JNH petition

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    • #10890
      • Posts: 2339

      please post here if you believe JNH should continue making compatcs and that they should extend there range into alot more shells than just 2.

      leave any suggestions or comments u like pertaining to cars that should be made or extras

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      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #41259
      • Posts: 1866

      JNH:- please bring in the FULL Tomica range!! 🙂

    • #41255
      • Posts: 2339

      i probably should have signed it myself.

      JNH bring out at least 4 new models

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

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    • #41249
      • Posts: 2179

      a larger range would be the go… please JNH?!
      Not to mention tires, gears, motors, shells…!

    • #41248
      • Posts: 1038

      JNH, please stock upgrades for the Char-G cars, (motors, gears, and especially bodies) the new Pull Back cars, and perhaps more of the Asian markets cars. I know you’re locked down on the frequency issue with those, but others are selling them in Australia. Perhaps you could push Tomy into making a booster 40MHz set.

      DaveF! 👿
      My track – http://community.webshots.com/album/58669595eliwuK

    • #41206
      • Posts: 2339

      keep em comin guys, this should do some serious influencing if evrything goes to plan

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    • #41203
      • Posts: 180

      JNH! please bring out some more cars!
      It is a pain in the ass buying from the internet all the time!
      You could make heeps more $$$$$$!!

      Bap Bap Bap

    • #41204
      • Posts: 180

      How about some busses also! they would sell like crazy!

      Bap Bap Bap

    • #41202
      • Posts: 5952

      I have been thinking about this for a long time. If you walked throught a mall during the christmas period, you would see stalls that sell clones selling a heap of cars, and the compacts sitting dormant on the k-mart shelf. JNH, you should put ads on at later times and target older byers. I mean, how many of us watch Cheese TV? half the time, the people buying clones were in their teens. Seriously, JNH, pull your finger out.

    • #41147
      • Posts: 2339

      this cant be all the ppl who ant new char-g’s

      dont sit there and look and think oh yeah i agree with so and so POST WHAT U WANT

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      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #41128
      • Posts: 27

      c’mon! the whole tomy range please!!

    • #41088
      • Posts: 2339

      u guys cant honestly say only 6 ppl want new compacts, C’MON PPL POST WHAT U WANT, WE AINT GONNA GET IT OTHERWISE

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    • #41086
      • Posts: 1430

      I really want to see the full range in australia.
      ive had to buy my cars from ebay.:dead:. if they brought the whole range here it would be cheaper for all of us!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • #41087
      • Posts: 143

      Yes i want them and i want PULL BACKS and assories

      Sorry but it is my understanding that JNH gets them from TOMY UK not tomy japan so maybe we shuld send a email to tomy uk

      CompactChar-G 40Mhz S2000 range mod, spring suppention
      Bit Char-G 57mhz Booster Fairlady Z

    • #41029
      • Posts: 1866

      What’s been coming out of Tomy UK anyway?

      Not much, from last homing pigeon.

    • #41000
      • Posts: 2339

      2 compact models, just that same as ours

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    • #41001
      • Posts: 1866

      Ya exactly. And they had trouble with one of their freqs too, can’t remember if its 27 or 40.

      Wouldn’t hold my breath if we’re relying on Tomy UK.

    • #40996
      • Posts: 420

      We all want new cars…….

      Whether is JNH or Tomy or whoever…. more cars, less cost

      *does a cheerleader dance with pom poms*


      *purr purr*

      Z Blue Skyline
      Z Silver Mazda
      BitCharG Hummer

    • #40987
      • Posts: 2339

      Panda: it was 40mhz, the british government wasnt allowing the new batch of them to be released

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      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #40867
      • Posts: 2265

      I called up jnh australia using the phone line printed on the back of the compacts entitled “customer support”. told em i loved their product and wantede to know more…this is straight from the mangers mouth…
      “pull backs, never heard of them but we are releasing 4 new cars, Bb ,celica, rx-7 and (i cant remember) in the 40 and 27mhz freq.”

      at this stage i asked them what they thought of the fact that ppl are importing all 4 (6 actually) freq and have been selling these “officially new” cars for over 6 months here in australia. that they didn’t like at all.

      what if ppl can import 35,57and 45mhz freq because that law is for divices of a certain size
      and bcg is too small to be of any problem…

      i personally reckon jnh should either give us pull backs and release a small amount of new cars (cos we dont need 4×40 and 4×27 mhz cars do we) or give toy retailers access to the entire bcg range. if strathfeild could so should jnh… dont waste money getting this stuff from the uk, go streight to the source.. asia..

      imagine how cheap a bit would be if it hadn’t been packaged by a british company!

      ring them up guys and tell them what we think!

