What new bit do you want most?

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    • #10365
      • Posts: 1124

      Ok most everyone has seen them by now. Which of the new breed of bits do you most want to add to your collection?

      Edited by – Impreza on 11 April 2003 01:40:25

    • #34523
      • Posts: 1124

      Thanks again to DarkTari for the initial info (and posters on TinyRC for the list of cars.:))

      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #34482
      • Posts: 200

      i think your forgetting a few of the new cars… well the body styles may not be new, but the colors are..

      HCAC0461 100 Honda NSX – Pearl Orange – 27mhz xA
      HCAC0462 100 Toyota Supra – Silver – 27mhz xB
      HCAC0463 100 Toyota Celica – Blue Metallic – 27mhz xC
      HCAC0464 100 VW Beetle – Double Yellow – 49mhz xA
      HCAC0465 100 Nissan Skyline R34 GTR – Midnight Purple – 49mhz xB
      HCAC0466 100 Nissan Fairlady – Black – 49mhz xC

      yea thats right 3 27mhz channels and 3 49mhz channels. these are going to be the new lineup for microsizers..”microsizer pro’s” coming out around the same time as all of the bodys in the poll…

      i want that midnight purple skyline, the supra, and the pearl orange NSX… i need them!!!!!!!!!1

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #34457
      • Posts: 2179

      gotta get that GT3! As for a midnight purple R34, gimme gimme!! Blue metallic Celica sounds good, too…

    • #34460
      • Posts: 2339

      i reallly realllly want the Europa.. i love that damn car

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #39741
      • Posts: 119

      why don’t they make an r33… 🙁

      The sky is the limit! |ekR34| http://www.ekr34.tk

    • #34416
      • Posts: 2179

      because Bit sized it would look too much like the R34:smiley2:

    • #34417
      • Posts: 2179

      sorry i meant it would look too much like the R32… sorry bout that:blush:

    • #34418
      • Posts: 1124

      Yeah, I know Spanky. So many cars, so little space. Only can post 8 per poll:sad: so I kept to the new or updated models. It looks like the 350z is coming in a red too (looks very nice). Hasn’t the silver supra been out for a while (at least in a bit?) Spanky were in the States are you finding the Microsizers? Last time I was down they seemed to be getting scarcer.

      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #34428
      • Posts: 119

      yea dgs73, the r32 model does look like an r33 from afar… they shud have made it an r33 instead of an r32:sad:anyway they should do the v35 sports coupe too.. that’d look awesome!!!

      The sky is the limit! |ekR34| http://www.ekr34.tk

    • #34432
      • Posts: 200

      those models havent come out yet. but toys-r-us has tons of the MS sports and the MS Pros.. and my local hobbyshop also has tons of the regular microsizers.. probably because theyare charging 36.99 for them…

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #34435
      • Posts: 1124

      Thanks spanky. I bought my two microsizers in the US at Target, but unfortunately they didn’t seem to have much in stock last time I was down:sad:. Just the sport series, which I picked up at on an earlier trip . Will have to try toys-r-us next time, thanks:approve:.

      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #39739
      • Posts: 119

      36.99 is almost equivalent to 70 aud right?

      The sky is the limit! |ekR34| http://www.ekr34.tk

    • #34308
      • Posts: 2179

      ekwj, i agree, sort of. The R33 is a nice set o wheels, but VERY common on our roads… whereas the R32 to some is the definative Skyline… one of my mates swears he’ll get a Bit the moment a R33 is released, maybe i should putty on together for him. Also, $37.00USD is about $60 – 65AUD at the moment.
      I’d like to ask one of our American friends (or someone over here) who has an Microsizer, whats the diff between a Pro model and a sport?? Have’nt been able to find out much about the US version…

    • #34305
      • Posts: 2339

      The R32 is the best and original.. fastest of the Lot aswell. even tho its 11 years old the Rb26 and its 206.8Kw (obviously more than that to an a extremely low 14’s Qmile) in that car, its weight and the “newly” brought in HICAS sysetm…. the R32 is the bomb.. i love that damn car.

