Other interests
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- This topic has 72 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 5 months ago by
August 14, 2003 at 8:56 pm #11006
I’m just wondering what other interests or hobbies you guys enjoy doing or would like to get into doing. I enjoy playing console/computer games and watching anime (if you could call those things hobbies maybe interests) oh well some things that i am interested in doing are go kart riding or buying a dune buggy, i’ve always been fascinated by those, paintball and airsoft except bb guns arent legal in Australia, oh well. What about you guys.
August 14, 2003 at 9:00 pm #21936
I also enjoy playing computer games, and I am building a model train set. Its going to be big, theres a whole room in my house dedicated to it, but its very costly so its just travelling slow at the moment.
August 15, 2003 at 2:30 am #21938
im into sports especially athletics and footy, and i love ET pulsars 😀 about to buy one, ($10000) :D:D cant wait
August 15, 2003 at 2:52 am #21939
yeah im into sports as well, but stopped playing rugby Union and AFL at the end of last year. My friend just recently bought an ET pulsar for $10,000 too. It’s very fast. I also play the drums in a few bands up here in brissie.
August 15, 2003 at 3:31 am #21940
also into sports, i play basketball every week and train (kung-fu) bout twice a week too. love console and computer games too, watch anime when i can, but most of all i love to draw! 😀
August 15, 2003 at 11:50 am #21944
what colour is your friends ET??
August 15, 2003 at 12:23 pm #21946
dark green
August 15, 2003 at 1:06 pm #21949
i like to play video games like DAoC and Warcraft3 when im not r/cin and i like to build maps for warcraft3 with my cousins and i like to play hide and go seek in the dark:D
August 15, 2003 at 2:00 pm #21951
I like music, especially old blues and jazz and 60’s funk. I play the piano and guitar as well. I live on computers, am a nerd to the n’th extreme. I also like to antagonise users on verious forums, lol….
August 15, 2003 at 2:11 pm #21952
I have to assume that I’m the old fart here at
33. I never grew up, I just finished school, got a job and thus more money to buy more cool shit.
He who dies with the most toys wins 🙂
I work in the Eletronics/Satellite Comms industry.
It tends to reflect in hobbies, like electronics and Ham Radio. Sports have to involve huge amounts of adrenalin else I find them boring.
Hang Gliding, Skiing, Diving, Hunting etc etc.
If you have to chase a ball, it’s not sport, it’s a dog’s game. 🙂The Laws vary from state to state, you may find BB guns are legal in other states. Generally any gun isn’t a toy, even BB guns. Join a gun club and
learn how to handle them properly. If you’re over
18, you can apply for a licence and have them legally. -
August 15, 2003 at 2:32 pm #21954
haha, ph2t is a nerd.
August 15, 2003 at 2:47 pm #21955
your the one with the faggy avatar!
August 15, 2003 at 2:55 pm #21956
isnt that from southpark?
August 15, 2003 at 4:54 pm #21957
i’ll smash you ph2t. yeah its probably from southpark, looks like someone from that.
August 15, 2003 at 5:07 pm #21958
do u guys get southpark in australia my family has land in the real southpark colorado that place is like nothing but dirt hehehe
August 15, 2003 at 5:11 pm #21960
yeah we get southpark here, only half an hour a week though.
August 15, 2003 at 6:36 pm #21966
I think i speak for all the males on here in the interests factor..
Women…Thats an interest of mine, also wasting money on alot of stuff }:)
August 15, 2003 at 6:41 pm #21968Quote:im into sports especially athletics and footy, and i love ET pulsars 😀 about to buy one, ($10000) :D:D cant wait
What?? You aren’t getting a 300ZX Twin Turbo anymore??? :dead::dead::dead:
August 15, 2003 at 6:46 pm #21969
Oh yeah Cars… now thats an interest of mine..
MMM can you say 180sx 2.0L Turbo 😀
August 15, 2003 at 6:49 pm #21970
My interests are….:
-Mini Z
-Jap cars
-Mountain Biking
-Tuning when im pissed
-Motor Racing
-Parties (atleast once/twice a week)
-Teasing Bogans
-Spending money
-Working out at the gymTheres a few more things i don’t think appropriate to list…
August 15, 2003 at 6:52 pm #21971
its an Under 18 sight. I cant post anything I like 👿
August 15, 2003 at 9:21 pm #21974
mmm gotta love the chicks
August 15, 2003 at 10:14 pm #21975
oh yeah hot chicks and hot cars! what a combo!
