PandaBear, 4 those interested ine the……
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- This topic has 70 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 9 months ago by
April 6, 2003 at 9:04 am #11541
New Tomy Super Bit Char-G, check out this post….
HLJ is offering them now (reserve) for $25.00 US.
These are the flavors I’ve been waiting for, the Italian & German Muscle!!!!!
If It Won’t Fly……Modify -
April 6, 2003 at 9:36 am #34708
If the source is true… This is awesome news:D
Thanks for the update Dark Tari:)
Impreza :smiley16:
April 6, 2003 at 9:54 pm #34679
goddam i want that Europa….
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April 7, 2003 at 6:24 pm #34698
I want one of each of them. 6 cars car be raced at once it said. Great! And in my favourite car types too – super expensive euro cars (and a funky Dome car).
👿 DaveF!
My track – -
April 7, 2003 at 6:32 pm #34668
oh the beauty of a porsche GT-3……
If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, then let’s get wasted and have the time of our lives!!
April 7, 2003 at 7:16 pm #34669
my favourite is the orange lamborghini, murcielago or however it is spelt, even got the lamborghini mags, good detail.
April 7, 2003 at 9:02 pm #34670
Yeah, again Tomy have done well with the detail.
👿 DaveF!
My track – -
April 7, 2003 at 10:45 pm #34612
the body kits on the porshce and rx7 look AWESOME, they will be added to my collection, and the lamborghini just looks tuff as 😀
27MHZ 3.5 Honda Accord (Custom Exhaust and F1 Wing)
35MHZ 1.0 Battery Modded Castrol Supra
45MHZ 2.2 Custom Painted Yellow and Black WRX
57MHZ 2.6 Booster Trueno
Mini Z Blue WRX (Lights, Gold alloys, Exhaust)
Mini Z Castrol Supra + all mods (Coming) -
April 7, 2003 at 11:23 pm #34594
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April 8, 2003 at 1:49 pm #34608
But that will look stupid if you can’t change the rear rims similarly. Hopefully front and back are hot swappable.
👿 DaveF!
My track – -
April 8, 2003 at 11:27 pm #34568
Dave u can just take out the rear axle like current tomy bits lol.
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April 9, 2003 at 4:27 pm #34586
True (I was having a blonde moment), but I meant if there won’t be similar rear rims to match.
👿 DaveF!
My track – -
April 9, 2003 at 4:39 pm #34540
i understand now..
thats where u can c all the cars and the rims—-
Go Fast, Be Free with Low CCUndisputed Post Pimp
April 10, 2003 at 12:08 pm #34493
I say it again, thoes cars look awesome.
👿 DaveF!
My track – -
April 10, 2003 at 7:40 pm #34503
they look sweet i think barrell will be hooking me up with a porsch
CompactChar-G 40Mhz S2000 range mod, spring suppention
Bit Char-G 57mhz Booster Fairlady Z
MINI Z Wrx WRC 2000 This thing RIPS -
April 10, 2003 at 8:14 pm #34504
are there any other pics of the other cars other than the lambo?
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 11, 2003 at 5:02 pm #34459
no worries lazboy, we will have them the day after they are released in japan. will be taking any preorders that people want, but its a little while off yet so i will post it closer to release date 🙂
27MHZ 3.5 Honda Accord (Custom Exhaust and F1 Wing)
35MHZ 1.0 Battery Modded Castrol Supra
45MHZ 2.2 Custom Painted Yellow and Black WRX
57MHZ 2.6 Booster Trueno
Mini Z Blue WRX (Lights, Gold alloys, Exhaust)
Mini Z Castrol Supra + all mods (Coming) -
April 11, 2003 at 5:35 pm #34469
i can safely say that tomy have moved up a touch in class, although the europe, dodge, dome, and countach are the only ones that prove this, we know they’re bits, but am i the only one that thinks the porsche looks deformed, and that tomy are having trouble making a 1/64 car life like, at least we can say there has been some progress, and that the bit char-g is no longer dead, this forum has been quite, but i’m sure the new range will spicen things up, man the new honda fit (jazz) is just made for sequential sports mode transmission, i wouldn’t mind a vti-r, and at $24k the price isn’t too shabby. Maybe we’ll see it in bit form some time soon 🙂
April 11, 2003 at 6:35 pm #34470
after this i cant even imagine whats next….