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #34289
      • Posts: 119

      hehe yea… but the r33 is like the modified version of the r32… they look similar… with the r33 bearing a newer look at the rear and front lights..

      The sky is the limit! |ekR34| http://www.ekr34.tk

    • #34243
      • Posts: 2339

      theyare a completely different chassis. they look nothing alike. the R33 has much wider rear gaurds and the R32 is slim and sleek. the R33 and R32 are nothing alike. the stove plate lights is a trademark of skylines coming from the HR30 to the current R34 Cars thats why the backs look similar..

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #34251
      • Posts: 200

      the difference between the pro and the sport

      pro- contains a 2.2 motor and is a two speed car…(has a booster/turbo button)

      sport – just like a regular 1 speed microsizer, but has a 1.6 motor and a clear colored body.

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #34232
      • Posts: 1124

      Thanks for the info spanky, was not aware that the pro had a booster button. I have a sport and a Impreza:) from the first set MS released.

      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #34233
      • Posts: 200

      some time after the 3rd of may i will be creating a bunch of rally inspired decals for subaru bodys and lancer bodys…

      im going to work on a rally and i will have tons of access to the cars… so im bringing my digi cam and tons of memory to take some great shots of decals and stuff… should be cool

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #34202
      • Posts: 2339

      i want sum nice Makinen and Evo Xtreme decals spanky.. reckon you could work on something like that??

      also JGTC decals would be AWESOME.

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #39729
      • Posts: 200

      well since makinen wont be there i wont get his car… but there will be others that look like it. there will probably be 3-4 prodrive subarus.. ive got approximately 164mb of memory for my 2mp camera.. i will try to use it all..

      im really excited to see the srt-4 rally car as well as the new wrx and evo8 rally cars..

      hopefully the jiffy pop eagle talon (awd turbo x2) is still there too.. that car has been racing for years. and always posts excellent times!!
      grand touring cars would be cool too.. i need to see some though..

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #34148
      • Posts: 200

      this is one car that i know will be there.. although it will be the new subaru model…

      and this focus will also be there…

      and my favorite jump on the US pro rally circuit.. Brockway mountain… on the Lake Superior Pro Rally, I was there for this auctual jump.. somehow dodge neons seem to launch straigh up off this hill.. its kinda funny.. they closed the stage to spectators this past year, only press was allowed where you see these people.. the cars were flying so far many had a hard time controlling the car after the landing.. its kinda a cliff on one side and people were standing in the ditch on the other side… rally officials were afraid someone was gonna get squished..


      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

      Edited by – spanky on 16 April 2003 00:24:16

      Edited by – spanky on 16 April 2003 02:06:14

    • #34150
      • Posts: 200

      check this for pics of David Higgins evo 8 its pretty dang cool!!
      evo picture link

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #33428
      • Posts: 1124

      Very nice, spanky, would love to see a rally:(. I saw some decals for the Impreza somewhere out there before. For the blue car, decals are year or two old I think. I even think that I downloaded them a while back. Will have to check? Off topic, ever try Colin Mcrae 2 on the pc??

      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #33429
      • Posts: 200

      i havent played it yet.. however i was looking at game boy advanced games and noticed the V-Rally 3 game for x-box. the pic on the cover is the S400.. it can be seen here
      i kinda like the light pods on this one and would love to make pods for my bit…. funny thing is that pic was taken on the same jump as the subie in the pic in the above post… the above post i believe was Mark Lovell’s subie it has the huge American Flag on the hood, He put the big flag on the hood after the sept 11 tragedy… and i think that the S400 is Ramana Lagemann’s subie.. they are really identical except for the names on the sides the numbers on the sides and the S300 or S400 license plate on the front of the car…

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #33259
      • Posts: 602

      The R32s, R33s and R34s are all 206.8Kw on any Magzines. Because in Japan, the maximum power of those cars only can up to 206Kw so Nissan only told everyone they are 206 but actully they have alot more than that. Just look at the figures, they beat most of the V8s. R34 can do 0-100 in 4.5sec. There is no way that 206Kw power will be able to push a 1560kg car that fast.

      Let’s do 1/4 Mile under 8 Seconds!!!

