    • #39810
      • Posts: 1038 has loads of good instructions, but with all the pictures missing.

      Several instructions for different types of trees, terrain, rocks, buildings, etc. The nice thing is they often are made from different materials, so you can pick the one that bests suits what you have access to. Unfortunately without the pictures you’ll have to read through, and use your own brain to work out how it’s done.

      👿 DaveF!
      My track –

    • #36414
      • Posts: 55

      thx davef, i’ll keep u posted on my track…but dun expect too much its gonna be my first track:Dand im still a bit new to bits.

    • #39807
      • Posts: 1038

      Mate, I built my track, and had completed it all except for the advertising on the barriers before I’d even taken delivery of my Bits. I was sooo releived when the size and width of the track turned out to be absolutely perfect.

      Have fun with it, and as long as you’re happy with whatever you come out with, it’s a good result.

      👿 DaveF!
      My track –

    • #36182
      8ch Ess Vee
      • Posts: 88

      Exactly right Dave, if you are happy with it thats all that matters ultimately.

      I always forget to think before I go refering to local stores that everyone here is based all around the world . Never quite sure of an equivalent either.

      As for having too much time on my hands GT-ahh, I dunno, I seem to have a head full of ideas but not enough time to let the ideas filter out through to my fingertips. I guess that I’m the sort of guy who likes to use as many of my skills as possible.

      I seem to be collecting heaps of little bits and pieces (of “junk” as my fiance refers to it), that will ONE DAY become something cool/useful.

      I only get about half an hour every few days to do something to the track, so I have plenty of time to think about my next step and hopefully come up with the quickest and most effective way of doing it.

      As soon as I get to the “next stage” of completion, I’ll also post some more pics and details on how I did it all.

      8ch Ess Vee
      Turkey Hill Raceway
      Compact Char-G, White R34 GTR 27mHz
      2 x Nano Racer Clones
      Micro Super Charger, Black WRX 27mHz

    • #36041
      • Posts: 774

      i have more fun racing round my house than I ever would on a track….reminds me of micromachines v3
      custom shells, mods and tips

    • #36061
      • Posts: 2265

      Hsv: my intire 2 door garage is filled with Usefull stuff (junk) and boy does the girl HATE it. how much does fibre glass resin cost? pva glue will give the exact effect AND wont crack ‘cos it’s flexible. it takes ink as well (if you want blue water for example).

      i’ll take a photo of my “kitchen kaos” track for u gt. i think that once you have a decent track ( good surface) the time is just as fun on as off.

      but once you get into fine tuning of tyres, motors,suspension and gearing the differenc is huge, the track is a standard of racing whereas tabletop exploration can be costly and dangerous.

      ever taken a fall, nocked yor magnet out and then snapped a coil fixing the magnet.

    • #36125
      • Posts: 55

      i hard tha masonite was a goodsurface to build a track, but i dunno wut masonite really is and where can i get some? if i use plywood, how many times should i varnish it?

    • #36126
      • Posts: 774

      masonite will warp if you get it wet….it has a nice smooth finish tho….
      custom shells, mods and tips

    • #36104
      • Posts: 1038

      Ply is fine, or some of that craftwood stuff (called MDF in Aus). The track in my sig was my 1st track. you just goot aplan it all out,and take your time with it.

      👿 DaveF!
      My track –

    • #39794
      • Posts: 55

      thx dave, i think me and me friend will stick with wood for sure, since so many ppl suggested that and they were happy with the results. will any wood do?

    • #35665
      • Posts: 2563

      8ch Ess Vee, you wouldnt happen to be situated in Tassie would you? If so in what part?

      Im thinking about a track, and im leaning towards making an albert park circuit. With boats on the water etc.

      If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, then let’s get wasted and have the time of our lives!!

    • #35967
      • Posts: 2563

      8ch Ess Vee, you wouldnt happen to be situated in Tassie would you? If so in what part?

      Im thinking about a track, and im leaning towards making an albert park circuit. With boats on the water etc.

      If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, then let’s get wasted and have the time of our lives!!

