Comparison, Bit, Lxxx, Precious, Bensu….

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    • #11001
      • Posts: 202

      I ordered 5 Micros and accessories from Toys East last week and received them
      yesterday. Couldn?t wait to get into the box, it was intact. Upon opening all merchandise
      was accounted for: 1- Bit Silver Fairlady Z, 1- Lxx Grey Modellista RX7w/3.8 motor,
      1- Bensu Peugot 206, and 2- Precious (1-WRX, 1-RX7), decals, 3.8 motor. These were my
      first booster cars so I didn?t know what to expect. Now after opening and comparing the 5,
      this is my report:

      Lxxx Modellista RX7: This clone is well put together, fit & finish is equaled to a Bit.
      Unfortunately that?s where the similarities end. This car came
      with a 3.0 motor, it was a dog. In non boost mode it literally
      crawled and growled, very noisy! In boost mode it was still a dog,
      ran like a 1.6! I tried the 3.8 that came with it, it was a lil better
      but still very noisy, the 3.8 ran more like a 2.0. Changed out
      gears for more torque, it helped a lil but not much. Tried the
      ?break-in method for the 3.0 motor, no change. So I decided to
      try the old faithful KIT motors. First the 2.2, it ran so smooth,
      quiet and quick. Then I tried the KIT 2.6, it got a lot better.
      In non boost mode it had good torque, in boost mode it seemed
      like a totally different beast, flipped a couple times?..Fast !
      Steering is excellent left and right. Range is good 8?-10?.
      Oh yes, front left wheel wasn?t completely chromed (grey)

      Bit Fairlady Z Booster: This is an excellent Micro! It came with a 2.2 that when compared
      with the Lxx 3.0, was much, much faster. It ran smooth , quiet,
      and straight. Good torque in both modes, quick in boosted mode.
      So in went the 3.8 that came with the Lxxx. In non boost mode it
      was fast enough to flip, in boosted mode it was unbelievably fast!
      Steering was excellent left and right. Range is not as good as the
      Lxxx but not bad. No complaint about this Micro.

      Precious RX7: What can I say about this clone? Fit and finish was decent, decals
      were paper but well placed. This clone came with a 2.2 that ran great.
      It was smooth, but a tad noisy but not extreme. Steering and range
      both excellent (20?-25?). Funny thing is the chassis was a beige color?
      Tires were bad. This was the one I bought for my son.

      Precious WRX : I expected this to run as good as my son?s, it really ?sucked?. Fit was
      decent, finish not so good but I didn?t expect it to be. Gears binded,
      turning right was excellent, turning left was very wide, it strayed in
      straight line acceleration. Acceleration was decent, range was
      excellent (20?-25?), tires were mediocre.

      Bensu Peugot 206: This was the car I had to have, I think it looks so cool, very ?rally?
      looking. Fit was good, finish was decent, wheels weren?t finished
      thoroughly, tires were bad, decals were paper and not placed very well.
      I?m not sure of what motor is in this thing, cap is pink, it runs like a 2.2
      though. It runs smooth, straight & sort of quiet. Turning to the right is
      sharp, turning left is wide. Range is excellent.

      Japan Perfection 3.8: This is the motor that was included free with the Lxxx, so I ordered
      another for $4.95. Now you know I had to try it in my MS. This motor
      is a BEAST ! The torque on this motor is incredible, it jumps off the line
      like a KIT 2.2 and accelerates like a rocket! And with a single cell
      (150 NIMH) and stock gears! . I can?t imagine adding another cell and
      being able to control it.

      Well there you have it! This is my first Bit and Lxxx. I have 4 Micro Sizers, 1-Shen Qi Wei, 1- Z-Car,
      and 1 ZipZap. The clones I?ve bought up to date have performed excellent until my recent
      purchase. I now know what you guys mean by ?Pay a lil more and get the original? I?m not an
      expert yet?.But I?m getting there !


    • #43792
      • Posts: 774

      yeah the precious factory is in brookvale..i have 3 and all are really noisey and ok but one doesnt run for very long…but my friend has 2 that were so bad he took em back to the of the chassis is a grey sort of color the rest are black…
      custom shells, mods and tips

    • #40599
      • Posts: 1124

      Good report:) I picked up the 206 last summer, still really like the body.

      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #40584
      • Posts: 2339

      i was waiting for sum1 to get a LXX booster and i knew they wouldnt be all they are cracked up 2 be, nice copy shells tho:smiley2:

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #40335
      • Posts: 202
      i was waiting for sum1 to get a LXX booster and i knew they wouldnt be all they are cracked up 2 be, nice copy shells tho:smiley2:

      Well I can say one thing, the Lxx are of very good quality, well built! the perfect candidate for upgrading. My only complaints were minor to me, motor & gears which were easily remedied once verified.
      Worth the $12.00 admission !


    • #40301
      • Posts: 2339

      thanks for that DarkTari, i was looking at geting one just to c how much faster/slower they go, i have herd mixed reoprts tho:shock:

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #37600
      • Posts: 102

      I have a freind that bought an lxx and I must say that the quality isn’t as good as the tomy cars. I like some of the clones out there, but everyone keeps telling me that they die prematurely.

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