    • #33208
      • Posts: 2265

      nice photos spanky.

    • #33151
      • Posts: 2339
      The R32s, R33s and R34s are all 206.8Kw on any Magzines. Because in Japan, the maximum power of those cars only can up to 206Kw so Nissan only told everyone they are 206 but actully they have alot more than that. Just look at the figures, they beat most of the V8s. R34 can do 0-100 in 4.5sec. There is no way that 206Kw power will be able to push a 1560kg car that fast.

      Let’s do 1/4 Mile under 8 Seconds!!!

      Exactly right Leonli.. just like the supra.. rated as having 206.8kw where as the amrican supra has more around 249kw with identical specs to the Japanese one.

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #33043
      • Posts: 200

      I now want one of those minispeeders the most.. an orange lancer and a purple lancer, and a blue skyline and a titanium skyline…

      just i more week befor i go to start the rally… im getting kinda excited..

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #32971
      • Posts: 1124

      spanky, you should try colin mcrae 2 if you have a wheel for your pc:) I think you will like it. You should be able to pick the game up cheap on ebay or at r-shack, target, walmart? Don’t have an xbox, so I don’t know how good V-rally 3 is? I have a cm 2 and a ff wheel, and it is the most fun I have had on a rally sim:) Have fun at the rally, post a pic or two when you get them:shock:

      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #32966
      • Posts: 200

      why buy a game when you can do the real thing… lol i beat the poo outa my car. we take it in the sticks all the time. although ive never jumped this car. flying down coutry roads approaching the 100mph mark is quite exilirating… my civic i jumped once. it had a hard time approaching the 50mph mark on country roads.. anyway i hated that car and decided to destroy it… (big ass hammer…big ass telephone pole!…)

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #32885
      • Posts: 1124

      True spanky, true:( What car do you have (in real life) now that your honda is no more?

      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #32886
      • Posts: 200

      200SX SE-R.

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #32875
      • Posts: 1124


      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #39670
      • Posts: 200

      i must have that pearl orange nsx. i do think it would be cool if tomy would make some pickup trucks..

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #32847
      • Posts: 247

      i would like a pickup truck, something like a ford f150, or maybe an SUV like a Ford explorer or expedition

      you are currently at: http://www.ausmicro.com

    • #39275
      • Posts: 2339

      Spanky: SR20DET powered or the KA something or other?

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #32637
      • Posts: 200

      sr20de the removed the t here in the states… so shes only got 148hp. stock says 140 dyno says 148 go figure… the only turboed nissan in the states was the 300z. they have gone to superchargeers now for the trucks… which i believe use the ka engine..

      i believe that the only came in the 240sx. not sure on the hp of it but it was a rwd. mine is fwd. its not the fastest thing out there thats for sure. but it beats hondas and is fun…

      cool page on nissan engines

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #32626
      • Posts: 2339

      bastard about no T28…

      FWD. Really.
      yeah I guess beating civics owuldnt b 2 bad

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #32392
      • Posts: 1124

      Just finished painting one of my bb shells. Will post when pics are developed. Sorry still no digital camera:sad:

      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #32398
      • Posts: 200

      yea. all 200sx’s are fwd here. the 240sx is rear.

      although i understand that the 200sx that your farmillar with is what we call the 240sx.. 200sx’s in the states are basically a 2 door sentra. but if you got the SE-R model you got the sentra with the SR20DE motor 4 wheel disks fatter tires, a spoiler and what feels to me like stiffer suspension. but i could be wrong on that one…. no turbo, but still rated at 140 hp…

      yea beating civics is fun. its even fun to take an Acura Intgra once in a while.. but the best is the guy in the neon that has invested into an intake and exhaust and a suspension lowering kit… what a moron. he just took his 120hp car to 125hp.. now all it does is make noise. those are the fun ones to race.. i lose them when i hit 2nd gear. they are simmilar to the hondas, which have no torque.. all their power comes from a very high powerband. i have that same power pretty much all through 7250rpm’s… i think the civics max out at 6900 and the neons at 6300.. civic powerband is from somewhere in the neighborhood of 5000-6000, and the neon is about the same.. the sr20de band starts big time at about 4000-6500. eitherway i would love to get my hands on one of those new Mitsubushi EVO VIII’s or the WRX STI. which have both just been introduced to the states… i think both cary about 270hp…

      What colors did you paint your BB shells? how many? do you have?

