4 Those that bought KIT’s 4 parts……

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    • #10675
      • Posts: 202

      Hope U held onto the pinions…..

      Hope you held onto your pinions…

      It may come in handy as I just found out. Last weekend I decided to look into some issues with my Precious I recently purchased. My previous post read:

      Precious WRX : I expected this to run as good as my son?s, it really ?sucked?. Fit was decent, finish not so good but I didn?t expect it to be. Gears binded, turning right was excellent, turning left was very wide, it strayed in straight line acceleration. Acceleration was decent, range was excellent (20?-25?), tires were mediocre.

      Looking into the gear issue first, noticed that the pinion & idler gear barely meshed then the teeth would meet and lock it up. The motor wasn’t close enough to the idler or the pinion gear was too small. I replaced it with a pinion I saved from the KIT’s I bought a while ago and “Voila”. Gears meshed as good as in my 350Z ! And boy it ran so smooth and fast! Now I can’t explain what I’m about to tell you next but the left turning /straying issue dissappeared. It turns left & right very tight and tracks straight now. Go figure? Anybody got any theories besides the “X-Files” ? Welcome to the “DarkSide”

      DarkTari :ph34r:

    • #40030
      • Posts: 774

      yeah i got 2 precious clones for $30 cause i know this chick who was working at a stall that sold them and yeah one was good the other sucked…my mate had 3 that were so bad he too em back to the factory..precious clones are pretty much the borttom of the barrel quality wise….some are good and some really suck

      custom shells, mods and tips

    • #40028
      • Posts: 2179

      handy to know those axles are useful… how much did you grind off (the part that holds the axle, opposite the gear) to make it fit??

    • #40025
      • Posts: 143

      dgs73 he did not use the AXLES GEARS he used the little black GEAR all thoght his is white coz its a bit racer gear

      CompactChar-G 40Mhz S2000 range mod, spring suppention
      Bit Char-G 57mhz Booster Fairlady Z

    • #40006
      • Posts: 2339

      the white with a 2.6 even on a normal gear with normal orange gearing seems to make ur car faster IMO

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #43578
      • Posts: 2265

      whats the diff?: the steering problem sometimes is purely a power output imbalance on the rear axle, does a booster turn the same circle with/without the “boost” held down, no ‘cos the power output is different. why?, because one way the middle gear is loose and didn’t provide the same power as the other way.

      the kit pinion has 7 spokes whereas a black bit pinion has 6. the more spokes on the pinion the faster the top speed. technically the accel’ shouldn’t increase but i’m sure some bits will improve ‘cos of the increase in gear meshing.

      engine balance mod comes highly recomended for troublesome bits.

      i have modded some of my tomy bits to accept 6,7 and 8 spoked pinion gears with the standard orange gears, so who actually knows the tech side of gear ratios eh? i dont want repeat qfm info here, what would be the ratio on the orange gears but swap the initial 6 and replace it with an 8?

    • #39972
      • Posts: 202
      handy to know those axles are useful… how much did you grind off (the part that holds the axle, opposite the gear) to make it fit??

      The part I used was the “pinion gear” the gear for the motor, if you look at it, it is larger than the Bit/MS. Now I have used the KIT wheels on my MS. Removed them from the KIT axles and put them on the MS axles with the stock MS gear. I didn’t like the way the KIT axle & wheels fit. Gears were very loud and didn;t mesh properly. So I went with the MS axle, idler, & pinion. Check it out, let me know what you think….



    • #39969
      • Posts: 202
      the white with a 2.6 even on a normal gear with normal orange gearing seems to make ur car faster IMO

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

      No Doubt! KIT motors are much faster than stock BITs/MS. My 2.2 KIT kills the stock 2.2 Bit and smokes the Bit 2.6


    • #39960
      • Posts: 2265

      i got blasted before the crash ‘cos i thought (post) the same tari, i agree tho. my kit 2.2’s go faster than the 2.2 i got with a booster chassis. some would say they differ only ‘cos one is worn in.:question:

      i had to cut away abit at the motor well so the bigger pinion would fit.

    • #39942
      • Posts: 2179

      my mistake with the pinion, Lazboy & DarkTari. Replied before reading properly. Shouldnt do this at work…:blush:
      Do agree tho, I got an KPH/MPH KIT racer, the motor really fangs. Found i cant use the 7 tooth pinion that came with the set, but

    • #39937
      • Posts: 774

      you could if use the 7 tooth if you used the kit racer rear axle tho…

      custom shells, mods and tips

    • #39904
      • Posts: 2265

      cut away no need to delay, play at your speed be freed from limits.