27 MHz Mitsubishi
other cars in parts -
April 12, 2003 at 4:57 am #34475
any ideas of when those upcoming models will come out? like rumours or something
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 12, 2003 at 12:22 pm #34478
The release date for all TEN new items has AGAIN been pushed back to late June…it seems that TOMY is aiming for the Japanese BONUS season where we all get paid one big lump of two months salary in one go…that is round about the first week of July…
We will try to keep you posted as the details come to hand…I think you will all br happy and surprised with TOMY’s new items…
Rumours and guesses are what we are running on at the moment…TOMY has lots of things in the pipeline including Lupin’s fiat which we know about already but also some other deals with different toy producers here and there…
There is a good number of Japanese made Hotwheels, not copies or ripoffs but licensed from America, called ‘Chara-Wheels’, (pronounced ‘kyara’ as in ‘kyaracter’ as in ‘character’ 🙂 These products are usually a pretty good sign of what MIGHT be coming…This is just a quick look at some of the items available…
(Thanks to the above link for the best shots i could get…)
So the release of Lupin’s Fiat, already a charawheel, and the whole ‘super-hero’ 3-model thing last year, BitHeds educated GUESSTIMATE would be one of the items from charawheels…and they DO do knight rider and the back to the future delorian…as i say…JUST a guessstimate…
April 12, 2003 at 6:13 pm #34480
i see i see.. june… still quite some time away
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 12, 2003 at 9:57 pm #34419
Thanks for the update bithed:). Do you have a web page to check for info on the new Tomy cars coming out. Japanese or otherwise (other then the ones already on-site?)
Impreza :smiley16:
April 13, 2003 at 4:02 am #34427
so bithed ur from japan eh?
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 13, 2003 at 11:49 am #34437
Im IN Japan…not really FROM Japan…impreza there isnt a site as such yet…press releases and word of mouth and whispers in the corporate bathroom are all we are going on…TOMY is having a dealers meeting later in April so we should have some more details around the 25th i guess…
But just looking around at the boards here and there it seems that there is ALOT of interest in the new cars…its going to be an interesting day(release day) as we all rush around trying to fill our orders and ship out to our buyers…Of 12 of the new Lambos i have available i have ALREADY locked 7 into pre-orders…I just hope TOMY does their homework and will be able to keep up with demand…Its gonna be fun anyway…
April 14, 2003 at 4:10 am #34403
i see you’re in japan but not a local japanese yea?
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 14, 2003 at 4:20 am #34357
Im from new zealand originally mate but dont hold that against me…education brought me here to start with, then women, and then a career. My wife is Japanese and my son is what i call a Jiwi, half japanese and half kiwi…the best of both worlds…i lived in surfers paradise for 2 years and almost died in the pacific ocean near my apartment and almost lost my nose and two teeth in a bar fight there…ahh…those were the days…lol…
My page for the Second Generation bits is almost done…I will forward the link here…Still got a while to go before they are released but gotta be in quick I reckon…Gotta be the first on the block with these fresh puppies !!
April 14, 2003 at 4:23 am #34359
i see… very interesting background.. 🙂 second generation bits eh.. post the link asap! :smiley2:
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 14, 2003 at 4:28 am #34361
I will as soon as it is done…still waiting for some confirmations from TOMY, the frequencies and a REAL release date…
April 14, 2003 at 4:48 am #34362
I’M NEW Have HLJ got a website?
April 14, 2003 at 4:52 am #34363
Well I’d rather you bought from me but here it is anyway 🙂
April 14, 2003 at 5:14 am #34367
you sell bits bithed?
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 14, 2003 at 5:16 am #34368
I do…I have been known to supply the odd bit here and there…
April 14, 2003 at 5:32 am #34372
well too bad you aint selling them in aust.
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 14, 2003 at 10:51 am #34374
Gee Im sure I can figure something out…:D
April 14, 2003 at 1:33 pm #34312
That’s No probem bithed. As I am new I don’t know who does what here. Are your prices in Australian dollars or Jap dollars? Also I’m in england so postage is another factor. If you could let me know the prices then that would be great. I’d rather go through you if possible.
April 15, 2003 at 12:24 am #34278
yea bithed’s the man and he knows loads bout bcg’s 🙂
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 15, 2003 at 12:26 am #34280
Bithed ships to Australia trust me ekwj
Go Fast, Be Free with Low CCUndisputed Post Pimp
April 15, 2003 at 12:38 am #34290
you got yours from him shypo?
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 15, 2003 at 12:39 am #34291
oh yeah before i forget, who should i buy from? hmmmm… bithed or trading direct??