    • #40849
      • Posts: 2339

      nice finding Z-beam, man i cant wait for new cars tho:D

      hoefully some unseen colours aswell:smiley16:

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    • #40846
      Avatar photoAaron
      • Posts: 2146

      Errr not technically the 27 and 40Mhz frequencies are the only ones legally allowed to be used here (and 29Mhz) for land based RC. All the rest are basically illegal.

      As a primary importer JNH can’t bring in other frequencies.
      Trading Direct and others can becuase it’s done in small volumes and not done through offical channels. But at the end of the day those frequencies shouldn’t be used.

      Moderator, Admin, and all that 🙂

      Site Owner Guy.

    • #40827
      • Posts: 1038

      And it’s a big fine for using the frequencies illegally too. $10,000 from memory. Be careful where you mouth off about the frequencies.:smiley16:

      DaveF! 👿
      My track – http://community.webshots.com/album/58669595eliwuK

    • #40822
      • Posts: 2339

      Do u guys reckon that police could track radio signals if they ever wanted to???

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      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #40787
      • Posts: 1038

      The organisation that monitors these things does have extremely powerful gear that can triangulate a signal, even a weak one. They don’t patrol the streets looking for them, but if there’s a complaint made, they investigavte, thus, don’t spout off to people who know frequencies (other RC enthusiasts in peson perhaps) about your illegal frequencies.

      I am told that occasionally devices go bung and start transmitting at power levels far beyond their original design. Even devices meant to receive can stat transmitting with an electrical fault.

      I have it on good authority (good mate works fr the frequency police – I forget the official title) that it is not impossible that these controllers could effect other receiving devices withint a block or two if they were to behave abnormally. He’s found a washing machine that ruined TV reception for 10 blocks due to a wiring fault.

      DaveF! 👿
      My track – http://community.webshots.com/album/58669595eliwuK

    • #40780
      • Posts: 2265

      dave, is this dude yur mate still?, if so please have a little experiment! test to see wether or not the 7 odd feet of range of a 35 mhz car is detetectable at even one block. sure i can understand it being ilegal for bigger transmitters but these things simply DONT affect other devices( except am radio) every divice it seems affects them, tv, fridge and even air cond.

      i need some facts cos i’m sick of hearing about how theres no difference between a bit and a big rc car…..

    • #40735
      • Posts: 675

      the other car being released is a wrx.

      I hope they have new colors, but i doubt it

      27MHZ 3.5 Honda Accord (Custom Exhaust and F1 Wing)
      35MHZ 1.0 Battery Modded Castrol Supra
      45MHZ 2.2 Custom Painted Yellow and Black WRX
      57MHZ 2.6 Booster Trueno
      Mini Z Blue WRX (Lights, Gold alloys, Exhaust)
      Mini Z Castrol Supra + all mods (Coming)

    • #40730
      • Posts: 1866
      … test to see wether or not the 7 odd feet of range of a 35 mhz car is detetectable at even one block. sure i can understand it being ilegal for bigger transmitters but these things simply DONT affect other devices( except am radio) every divice it seems affects them, tv, fridge and even air cond.

      i need some facts cos i’m sick of hearing about how theres no difference between a bit and a big rc car…..

      Hey, don’t shoot the messenger but “da Law iz da Law”.

      As part of their approval process (TUV, CE etc), household gadgets have to be designed to operate within a RF noisy environment. I have pals who work in testing… they literally blast various items with high power RF radiation, and make sure the item doesn’t misbehave.

      So just because your TV, fridge, PC etc doesn’t do something funny when there’s extra RF around doesn’t mean there isn’t *any* illegal RFs flying around. Its just designed to ignore the background hum.

      Dunno about you, but I wouldn’t be running to the authorities too quickly to ask them to test anything … that’s bit like reporting to the cops that someone’s just vandalised your Holden you stole last week. blackeye:

    • #40671
      • Posts: 2265

      i wasn’t blasting dave, i was just asking him wether or not he has some factual experience regarding the actual ability for a tiny bit to interfere with other equipment, or if he could get some. i sure don’t have access to rf triangulation divices so i have no experience.
      the only reason a rf emmiter could become banned (e.g 35, 57mhz bits) is if they actaully tested them in a modern testing environment and the divice NEGATIVELY affected other divices.what i’m asking dave to do is find out wether or not our hobbies are being screwed around because of legalities that are wrong, and commercially unjust.from what i’ve found out via scientific observation is that my “illigal” bits are not evil at all and that the western governments persecute them as if they are a part of the tall-e-ban.they dont interfer with any of my household equipment, on the contrary, the 35mhz bit is like a rf canary…. it lets me know were the signals are, the ones that are there from other things unknown

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