August 16, 2003 at 12:36 am #21979
If you all love chicks then what are you doing hanging around on these bloody boards you loosers! :p
August 16, 2003 at 1:46 pm #21989
Hehehe …. I like you guys, you remind me of what it was to be young and stupid. Wish I was 16 again with what I know now. 🙂
Women are social creatures, they need attention,
deprive them of that and they come crawling.
Sad thing is that teenage male’s basic thoughts are easily overidden with the sheer amount of hormones their bodies produce.
Chicks are hard wired into your brains you poor fools, the desire for machinary and technology is acquired !
It is an artform ! 🙂 -
August 16, 2003 at 2:11 pm #21990
yeah sure, like you were ever 16. btw, ph2t doesn’t like girls.
August 16, 2003 at 6:06 pm #21622
heheh …. you’re cursed now … tomorrow you will wake up and you’ll be 30, and wonder what happened to the last decade ?
1990 feels just like yesterday to me.But you’re only as young as feel… bring on the RC toys.. YEAH !!!
August 16, 2003 at 6:46 pm #21623
yah when your younger you wish you were older so u could drink,drive (hopefully not at the same time) and then when u get older you wish you were younger kind of like how when your a baby you have a few teeth or none and very little hair which is the same as when your an old man
August 16, 2003 at 6:56 pm #21624
am i the first person ta say GIRLS. somthing just isent right here
August 16, 2003 at 8:23 pm #21628
Vr-4: dude thats just what i pointe dout and evry1 agreed
August 16, 2003 at 8:49 pm #21632
girls are nice to talk to….
women are good to look at…
but ho’s are where the fun starts, like r/c easy to turn on, play with and leave behind when more important stuff comes your way..alchaholic beverages are a part of my weekly schedule: coopers vintage, fine reds, JD , and absynth if i feel really inspired.
all types of crystals and gemstones. (the ultimate investment potential as they are slowly all becoming scarcer in the world.and some of them are totally awesome to look at.)
ps2: wipeout fusion IS the fastest racer on the planet, and requires way more focus than many can muster. the armoured core series and timesplitters2.
music: paul macs old outfit “itchy & scratchy”, pantera, extreme black metal. my mates band irrelavent just to name a few..
and of course art. i love to paint canvas,models, citadel minatures and paper…
August 18, 2003 at 5:55 pm #21186
yeah jamie not getting a 300ZX any more i like the looks of this better. ill give you a look when i get it, about 3 weeks time. its mad!!
August 18, 2003 at 8:49 pm #21146
hahaha …. Z-beam.
Girls are nice to talk to ? Enjoy it while it you’re hormones last. 10 years from now, you’ll wish they’d shut up ! 🙂
Women are nice to look at. Ah, well ya never lose
that one. Unfortunately … as you get older…
they definately don’t want to look at us.
Problem is, you get older, the women you want to look at don’t. Oh, it’s a cruel world !!
They’re a bit like fire … look nice, but can burn you if you don’t handle it right.
Try telling a woman that you have to put more
than petrol into a car. Water and oil etc.
Errrrrrrrrr. -
August 18, 2003 at 11:15 pm #21414
ETs RULE!!!! I have one being bodykitted and resprayed as we speak = ) Love em!
August 19, 2003 at 2:34 am #21415
Well my interets are…..
cars, particular hotted up ones
motor racing, anything with a motor ill watch it race
my track im making
chicks, any good looking ones ill watch :p
musici really hate work but have to pay the bills somehow.
btw ET’s are ok ill prefer rwd turbos thats why im saving up for a 200sx s14, then hopefully ill race that thing!!!!!
August 19, 2003 at 4:48 pm #21443
yeah but you gotta love the good old australian ET 😉
August 19, 2003 at 5:15 pm #21445
not the only old fella, Trash. Refusal to grow up here, too. Hooked on console gaming (bring on FFXI!!!!!), into motor sports (prefer V8s), avid blader once (and soon once again!!).
You guys are all fem obsessed, most of you have’nt been burned badly enough, I guess…;-) “damaged goods”
z-beam – yes, it is quick, but i still think Wipeout2097 had the best sense of (stonach churning) speed, especially in the Phirana at Phantom speed. And TIMESPLITTERS 2 rocks HARD!!! 4 way deathmatch, anyone??
I must be the only person here that enjoys, nay LOVES his work. Gotta say, signage be lots of fun. Allows me to make tracks etc. here.
Jamie – lay off bogans, bud!! Some of us cant help who we are!!!!! -
August 19, 2003 at 6:02 pm #21450
Do a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.