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 15, 2003 at 1:36 am #34244
I have got rare BCG from Bithed.. he has very good privcing and effiecient as postage.. if u want Basic bits from Australia then Trading direct but if uw ant speiclaist stuff or rare models or cool Japanese stuff. Bithed is your man
Go Fast, Be Free with Low CCUndisputed Post Pimp
April 15, 2003 at 11:48 am #34255
April 15, 2003 at 1:22 pm #34257
Excellent, when will you know if the orange lamborghini is going to be released?
April 15, 2003 at 8:29 pm #34201
Bithed: nice work.. u know exactly what i want lol… the Jota is lookin pretty shmick
Go Fast, Be Free with Low CCUndisputed Post Pimp
April 15, 2003 at 10:22 pm #34215
hey bithed dont diss your favourite company to supply to in Australia man. is another one you should consider, lower prices and more variety of aftermarket products available.
27MHZ 3.5 Honda Accord (Custom Exhaust and F1 Wing)
35MHZ 1.0 Battery Modded Castrol Supra
45MHZ 2.2 Custom Painted Yellow and Black WRX
57MHZ 2.6 Booster Trueno
Mini Z Blue WRX (Lights, Gold alloys, Exhaust)
Mini Z Castrol Supra + all mods (Coming) -
April 16, 2003 at 2:32 am #34182
lol anyone else wanna have a free plug…
Go Fast, Be Free with Low CCUndisputed Post Pimp
April 16, 2003 at 3:33 am #34195
New pullbacks look good too, nice bodies and rims, I can see bits and pieces flying around the workbench pretty soon.
April 16, 2003 at 4:53 pm #34048
bit head, are the two buttons formula 1 style up-shift down-shift simulated gears? PLEASE TELL ME I AM RIGHT, WHY WOULD THEY PUT TWO BOOST BUTTONS WHY?!!!?!!?!?!?!/
April 16, 2003 at 7:04 pm #34050
well shypo im only telling the thruth ….
27MHZ 3.5 Honda Accord (Custom Exhaust and F1 Wing)
35MHZ 1.0 Battery Modded Castrol Supra
45MHZ 2.2 Custom Painted Yellow and Black WRX
57MHZ 2.6 Booster Trueno
Mini Z Blue WRX (Lights, Gold alloys, Exhaust)
Mini Z Castrol Supra + all mods (Coming) -
April 16, 2003 at 7:20 pm #34042
dont worry ’bout shypo barrelll, he gotta hassle you cos he’s an admin… you are a good buisness person and i’m sure bit head don’t want to waste his time supplying the exact stuff, from what i remember bithead trades real special (expensive) rare stuff that we should all be thankfull for the oppurtunity.
April 16, 2003 at 8:31 pm #39727
Not hassling Barrelll, just stating the truth lol.
Bithed does supply exact things, he can supply just about evrything from 1:24 models to Bit Char-G’s…
Z-beam: only reason I am raising the point is because it is part of the forum rules, No company Sales.—-
Go Fast, Be Free with Low CCUndisputed Post Pimp
April 20, 2003 at 3:26 pm #39712
is this cos trading direct is basically our sole sponsor? no wozzas eh? does anybody know what the second button does?
April 20, 2003 at 8:47 pm #39710
right now…BOTH ‘buttons’ do nothing…they are aesthetic only…just to make the controller look nice…we can imagine that later one will be for the boosters, the other ? Its a mystery…we shall be asking TOMY at a promo around the 10th of May…what else should we ask? HOPEFULLY (tiuch wood) be getting a sample…wish me luck…
BTW…if you REALLY want one of these machines make sure to arrange it (from wherever you get it) BEFORE their release…once again it appears that TOMY might have underestimated production units and you will be left sitting in the cold waiting for your unit…
ANOTHER tidbit…DOMES are EXTREMELY poular, followed by the porsche, lambo, the 512bb, the Jota and then the fairlady…the gtr and rx7 are struggling but my guess is that TOMY might release these with their two NEW frequencies, whatever theymight be…The ‘murc’ is very popular and i am already recieving requests for these…I have been asked for one each of the 3-body sets also…Its gonna be lots of fun once the ball starts rolling…BitHed…
April 20, 2003 at 8:50 pm #33600
the 3 body stes???
Go Fast, Be Free with Low CCUndisputed Post Pimp
April 20, 2003 at 9:01 pm #33602
shyp me old mate…BIT behind the times arent we? lol…As we put up at the new 3-body sets, one set of 3 bodies each from Lambourghini and Ferrari…october at this stage but BitHed feels more like winter bonus season, end of October or November is the feeling i get…
April 21, 2003 at 1:28 am #33604
lol @ bithed.
And shypo mate iv done deals for you, and this is how you repay me ? i thought u would be sticking up for me, o well guess now i know.