    • #39905
      • Posts: 202
      yeah i got 2 precious clones for $30 cause i know this chick who was working at a stall that sold them and yeah one was good the other sucked…my mate had 3 that were so bad he too em back to the factory..precious clones are pretty much the borttom of the barrel quality wise….some are good and some really suck

      custom shells, mods and tips

      I must disagree, The Precious may not be the “best” clone, but it’s definately not the “bottom of the barrel” Out of all the clones I’ve read about, the choices are the
      #1). Shen Qu Wei
      #2). Panthers
      #3). Precious
      And so on. Now granted every car is not going to be the best, you will get some bad apples. Take Suburu for instance, there may be 2 indentical WRX on the showroom floor, one may give you not one day of trouble, the other may stay in the shop most of the time. This is according to who was on the assembly line at the time, how they were feeling, etc. or the assembly line of the OEM manufactor of parts! see where I’m going? How did you like the one that was good? Speed? Steering? Range? See what I mean! Now I bought 3 Shens a month ago, all 3 ran excellent, not 1 problem! But that 4th car, the one that I didn’t get, that the next guy picked up, it may have had all sorts of problems, doubtful but possible. Quality Control Baby, Quality Control!


    • #39901
      • Posts: 202
      i got blasted before the crash ‘cos i thought (post) the same tari, i agree tho. my kit 2.2’s go faster than the 2.2 i got with a booster chassis. some would say they differ only ‘cos one is worn in.:question:

      i had to cut away abit at the motor well so the bigger pinion would fit.

      I use the BIT pinion on the KIT motor. The only thing that needs adjusting is the motor contact, needs to be lifted a little from the end cap so that it can make good contact in the Bit motor bay.


    • #39896
      • Posts: 202
      you could if use the 7 tooth if you used the kit racer rear axle tho…

      custom shells, mods and tips

      You can, I didn’t like the way the gears meshed though, not smooth and too loud. I stick with the Bit/MS gears. Also the KIT gears doesn’t allow quick acceleration, I’ve tried them all! They’re geared to run on KIT cars which have direct battery-to-motor power that equals more torque. Not thru a PBC board like Micro’s.


    • #39898
      • Posts: 2265

      the booster chassis (standard) has just enuff grunt to use some kit axles. i’m sure a multi cell bit would easy have the power to use them 2.

    • #39890
      • Posts: 202

      You’re right about that! But it still wouldn’t be as quick as the same car with a Bit axle & gears. Now top end is another story. My first attemp at using the KIT wheels was with a Skyline w/an Extreme 3.5. The motor wasn’t a high torquer and with the KIT gearing, it was a dog off the line but once it got up to speed, it was “shmokin”.
      The only reason I can see to use them is for the wheel design. Personally I like the stock Bit/MS wheels better than the KIT, they look more show. But the KIT wheels are different from the norm, they look more racey therefore makes them more desirable. I just put the KIT wheels on the Bit axles w/gear and call it a day.


    • #39888
      • Posts: 200

      i have 4 precious, and all of them run perfectly. (better than my bit char-g WRX, which im just using for parts) using the pinion from the kit on them dosent work at all.. on 2 of the cars i use the entire kit setup and they fly…

      i think you may have just got a bad car.. or two. after all they are clones..

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Chevy PU, Hondai Tiberon Rally, Doge Intreped NASCAR, Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #38318
      • Posts: 202

      Oh no, My Precious is fine now that I changed out the pinion. It is a great running car, I have no complaints now! It must have been some kind of defect with the motor bay. The KIT pinion shouldn’t work without the KIT idler and rear.

      I tried to use the KIT gears in an MS with the 3.5 (which is a low torquer), it’s just won’t jump off the line quick enought for me. Now when dragging a longer distance, I use all the KIT gears cause top speed is a “Mounster” with them in.


      If It Won’t Fly……Modify

    • #37675
      • Posts: 2265

      the kit pinion will work with any gear set!

      you need to trim the plastic where the pinion gear belongs and use two flat tipped screws to balance the motor angle, try it b4 you say it don’t work again.;)

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