Well, I like my job, and I do stuff I like,
they pay me to travel overseas. (I’m currently in East Timor working with the army) So I guess I can’t complain too much 🙂 Get to play with satellites and electronics, and occasionally some
of the army’s bigger toys.dgs73, you must be a child of the 90’s ? Blades ?
Skates are much more funky !!!
I saw a mini-Z a few weeks ago, special edition
“Mad Max Interceptor” … the temptation was great but I couldn’t justify $250 for it.The 70’s were cool ! no internet, CD players, no
VCR’s, no colour TV and people were affraid microwave ovens posed a radiation risk. Be nice to visit the 70’s again, but you wouldn’t want to live there ! 🙂I heard on the radio the other day DJ’s paying $20 for vinyl records to put on their turntables.
… if you think a turntable is a musical instrument, you deserve to pay $20 for vinyl !
Even drummers are shunning DJ’s as tallentless loosers ! -
August 19, 2003 at 6:13 pm #21452
Born in ’73, got my first blades in 1987, a while before they were big here… someone who saw em not long after i got them thought they were a form of grass skis… you mean roller skates?? Got a pair of Jetboots w/ Zenith wheels floating around somewhere… and about 15 sets of broken jump plates… Mad speedskates, but old as now…
August 19, 2003 at 6:21 pm #21454
im into lotus’s and yes i will own 1 befor i die i may need to morgage my house and sell everything but i will have 1 befor i die
August 19, 2003 at 6:22 pm #21455
hahah, I honestly didn’t think many people would remember the first rollerblades. I remember seeing them in Carlingford rink back in 86.
They were way to weird for me back then. These days bladers wipe roller skater’s arses all over the floor. (young punks !). I’ve broken too many bones already, blades are just another excuse for me to break more. 🙂 -
August 19, 2003 at 6:39 pm #21456
would still be blading now if I had’nt shattered my knee in ’94… had to give up the speed skating (ice) and blading. Still have hassles to this day.
August 19, 2003 at 7:08 pm #21109
LOL u guys are old.
DGS: WTF about the bogan thing? I is lost.
August 19, 2003 at 7:24 pm #21114
Bogan. Def:
1>Australian Moth
2>Australian (western genus) Often seen on beaches wearing jeans and in extreem cases moccasin’s. Never approaches the water under any
(for east coast genus – see “westie”) -
August 19, 2003 at 7:36 pm #39446
did I type that ??
geee I really need to re-check my spelling typo’s -
August 19, 2003 at 7:55 pm #21102
yeah, stop typing trash, haha get it? I know it wasn’t funny.
August 19, 2003 at 7:58 pm #21104
good one…..
August 19, 2003 at 8:00 pm #21105
mucking about, Jamie… though north shore types would class me as a westie, even though i’m only 30 mins. away from beaches… i’m in central Sydney, not west!!
and not old, experienced. LOL -
August 19, 2003 at 8:07 pm #21095
yeah, and vinegar is just “matured” wine !!
August 20, 2003 at 3:35 pm #20705
I play drums in a few bands, have about $16k worth of drums, which I’ll never earn back through the music industry in Hobart, and to be honest, I’m not some ledgend player, I just spend money on my passions.
I do photography. Mostly B+W arty stuff, but have shot a few weddings for friends, family shots, etc. I come from a long line of photographers.
I work with computers, which means once I’m out of the office I don’t want to know if your mouse is frozen, you can’t get the internet, or your microsoft is broken, so now I tell people I meet I’m a drummer/photographer.
I haven’t ridden my Mountain Bike for a while, but hopefully will get in some downhill runs with summer comming up.
Yeah… that’ll do.
August 20, 2003 at 4:10 pm #20576
you sound very similar to me dave, just a few minor changes. I play the drums in a few bands, I used to race BMX. I’m working on my train set, i’ll try get some pics up of that soon. I also spend lots of money on my passions.
August 20, 2003 at 4:11 pm #20577
I’m supprised anything happens in slowbart ?
spend money on pashions… damn good philosiphy!
I could never play one drum let alone a whole set of them !time to start a new thread …
“who’s your daddy and what’s he do ?” – Arnie -
August 20, 2003 at 4:58 pm #20572
Not much does happen in Slowbart.
Drums are great. Once you’re into it, it’s all you want to do. I could happily live and breathe it, if there was the money in it for me.
Well, my dads bigger than your dad. =o)
August 20, 2003 at 5:40 pm #20592
Dave what sort of bike do you have??