Loving the new sets 😀
27MHZ 3.5 Honda Accord (Custom Exhaust and F1 Wing)
35MHZ 1.0 Battery Modded Castrol Supra
45MHZ 2.2 Custom Painted Yellow and Black WRX
57MHZ 2.6 Booster Trueno
Mini Z Blue WRX (Lights, Gold alloys, Exhaust)
Mini Z Castrol Supra + all mods (Coming) -
April 21, 2003 at 4:23 am #33586
I cannot wait any longer to see those new bits, its been building up for a too long now. I guess october isn’t that bad.
April 21, 2003 at 9:54 pm #39699
yeah you have Barrelll and I thank you 4 them man.. you know Im gonna still buy off you.
Go Fast, Be Free with Low CCUndisputed Post Pimp
April 22, 2003 at 7:01 am #33435
f-1 shifter buttons would be nice.. but that would prob mean at least 3 gears?? bithed, do you ship to NA? Will check to see if my local importer/dealer is going to get his hands on some or not first, but may want to reserve a car or 2:) if your orders are not full already?
Impreza :smiley16:
April 22, 2003 at 7:06 am #33436
bithed, just read the article at bit char-G uk, the caterpillar vehicles look neat:) any news on whether or not the bodies swap with the wild’s? From the pic , it doesn’t look like they do?
Impreza :smiley16:
April 22, 2003 at 8:42 am #39697
has anyone seen pics of the new Microsizer pros that will be coming out.. i kinda wanna see the pearl orange NSX and Midnight purple Skyline….
Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
website: -
April 22, 2003 at 2:41 pm #33336
It doesn’t have to have three gears does it Barrell? It could be a shift up and shift down, just between 1 and 2 maybe?
April 22, 2003 at 4:35 pm #33337
imprezza and barto, thanx for the intrest!
“simulated gears” is what i said, you know how a booster chassis has 2 speeds yet only has 1 set of gears? it works by pulsing the go signal without the boost held down.
what i’m proposing is that tomy could have (or are trying to)worked out the levels between the original boosters half and full speed.
if propo throttle is possible ithink so is this.
any ideas tech heads? ph2t? anyone? -
April 23, 2003 at 1:58 am #39691
I understand that it is only going to have one gear, sorry, i meant it could be an up and down between 2 “speeds”. but yeah, you guys all know too much.
April 23, 2003 at 4:14 pm #33223Quote:I understand that it is only going to have one gear, sorry, i meant it could be an up and down between 2 “speeds”. but yeah, you guys all know too much.
you be the only other person who understands at the moment, i’m just guessing, foresight is something i like to encourage.
so you reckon it’s possible barto?
April 23, 2003 at 10:40 pm #33162
yeah i think so, not sure how, but sounds good.
April 24, 2003 at 12:44 am #33168
Look, if a stupid arse skippydabushkangarooa like myself can get propo throttle going I’m sure Tomy ave figured it out. I doubt anyone even knows what circuitry lays inside of the mad new cars.:smiley2:
April 24, 2003 at 12:45 am #33170
i honestly doubt its gonna be gears people.. I would love it just as much as any other person but i doubt it would be like that…
Go Fast, Be Free with Low CCUndisputed Post Pimp
April 26, 2003 at 4:24 pm #32909
i just hate having to hold down boost, it’s just not natural to have accelleration broken into two buttons. especially since i’m using my left thumb for half and then my right pointer for full. ’tis not natural…
so even if tomy don’t do this i want it and hopefully others want it enuff to make it happen.
ph2t, how many noticible steps could be implemented between the original half and full boost? i’d only want 4 really, five if i was using dual cell.
just think, only having to tap the boost button to change the speed setting and being able to down shift into corners. i think this change could put bits into a new racing dimension, previously untouched.
April 26, 2003 at 10:26 pm #32887
Sorry by ‘gears’ I meant speeds, even though I said ‘gears’, sry all. I think this is easily possible since even my cell phone has varying intensities of vibration on vibrate mode, 3 I think. One push up, one push down would be nice z-beam and I think if that is what the buttons are for that would be great. But judging from what is out with the 2 speed, it may be a hold down button. Something like 1/2 speed for the left button, no button rated speed, and boost for the right button.
Sorry again for the mix up of words.:blush:
Impreza :smiley16:
April 27, 2003 at 2:46 pm #39669
i can understand your logical progression impreza. i’m sure skippy, sorry i mean ph2t could rig it up just the way i need it…
could an original booster be rigged up so that the boost button becomes the reverse, and the forward is boost and the backward is half throttle?
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