Steering on my RX-7 Microsizer
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- This topic has 12 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 21 years, 9 months ago by
April 3, 2003 at 1:31 pm #10173
Hey guys,
I just recently got my Microsizer in the post (whohoo! finally not just a clone owner). I’ve noticed that the sterring works well when the car is moving. But stationary the wheels don’t move when I press either left or right. If I angle the car on its side, then the wheels will turn to the side that gravity helps it with.
I want to improve the steering to make it stonger. I take it the rare earth magnet mod would be the first thing to try. Will adding spring suspension improve the steering as well?
I’ve removed the 1.0 (yellow) motor and put in one of my clone motors I got from a bensu clone and I gotta say that the thing rocks!
Now if I do a hard turn the car flips 1 in 3 times. I’m hoping better suspension will mitigate this?Suggestions / comments / questions / lapdances (lol!) would be appreciated.
April 3, 2003 at 1:51 pm #34840
April 3, 2003 at 5:06 pm #34855
the only plac ei can think of is QFM, i havent seen the magnets 4 sale anywehre else.
Go Fast, Be Free with Low CCUndisputed Post Pimp
April 3, 2003 at 11:00 pm #34820
ph2t, congratulations on finally becoming an ‘original bit’ owner, about time too. Notice any difference in quality? I do like the look of those green controllers tho.
Aren’t the yellow Tomy motors B2.2s?…..anyway,
The original steering magnets aren’t standard ferrite or steel. I’m pretty sure they are a rare earth magnet anyway because they are extremely strong for their size. If you still want to persue it QFM is the only place I’ve seen that has magnets that small and they dont give a gauss measurement in comparison to the original mags. There is another way to increase steering strength, check your circuit diagram for the car pcb. There are smt current limiting resistors in the steering coil circuits. Reduce those values and up goes the steering coil current……..
The flipping turns can be controlled with tyre choice. Harder tyres on the front cause understeer, widening the turns but keeping them fast.
I use the softest stickiest tyres on the rear and mediums on the front, the car only just hangs on thru corners and handles really well.
Depends alot on the surface your driving on tho.
I havent tried springs on the front yet, and my lapdancing skills are severely diminished since I threw my back out limbo dancing.
Hope this helps.
:)uA -
April 5, 2003 at 9:17 am #34734
well if your in the states you can stop by any radio shack and pic up your rare earth magnets.. there have been extensive tests done on the stock magnets in bits vs. REM.. and the supprisingly the gauss on a REM is somewhere in the neighborhood of 3700. a stock bit is anywhere from 3500.. check this link. there was extensive testing done on the two.. so you can see that there is not much difference between the two.. i believe it even talks about the variance in bit magnets vs. REM, and i believe that bit magnets are more consistant in their gauss…
fyi.. REM are 1.79 for 2 at radio shack.. i have been to 4 RS’s and all of them have at least a dozen packs.. and yes they are the exact size of the bit magnet.
Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.comEdited by – spanky on 05 April 2003 04:19:07
April 10, 2003 at 4:33 pm #34500
Just pulled apart a BIC lighter a mate gave to me that wasn’t working. Looks like the spring in this might just work…. Now I gotta take it home and try it out! 🙂
April 12, 2003 at 10:47 pm #34424
what u gonna use the springs for? suspensions?
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 12, 2003 at 10:51 pm #34425
April 13, 2003 at 4:17 am #34429
did the suspensions in anyway affect the handling of the car? like can u do sharper turns or stuff like that?
The sky is the limit! |ekR34|
April 13, 2003 at 5:42 am #34434
try using some graphite powder or lite oil in the steering coponents where the steering arm meets the steering knuckle, and where the knuckle meets the chassis.. the more friction you reduce the better your car will turn…
Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
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April 20, 2003 at 1:47 pm #33684
On the RX circuit there is a chip that pulls the voltage up from the 1.2V the battery provides to 3V that the RX chip can run on. I thought maybee I can increase the steering power by connecting the steering coils to this 3V source instead of the 1.2V source they were attached to.
Bugger,:angry:. Didn’t work. Once I connected the steering coils to the 3V source their effect on current in that part of the circuit caused the 3V rail to lower to 1V which is below the minimum operating voltage for the RX2 chip. I effectively stopped the RX2 chip from operating.
Oh well, I guess a dual cell mod will help with this…..
April 26, 2003 at 12:21 pm #32936
The best thing you can do is a dual cell modification. This will double the voltage in the car and double the strength of the steering.
If the wheels move just from gravity you need to make the spring tighter in the steering. It’s the hair sized spring in the middle of the steering box. You can bend it so it puts more pressure on the steering arm to stay straight. But when you tighten that spring it puts more pressure against the magnetic field for steering. So don’t bend the spring until you make the steering stronger.
Also, you can drastically lose steering power if there are any metal chips stuck to the under side of your car around the steering housing. Metal chips are attracted to the magned in the steering box so they commonly “stick” around the white steering trim adjustment on the bottom of the car.
April 26, 2003 at 12:39 pm #39676
auctually this does not double your steering power it only slightly increases it. there was some very exhaustive testing on this theory in the tinyrc forum. they tested using a gausmeter to see what the pull from the magnets was under dual cell and single cell. the dual cell did help, but it only added a small fraction to the stock power.
bending the spring is can have some bad FX. if you dont bend each side the same you car may not steer or return to straight again.. the best thing do do if your tires wont return or are just falling from gravity.
i had the same problem when i did my monster mod. and after adding a second steering spring it works perfectly…. and yes the magnets are more than powerdful enough to overcome the force of the spring. graphite poweder or some type of lube on the steering assembly(knuckles) also helps..
Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
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