    • #35652
      • Posts: 2339

      my track is made from masonite. paint and varnish. its perfectly fine. looks good and i am happy with it i also enjoyed whippin Gt-ahh on it:evil:

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #35954
      • Posts: 2339

      my track is made from masonite. paint and varnish. its perfectly fine. looks good and i am happy with it i also enjoyed whippin Gt-ahh on it:evil:

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #35635
      • Posts: 1038

      Something you may never let him live down. Hey, maybe you could get that added to his AusMicro Tshirt – “Whipped by the Post Pimp.”

      👿 DaveF!
      My track –

    • #35937
      • Posts: 1038

      Something you may never let him live down. Hey, maybe you could get that added to his AusMicro Tshirt – “Whipped by the Post Pimp.”

      👿 DaveF!
      My track –

    • #35610
      8ch Ess Vee
      • Posts: 88


      I am in Tassie, up on the North West coast, in Devonport.

      Albert park would be cool for sure.

      z-beam, I thought about using pva glue too, I hadn’t got around to trying either of them yet, but you are right, the pva is flexible and the resin probably would crack for sure.

      As for boats on the water, I’m still looking for a suitable piece of “junk” to make em out off:D

      8ch Ess Vee
      Turkey Hill Raceway
      Compact Char-G, White R34 GTR 27mHz
      2 x Nano Racer Clones
      Micro Super Charger, Black WRX 27mHz

    • #35907
      8ch Ess Vee
      • Posts: 88


      I am in Tassie, up on the North West coast, in Devonport.

      Albert park would be cool for sure.

      z-beam, I thought about using pva glue too, I hadn’t got around to trying either of them yet, but you are right, the pva is flexible and the resin probably would crack for sure.

      As for boats on the water, I’m still looking for a suitable piece of “junk” to make em out off:D

      8ch Ess Vee
      Turkey Hill Raceway
      Compact Char-G, White R34 GTR 27mHz
      2 x Nano Racer Clones
      Micro Super Charger, Black WRX 27mHz

    • #35607
      • Posts: 2339

      i never will let him live it down lol.. altho i prolly should get over it… nah screw it.. its my glory:D

      and thats an awesome idea for his shirt:smiley16:

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #35904
      • Posts: 2339

      i never will let him live it down lol.. altho i prolly should get over it… nah screw it.. its my glory:D

      and thats an awesome idea for his shirt:smiley16:

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #39790
      • Posts: 55

      whoa…..don’t u guys think that we got a bit off topic?:question:

    • #39359
      • Posts: 55

      oh yah….i almost forgot, does anyone know of any place that i can get move sponser signs for the guard rails. cos my track will be pretty big and it will get very repeative if i use only the ones on this site

    • #35473
      • Posts: 1038

      I just hunted around on the web for companies who’s logo I wanted. Just about every business web site has a logo on it.

      Then there’s sites that just store thousands of Logos. Do a search for logo sites an see what you can find.

      You’ll need some sort of graphic software to make the logos you get the right size for your track.

      👿 DaveF!
      My track –

    • #35770
      • Posts: 1038

      I just hunted around on the web for companies who’s logo I wanted. Just about every business web site has a logo on it.

      Then there’s sites that just store thousands of Logos. Do a search for logo sites an see what you can find.

      You’ll need some sort of graphic software to make the logos you get the right size for your track.

      👿 DaveF!
      My track –

    • #35079
      • Posts: 55

      one problem me and my friend encountered is the size of the track. if we want to run 2.2 and 2.6 motors on the track how wide should the road be? i read somewhere that suggested 20 to 30 centimeters, but we calculated that the track will be really big if we follow that. do we really need such a wide track?

    • #35058
      • Posts: 1038

      For 2.2 and 2.6 motors, yeah… kinda. Depends on the surface really. The better grip those cars have on that surface, the thinner the track and sharper the corners can be.

      Unless the cars are boosters, and you’re conserving the boost for the straights and powerring out of corners.

      👿 DaveF!
      My track –

    • #34940
      • Posts: 55

      we’re probably gonna use plywood and varnish it, but if we might use masonite if its really cheap. i dunno wut problem our bits have, but sometimes it handles REALLY well without tipping over and some other times it can’t handle at all. we ordered some soft tires that r comming in today. hopefully that will help.

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