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #32171
      • Posts: 2339

      ah ok understood.

      Your 200sx in the USA is a 180sx to us and ur 240sx is a 200sx to us lol

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #31996
      • Posts: 1124

      spanky, black and silver:) Took pics on my slr camera last night. Will scan and post when developed. Damn I need a digital camera:( I have two bb shells, both from clones, nice but missing the surf board:(

      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #31966
      • Posts: 200

      i want this 800hp monster!!

      i have more pics of it.. engine interior ect..

      but i wouldnt be opposed to a prodrive wrx either… i think the prodrives look a lot better…

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #31893
      • Posts: 1124


      What else can I say:)


      More pics please and thank-you.

      Impreza :smiley16:

    • #31908
      • Posts: 1321

      where did you find that WRX? 800hp is huge!

    • #31909
      • Posts: 1321

      where are the pics of the engine interioir etc?

    • #31912
      Avatar photoAaron
      • Posts: 2146
      Your 200sx in the USA is a 180sx to us and ur 240sx is a 200sx to us

      Just to correct you there Shypo, a 180SX is a RWD like the Silvia/200SX just an earlier model and different body style. A Sentra is more like the NX-Coupe we got here at the same time as the N14 series Pulsars (1992-1996 I think)…

      As for the slag about Neons – I have to say that mine was neither slow or crappy and could easily waste the euqivalent Pulsar SSS (140hp DOHC like the Sentra SE-R)…. I guess it’s all about doing the right mods and not wasting the extra power/torque through bolting on ricey rims 😉

      Moderator, Admin, and all that 🙂

      Site Owner Guy.

    • #31915
      • Posts: 2563

      You tell em aaron :p

      If life is a waste of time, and time is a waste of life, then let’s get wasted and have the time of our lives!!

    • #31926
      • Posts: 2339

      Aaron.. thats what I ment but you did it better than I did lol.
      I love my 180’s, Possibly gonna be my first car..1994 Black SR20DET 180 or
      1993 Green Sil80 Sr20DET.. kinda thrashed but cool none the less
      1994 WRX sedan.. EJ20 Turbo

      Dunno which yet. Gona have to save abit more cash if i want the sil80 or WRX

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

    • #31928
      Avatar photoAaron
      • Posts: 2146

      I would suggest avoiding Turbo until you’re well and truely used to car ownership… a NA Silvia isn’t a bad car for the bucks and with some we planned mods would move quite well without costing you mega bucks…

      Just my thoughts… You’ll get raped for insurance otherwise 😉

      Moderator, Admin, and all that 🙂

      Site Owner Guy.

    • #31934
      • Posts: 200

      your stock neon can beat a stock se-r? wow.

      now im getting confused.. sentra pulsars.. 180.. all different here and there.

      anyway this is a pic simmilar to what i have.. mine is white with stock wheels…

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #31936
      • Posts: 200

      pics are of the engine. and the rest of the exterior.. its the easy street motorsports world record holder…

      they were at the rally and had a display with all of their different modification packages.. the ESX, the ESX500 (500hp), and the ESX740 (800hp)

      Custom bodys: Ferari 250 GTO, 69 doge charger, Micro Cooper, Beemer 320i Turbo, Baha Beatle, New Beatle Rsi Porche 911
      email: custombitbodys@attbi.com
      website: http://custombitbodys.home.attbi.com

    • #31883
      • Posts: 1321

      that is awesome, thanks for the links spanky.

    • #39608
      • Posts: 1321

      check out this street legal 3000hp beast, wouldn’t go that quick on 1/4 mile though.


    • #39244
      • Posts: 2339

      Yeah i know insurance is gonna suck. i can drive a turbo car not 2 badly now. I can actually control it and keep the car on boost. ah the wonders of having mates with imports lol

      Go Fast, Be Free with Low CC

      Undisputed Post Pimp

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