August 20, 2003 at 6:19 pm #20604
Z-beam Itchee and Scratchee rock man, GT-ahh burnt me the cd “it isnt what it isnt” and its old school acid techno at its best:D
August 20, 2003 at 6:30 pm #20609
Front shocks MTB. Scorpion frame, Middle of the range Shimano gear all over. Nothing flash. You?
I’d love a full on downhill bike, XT gear all over, disk brakes, dual suspension, etc… but I’m a crappy rider, so I don’t deserve it. =o)
August 20, 2003 at 8:25 pm #20625
I wish I stole road emy bike.. it sits in the garage.
Specialized Hemi Pro in silver. Monocoque frame. 3 peice Profile crank, 4 peice handle bars. tektro rear brake. front brake removerd. spanky specialized tires..I really need to ride that bikeblackeye:
August 20, 2003 at 8:41 pm #20628
dgs73: did you get your hands on wipeout 3 special edition? that was f#@!ng awesome on the 108cm rear projection…. as is ‘splitters2.
i love my new treadly(push bike) i found a kids mongoose moutain bike with shox that is a perfect bmx!!!
trash: i may only be 21 but i give the 30+ women a run for their money,’spose passing for 26 since i was 14 has something to do with the xp.
tell us about the hardware you use!(me love military goods) -
August 21, 2003 at 1:33 pm #20663
z-beam: oh yeah, prefered it to Wip3out as it had some of the tracks from 1 and 2097 in high resolution. Didnt get to play it on rear projection tho, that’d be awesome.
August 21, 2003 at 3:30 pm #20672
I don’t work for the army, just with them. but occasionally they let me play with their toys.
They only have APC’s on the ground here and occasionally I might get a ride in a blackhawk.
Used to fly around in a Mil-26 and Mil-8 a lot.
(russian helicopters). weapons wise it’s a bit boring, just styer’s and 9mm brownings.
One rare occasions an MP6 or M60 turn up. -
August 21, 2003 at 3:46 pm #20674
FF7 owns all
August 21, 2003 at 4:16 pm #20678
you talking about the FF7 I think you are, KingRX7? Best of the series, that one. Tho Final Fantasy X came close in some ways…
August 21, 2003 at 5:31 pm #20691Quote:Front shocks MTB. Scorpion frame, Middle of the range Shimano gear all over. Nothing flash. You?
I’d love a full on downhill bike, XT gear all over, disk brakes, dual suspension, etc… but I’m a crappy rider, so I don’t deserve it. =o)
I have a Giant ATX 900 Pro, Its got Manitou Spyder forks, Shimano STX-RC/Deore LX components, RST 56 Rear shock, Amoeba DH bars, Azonic stem, TIOGA factory DH tyres, THE front mudguard, Velocity deep V rim, Giant/Velo VL3044 saddle (took me 2 months to track one down), OURY grips.
August 22, 2003 at 3:29 pm #20299
argh i hated ffx i would just like to see tidus get killed because i hate that guy but it did have good graphics:)
August 22, 2003 at 3:52 pm #20302
shypo: i cant beleive paul mac gave up the good stuff to do the solo thing, and giving up on andy ransom for crap like silvertchair’s neon ballroom…. wouldn’t mind a copy of that cd man, in fact i’d love a burn!!!
trash: apc’s are still cool but the stuyer is definatly a boring p.o.s. Imagine a plastic gun, what the hell where they thinking?
m60’s are the sh!t!!!!!! -
August 22, 2003 at 4:15 pm #20304
trash this is something i made a while back. it’s a beast isn’t it!!!!!!!!!
August 22, 2003 at 4:57 pm #20310
Pretty cool stuff.
Got to love that trailer 🙂 -
August 22, 2003 at 7:43 pm #20254
just realised there is one on the floor behind me.
took a quick snap of it with the camera. -
August 23, 2003 at 5:31 pm #38672
what hell hole you stuck in? wish the adf would leave one lying around in my office, it’d come real handy with bad debtors!!!!
August 23, 2003 at 5:56 pm #38676
East Timor
Beaches are ok, the fishing is good (in the wet season) the diving is great, other than that the place sucks. But I get paid for being here, so I can’t complain too much 🙂 -
August 24, 2003 at 10:54 pm #38546
Z-beam: I know man, I’ll send you a copy, Pm me your addy
August 29, 2003 at 4:01 pm #37299
i enjoy playing computer/console games such as Warcraft 3 and counter-strike. I am starting to collect Warhammer 40k. And there are others but i cant think of them right now
August 31, 2003 at 2:20 am #36197
my other interests are watchin dvds on our pioneer home theatre system thats pretty sweet and collecting warhammer 40k with some mates, i also play online pc games like counterstrike and day of defeat
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