Compact Charg-G for sale at KMART!!!!

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    • #10532
      • Posts: 2088


      you will not beleive it, today I saw for sale TOMY Compact Char-G’s at Kmart in Southland for $49!!! 😯

      So I bought one:approve:.

      They have both the Nissan Skyline GTR and Honda S2000, both in 40Mhz and 27Mhz. Nissan was either blue or white (for either 40 for 27Mhz). The Honda was either grey or yellow (for either 40 for 27Mhz).

      This has got to be the cheapest price for original Bits in Australia.

      Again I can’t believe this is happening. They were stuck on a shelf near all the hotwheels crap.

      Incidently Hotwheels have there own version of bits out there (going on sale for $19 at the ‘mo, down from $25 a fornight ago). The bigggest change is the fact that the battery is mounted lengthwise on the chassis. You can get them optioned with either a fast motor, tourqey gearing, longer run time, but the controller looks quite crappy. A design that I haven’t seen anywhere else in cloneland.


    • #34397
      • Posts: 119

      the hotwheels are like the tamiya mini 4wd’s right.. you can’t steer them or anything, they need to run on a track or something.. am i right? anyway i live in WA and have never seen any compact char-g’s at any k-mart stores so far 🙁

      The sky is the limit! |ekR34|

    • #34379
      • Posts: 1321

      I have seen them in Kmart, Big W, Toys R Us and also Toyworld. They are all around the same price, Toyworld and Toys R Us maybe a few extra dollars.

    • #34380
      • Posts: 2088

      I always thought that you could only get them online. That’s news to me….

      As for the hotwheels ekwj you could be right, I didn’t notice any steering assempbly in these cars at all………:question:

    • #34314
      • Posts: 2179

      got my first Compact Char-G at Kmart last year, about 5 months ago now, $48 or so. The Hot Wheels KPH/MPH set is a VERY useful source of 2.6 motor, anodized heat sink and sticky orange rear tyres. Surgery on the chassis will get you a new internal battery too. Not bad for under $30:smiley2:

    • #34303
      • Posts: 2339

      yeah i got Coles Myer discount so i gots mine for $43:smiley16:

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #34286
      • Posts: 119

      hey ph2t.. do you know about those bit racers?? i think the hotwheel ones are similar to it coz i got myself one of those bit racers and i must say they have a similarity

      The sky is the limit! |ekR34|

    • #34287
      • Posts: 2339

      the hotwheels ones are bitracers.. hot wheels bought them..

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #34293
      • Posts: 119

      i see… those are kinda fun to play with too.. they have special tracks for it.. it’s like a mini sized tamiya 4wd.. which were so fun to play with back in the old days… and plus those bit racers can run for quite some time… considering you charge it for about 45 seconds or so.. can’t remember

      The sky is the limit! |ekR34|

    • #34238
      • Posts: 1290

      Hey ph2t just to tease you, just before christmas Kmart had the compact char-gs on special for $38.
      You are limited to only the two frequencies tho.

    • #34247
      • Posts: 2088

      Is everyone hiding this info or something? Why didn’t I know this before I ordered my RX-7 from the US…….

      But yes that’s true uA, only the two frequencies….

    • #34214
      • Posts: 675

      only 2 frequencies, and 2 cars, and no accessories, so ordering online is going to be needed anyway for upgrades

      27MHZ 3.5 Honda Accord (Custom Exhaust and F1 Wing)
      35MHZ 1.0 Battery Modded Castrol Supra
      45MHZ 2.2 Custom Painted Yellow and Black WRX
      57MHZ 2.6 Booster Trueno
      Mini Z Blue WRX (Lights, Gold alloys, Exhaust)
      Mini Z Castrol Supra + all mods (Coming)

    • #43823
      • Posts: 2265

      ph2t ekw and dgs, all of that info is on old topic pages like ones concerning kit and bit racers. have you seen clones in oz yet? i saw a bullet selling for 13.95 in a peice of junk mail. thats the cheapest i’ve seen bits for in oz.

    • #34043
      • Posts: 2088

      Yeah, I missed the boat on this one. I only got into bits after christmas. I bought 2 clones for $20 a pop.


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